Soursop leaves contain several compounds such as acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, annohexocin, annonacin, annomuricin, anomurine, anonol, caclourine, gentisic acid, gigantetronin, linoleic acid, muricapentocin. which can maintain health through improving the immune system. The following are some of the content in soursop fruit can be beneficial to the health of our bodies:
1. Water
Soursop fruit can prevent dehydration, as in 1 cup ripe soursop fruit, contained water 183gr. Usually every person requires 8-9 glasses of water per day, to meet these needs, we can also consume fruits with high water content and one soursop.
2. Vitamin C
On average, every person needs vitamin C intake of 60 mg, or 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women. So by consuming 300 grams of soursop, we've been able to suit the needs of vitamin C daily. Because in 100 grams of meat soursop fruit contains about 20 mg of vitamin C.
3. Potassium
In soursop fruit also contains potassium that are beneficial to the body such that it can prevent stroke, prevent disruption in the muscles, keeping blood sugar levels under normal circumstances, maintaining brain function and many others.
4. Fiber
Did you know, soursop fruit contains a lot of fiber which of course can be beneficial for our bodies, one of which is to maintain a healthy digestive system of the body, keeping the body's cholesterol kdar stability, can control appetite and weight control.
5. Phosphorus and Calcium
In 100 grams of meat soursop fruit also contains phosphorus as much as 27 mg and 14 mg of calcium. Where both are needed by the body, to prevent osteoporosis through the formation of healthy bones and strong.
6. Fat
Soursop fruit contains less fat, so it is good for your health. Soursop fruit also contain non-volatile organic acids, particularly malic acid, citric acid, and the acid isositrat (which makes the fruit has a sour taste).
7. Carbohydrates
As we have seen, that the body's main source of energy is carbohydrates. While in the soursop fruit cankir contained - + 38 grams of carbohydrates, and in one day the human body needs about 225 to 325 grams of carbs / day. You should know that carbohydrates derived from it the fruit is much healthier than that derived from other foods which of course can raise blood sugar levels.
Efficacy of soursop leaf is already no doubt, much research has been done on this plant, which is one done in the land of Korean ginseng. From these studies, concluded that one of the benefits of soursop leaves that can prevent and treat various cancers. Chemical compounds called acetogenins contained in soursop leaves a selective role in killing cancer cells and 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. Terrible is not it? The actual results of the research already exists and is stored for many years the, but for some reason, not much to know. If everyone knows this important information, probably there will be a lot of cancer patients who could be helped without having always to perform the operation. (source:
How to Make Water Soursop Leaf Stew
To make the tea leaves of the soursop, is easy enough. Maybe that makes difficult the material, because today is the soursop leaves more difficult to obtain. Here's how to make soursop leaves boiled water:
Take 10-15 soursop leaves of old / dark green
Soursop leaves sliced into small pieces / or can be pulverized
then the leaves boiled in two cups of water
wait until the water is boiling and the only remaining one cup
after that, you drink the rambuan twice a day (morning and evening)
do until you heal gout. But you also can consume soursop leaves boiled water once a day as a precautionary measure.
Efficacy Soursop Leaf for Health
Here are some benefits of soursop leaves are interesting to be discussed:
1. Benefits of Soursop Leaves For Uric Acid
For those patients with gout you can try to treat your gout with soursop leaf is by consuming herbs soursop leaves boiled water on a regular basis.
2. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Diabetes
Did you know, diabetes belongs to one of the most deadly diseases suffered by many Indonesian people. Many people who perform a variety of treatment to cure, ranging from traditional treatment methods of operation that led to the amputation, horrified hiii also yes! However, who would have thought, was a diabetic, you can also try to treat diabetes using soursop leaves. Yep exactly once, it can happen, because soursop leaves can control blood sugar levels. There have been many who prove and helped to recover from the disease mematik. However, due to relatively traditional methods, to see the results, required patience.
Soursop fruit can prevent dehydration, as in 1 cup ripe soursop fruit, contained water 183gr. Usually every person requires 8-9 glasses of water per day, to meet these needs, we can also consume fruits with high water content and one soursop.
2. Vitamin C
On average, every person needs vitamin C intake of 60 mg, or 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women. So by consuming 300 grams of soursop, we've been able to suit the needs of vitamin C daily. Because in 100 grams of meat soursop fruit contains about 20 mg of vitamin C.
3. Potassium
In soursop fruit also contains potassium that are beneficial to the body such that it can prevent stroke, prevent disruption in the muscles, keeping blood sugar levels under normal circumstances, maintaining brain function and many others.
4. Fiber
Did you know, soursop fruit contains a lot of fiber which of course can be beneficial for our bodies, one of which is to maintain a healthy digestive system of the body, keeping the body's cholesterol kdar stability, can control appetite and weight control.
5. Phosphorus and Calcium
In 100 grams of meat soursop fruit also contains phosphorus as much as 27 mg and 14 mg of calcium. Where both are needed by the body, to prevent osteoporosis through the formation of healthy bones and strong.
6. Fat
Soursop fruit contains less fat, so it is good for your health. Soursop fruit also contain non-volatile organic acids, particularly malic acid, citric acid, and the acid isositrat (which makes the fruit has a sour taste).
7. Carbohydrates
As we have seen, that the body's main source of energy is carbohydrates. While in the soursop fruit cankir contained - + 38 grams of carbohydrates, and in one day the human body needs about 225 to 325 grams of carbs / day. You should know that carbohydrates derived from it the fruit is much healthier than that derived from other foods which of course can raise blood sugar levels.
Efficacy of soursop leaf is already no doubt, much research has been done on this plant, which is one done in the land of Korean ginseng. From these studies, concluded that one of the benefits of soursop leaves that can prevent and treat various cancers. Chemical compounds called acetogenins contained in soursop leaves a selective role in killing cancer cells and 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. Terrible is not it? The actual results of the research already exists and is stored for many years the, but for some reason, not much to know. If everyone knows this important information, probably there will be a lot of cancer patients who could be helped without having always to perform the operation. (source:
How to Make Water Soursop Leaf Stew
To make the tea leaves of the soursop, is easy enough. Maybe that makes difficult the material, because today is the soursop leaves more difficult to obtain. Here's how to make soursop leaves boiled water:
Take 10-15 soursop leaves of old / dark green
Soursop leaves sliced into small pieces / or can be pulverized
then the leaves boiled in two cups of water
wait until the water is boiling and the only remaining one cup
after that, you drink the rambuan twice a day (morning and evening)
do until you heal gout. But you also can consume soursop leaves boiled water once a day as a precautionary measure.
Efficacy Soursop Leaf for Health
Here are some benefits of soursop leaves are interesting to be discussed:
1. Benefits of Soursop Leaves For Uric Acid
For those patients with gout you can try to treat your gout with soursop leaf is by consuming herbs soursop leaves boiled water on a regular basis.
2. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Diabetes
Did you know, diabetes belongs to one of the most deadly diseases suffered by many Indonesian people. Many people who perform a variety of treatment to cure, ranging from traditional treatment methods of operation that led to the amputation, horrified hiii also yes! However, who would have thought, was a diabetic, you can also try to treat diabetes using soursop leaves. Yep exactly once, it can happen, because soursop leaves can control blood sugar levels. There have been many who prove and helped to recover from the disease mematik. However, due to relatively traditional methods, to see the results, required patience.
3. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for ovarian cysts
Acetogenins on soursop leaves are not only efficacious to treat cancer, but it also can treat female diseases such as ovarian cysts. The trick is not much different from the ways that have been described above.
4. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Hemorrhoids / ambient
The content of acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, annohexocin, annonacin, annomuricin, anomurine, anonol, caclourine, gentisic acid, gigantetronin, linoleic acid, muricapentocin on soursop leaves contribute to improve the immune system and maintain a healthy body including ambient or to treat hemorrhoids.
5. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Diet
Did you know, boiled water / soursop leaf tea can help you in running a diet program. Due to consume soursop leaves, your hunger can be reduced. On day 1 consume soursop leaves boiled water, your body will be easy to feel thirsty and hungry, but diseases such as aches, tiredness so lost. On day 2, the hunger it will return to normal even reduced. While the days that followed, even if you feel hungry, but your appetite will be slightly berkuang.
6. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Cholesterol
Cholesterol is important for the body, as long as the normal level, but the fact that even if the excess will lead to serious illnesses such as diabates etc. Well, for those of you who suffer from diseases caused by excess cholesterol (diabetes), you can try to get used to consume soursop leaf tea regularly.
7. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Cancer
Latest mentions that soursop leaves contain compounds that have potent power 10 thousand times better than chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer, the compound is acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, gentisit acid, acid and caclourin lonoleat. Based on the research, these compounds are important compounds commonly used in the medical world as a cure various diseases, especially diseases such as cancer, breast cancer, prostate, pancreas, and lungs etc.
8. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Liver Disease
Use of soursop leaf is also good for treating liver disease, try to drink water during the day only soursop leaves. Because acetogenins soursop leaves contain compounds that function as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, effective against various types of parasites or worms cause liver.
9. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for ashma
For those of you who suffer from asthma or shortness of breath, you can try to regularly consume soursop leaves boiled water every morning, or it could be 2 times a day ie morning and at night before bed. Perform this step until you ashma completely healed.
10. How to Eliminate Boils with Soursop Leaf
Bisulah is one type of skin disorder in the form of lumps, in worse cases, these ulcers can also be pus discharge. In addition, a boil can also disrupt your daily activities, because it is sick. Now, to overcome a boil, we can use the soursop leaves, how easy:
Take 7-10 leaves of soursop (or to taste)
Rinse, then mash until smooth
Clean the skin are no boil with warm water
After that soursop leaf paste that has been pounded earlier in any part of the existing skin boil. Wait until dry, then wash with water.
11. Soursop Leaf can Treating Arthritis
Other benefits of soursop leaves that can treat rheumatism. Do the same with other diseases pengbatan way already described above, that is by regularly consuming soursop leaf tea 2 times a day until completely cured rheumatism.
12. Soursop Leaf can Improve the immune system
Cosuming soursop leaves boiled water can also improve the immune system or the human immune system. Thus our body becomes more resistant to various diseases, especially diseases caused by viruses.
13 Soursop Leaf Tea to Treat Back Pain
Allowing myself to always routine soursop leaf tea can also help us to avoid back pain. It has been believed to be hereditary, especially by the people who live in the countryside.
14. Treating bladder pain
As explained above, that the soursop leaves contain some anti-bacterial compounds. Antibacterial compounds contained in the soursop leaves are also able to maintain bladder health if we consume on a regular basis eg 2 times a day or 1 time a day.
15. Treating diarrhea in Infants
For those parents, especially first became a parent, would have felt very anxious when your baby has diarrhea. But it turns out you do not need to worry too much, you can try an alternative way beriktu this:
Take a ripe soursop fruit taste
then take the meat then squeeze
give your baby juice soursop leaves as much as 2-3 tablespoons
Benefits of soursop leaves for beauty
In addition to physical health, soursop leaves can also be useful for the beauty, the following detailed information:
16. Maintain Skin Firmness
Believe it or not, routinely consume soursop leaves boiled water can also take care of and maintain kekecandangan your skin and prevent premature aging.
17. Eliminate Acne
A few weeks ago I already wrote a post about how to cure acne naturally. Another way to treat acne is by using soursop leaves. Same way with a way to treat a boil.
Other benefits of soursop leaves:
Help merileksasi muscle.
Inhibit tumor growth.
Inhibit the gene mutation.
Inhibit the growth of bad bacteria.
Reduce stress.
Strengthens the nerves.
Heart healthy.
Relieves pain.
Can be used as an anti-seizure medication.
Helps dilate blood vessels.
Reduce fever.
Able to suppress inflammation.
Increasing milk production in lactating pregnant women.
Thus an article on 30 Benefits of Soursop Leaves For Health and Beauty which hopefully can be useful for your particular reader. If there is a mistake or lack of information, please let us know using the comment section below, thank you.
Acetogenins on soursop leaves are not only efficacious to treat cancer, but it also can treat female diseases such as ovarian cysts. The trick is not much different from the ways that have been described above.
4. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Hemorrhoids / ambient
The content of acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, annohexocin, annonacin, annomuricin, anomurine, anonol, caclourine, gentisic acid, gigantetronin, linoleic acid, muricapentocin on soursop leaves contribute to improve the immune system and maintain a healthy body including ambient or to treat hemorrhoids.
5. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Diet
Did you know, boiled water / soursop leaf tea can help you in running a diet program. Due to consume soursop leaves, your hunger can be reduced. On day 1 consume soursop leaves boiled water, your body will be easy to feel thirsty and hungry, but diseases such as aches, tiredness so lost. On day 2, the hunger it will return to normal even reduced. While the days that followed, even if you feel hungry, but your appetite will be slightly berkuang.
6. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Cholesterol
Cholesterol is important for the body, as long as the normal level, but the fact that even if the excess will lead to serious illnesses such as diabates etc. Well, for those of you who suffer from diseases caused by excess cholesterol (diabetes), you can try to get used to consume soursop leaf tea regularly.
7. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Cancer
Latest mentions that soursop leaves contain compounds that have potent power 10 thousand times better than chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer, the compound is acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, gentisit acid, acid and caclourin lonoleat. Based on the research, these compounds are important compounds commonly used in the medical world as a cure various diseases, especially diseases such as cancer, breast cancer, prostate, pancreas, and lungs etc.
8. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Liver Disease
Use of soursop leaf is also good for treating liver disease, try to drink water during the day only soursop leaves. Because acetogenins soursop leaves contain compounds that function as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, effective against various types of parasites or worms cause liver.
9. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for ashma
For those of you who suffer from asthma or shortness of breath, you can try to regularly consume soursop leaves boiled water every morning, or it could be 2 times a day ie morning and at night before bed. Perform this step until you ashma completely healed.
10. How to Eliminate Boils with Soursop Leaf
Bisulah is one type of skin disorder in the form of lumps, in worse cases, these ulcers can also be pus discharge. In addition, a boil can also disrupt your daily activities, because it is sick. Now, to overcome a boil, we can use the soursop leaves, how easy:
Take 7-10 leaves of soursop (or to taste)
Rinse, then mash until smooth
Clean the skin are no boil with warm water
After that soursop leaf paste that has been pounded earlier in any part of the existing skin boil. Wait until dry, then wash with water.
11. Soursop Leaf can Treating Arthritis
Other benefits of soursop leaves that can treat rheumatism. Do the same with other diseases pengbatan way already described above, that is by regularly consuming soursop leaf tea 2 times a day until completely cured rheumatism.
12. Soursop Leaf can Improve the immune system
Cosuming soursop leaves boiled water can also improve the immune system or the human immune system. Thus our body becomes more resistant to various diseases, especially diseases caused by viruses.
13 Soursop Leaf Tea to Treat Back Pain
Allowing myself to always routine soursop leaf tea can also help us to avoid back pain. It has been believed to be hereditary, especially by the people who live in the countryside.
14. Treating bladder pain
As explained above, that the soursop leaves contain some anti-bacterial compounds. Antibacterial compounds contained in the soursop leaves are also able to maintain bladder health if we consume on a regular basis eg 2 times a day or 1 time a day.
15. Treating diarrhea in Infants
For those parents, especially first became a parent, would have felt very anxious when your baby has diarrhea. But it turns out you do not need to worry too much, you can try an alternative way beriktu this:
Take a ripe soursop fruit taste
then take the meat then squeeze
give your baby juice soursop leaves as much as 2-3 tablespoons
Benefits of soursop leaves for beauty
In addition to physical health, soursop leaves can also be useful for the beauty, the following detailed information:
16. Maintain Skin Firmness
Believe it or not, routinely consume soursop leaves boiled water can also take care of and maintain kekecandangan your skin and prevent premature aging.
17. Eliminate Acne
A few weeks ago I already wrote a post about how to cure acne naturally. Another way to treat acne is by using soursop leaves. Same way with a way to treat a boil.
Other benefits of soursop leaves:
Help merileksasi muscle.
Inhibit tumor growth.
Inhibit the gene mutation.
Inhibit the growth of bad bacteria.
Reduce stress.
Strengthens the nerves.
Heart healthy.
Relieves pain.
Can be used as an anti-seizure medication.
Helps dilate blood vessels.
Reduce fever.
Able to suppress inflammation.
Increasing milk production in lactating pregnant women.
Thus an article on 30 Benefits of Soursop Leaves For Health and Beauty which hopefully can be useful for your particular reader. If there is a mistake or lack of information, please let us know using the comment section below, thank you.
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