Thursday, 22 August 2013

Benefits of avocado

Benefits of avocado
Benefits of avocado for intelegency
Benefits of avocado
Including special avocado fruit because it contains more than 20 times more than the fruit - another. The fat content, can provide enough energy for consumption. Types of fat contained in avocado is unsaturated lemk, which is easily digested by the body. And very useful for the human body. Energy generated by the avocado is high enough. Avocados have a savory, delicious and not bitter.

 Nutrient content in avocado fruit as follows:
1. 85.00 cal Calories
2. Protein 0.90 g
3. 6.50 g fat
4. Carbohydrates 7.70 g
5. Calcium (Ca) 10.00 mg
6. Phosphorus (P) 20.00 mg
7. Iron (Fe) 0.90 mg
8. Vitamin A 180.00 S.I.
9. Vitamin B1 0.05 mg
10. Vitamin C 13.00 mg
11. Water 84.30 mg
12. Fiber 1.40 g

Benefits of avocadoBenefits of avocadoIn addition to high-fat, avocados are also rich in mineral content that is useful to regulate body functions and Help growth. Iron and copper are contained in avocados help the regeneration of the formation of red blood cells and prevent anemia. While fiber aids in digestion so smoothly.
It was concluded that the benefits of avocado as follows:

•Preventing the risk of stroke in Folic Acid Content of Avocado Fruit potentially prevent the risk of stroke. The way is by eating an avocado a day on a regular basis.
• The content of free radicals Vitamin E, C atupun will menagkal flavonoids free radicals. While free radicals penyakt go round the main cause of cancer. Consumption only setip day.
• Maintain eye health content of vitamin A in avocado plays a role in protecting the eyes from cataracts and macular degeneration.
• Maintain a healthy heart high folic acid content will keep the heart healthy. One cup of avocado contains about 23% of the total folic acid that the body needs.
• Cure for Pain Maag If terkan mild heartburn eating avocado seed extract. Because this fruit can mengoabati ulcer disease that attacks you.
• Prevent prostate cancer. Compounds in avocados are able to seek out cancer cells and then destroy newly arising cells without damaging other health.
• Helps Lower Cholesterol. The content of beta-sitosterol which is quite high, this compound has been proven to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels.

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