Sunday, 22 February 2015

masks Apples Oily Skin

Some Tips to Make Natural Mask for Oily Skin

masks Apples

Apples have anti-fat content and is able to lift lkotoran and fat on the face.
The trick
- Siapka 1 apple and cut into sections and do not forget to prepare as well as honey
- Blender apples until soft
- Add the honey on the results of earlier blenderan and stir until blended
- Put the apples and honey earlier into the refrigerator let stand for 15 minutes
- If you already remember not diminun ok. But wear a mask like you try to apply it with a brush
- After that, allow a few minutes.
- After 30 minutes or so, rinse with warm aor then rinse again with cold water
- Do it once a week with a routine

next articel

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