Sunday, 19 January 2014

Kiwi Fruit Benefits for Pregnant Women

Kiwi Fruit Benefits for Pregnant Women
Kiwi fruit is a fruit that is similar to the Berries with cultivar group , which is a wooden vine Actinidia deliciosa and hybrids , this fruit comes from China Shaanxi precisely in the area , this one fruit Normally Oval shaped like a chicken egg , of course you are 've seen the fruit that will be very familiar with this one because keunikanya , this fruit also has a lot of fiber which is useful for the body , therefore , on this occasion we tried to discuss the Benefits of Kiwi fruit , Kiwi fruit Leather Green colored brown while the meat in Green colored it bright and colored black for small seeds in it that can be eaten .
Benefits of Kiwi Fruit
Benefits of Kiwi Fruit
 For Pregnant Mothers who are , of course, requires more nutrition than I normally would this for the Purposes of the child later in order to grow healthy , well one to meet the Nutrition adaah this Kiwi fruit , kiwi fruit How how to use this for pregnant women , for which the tau let us refer to the following articles of this Kiwi Fruit Benefits .

Illustration Kiwifruit
Illustration Kiwifruit
1 . Maintaining healthy kiwifruit nerve fetus
Kiwi fruit is a nutrient -rich food for pregnant mothers because of the high content of folic acids . The benefits of eating kiwi fruit during pregnancy is to avoid birth defects in a state of nerves , namely the development of the brain and nerves are not perfect as much as 70 % .

Some neurological disability that often occurs when a baby is born is spina bifida , neural tunjang cover and incomplete spinal column . Efficacy of kiwi fruit for pregnant women to reduce the risk of neural defects as above .

2 . Preventing the emergence of kiwifruit cataracts
The content of lutein in kiwifruit compounds useful for pregnant women because it can help prevent cataracts . Common eye health problems in women who are pregnant baby . Eating fruits that are rich in nutrients and nutrition are the best and most secure solution to stay healthy during pregnancy .

3 . Keep kiwifruit ideal weight remains
One more benefit of kiwi fruit for pregnant women that keep the body weight remains balanced so as not obese . The content of soluble fiber in the kiwi is very good for digestive health and prevent flatulence when pregnant

4 . Kiwifruit Reduce the risk of stroke in pregnancy
From the research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) stroke in a pregnant woman have increased from year to year . The disease is experienced by many pregnant mothers with obesity , high blood pressure and heart disease .

Kiwi fruit health benefits for pregnant women that prevents blockage of the blood vessels with the help of natural antioxidants such as polyphenols . And the effect , strokes and heart attacks went away .

Well So after we read the article Benefits of our new Kiwi fruit one know if this has the benefit of very much at all , if you find this article useful please say you share this article to your friends all through social media such as Facebook and also the others , I'll see you in the next article in this blog Fruit Benefits

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Benefits and Efficacy of Duku Fruit For Humans

Benefits and Efficacy of Duku Fruit For Humans
Duku fruit is a fruit that comes from Southeast Asia west part , this Duku fruit has a lot more variety as Langsat , kokosan , pisitan , celoring and others , this fruit is a fruit Meliaceae tribe . Many people believe if this fruit is a fruit that has content that is bitter when eaten , Obviously if the seeds of the fruit is bitten duku it will feel bitter . But who thought Turns This fruit has useful benefits for humans therefore we will try Duku Sharing the benefits of this fruit .
Benefits of Fruit Duku
Benefits of Fruit Duku
This fruit has a very useful benefits for humans , but not many people take advantage of this Duku fruit , therefore, on this occasion of the blog we will try to share the benefits of fruit on the Efficacy of Duku Fruit . let us see just below.
  Illustration Fruit Duku

Illustration Fruit Duku

Duku Fruit Benefits For Humans
Streamlining the digestive system . Because Duku fruit contains dietary fiber or high fiber , making it useful for improving the digestive system , preventing colon cancer and rid the body of cancer-causing free radicals . For the calorie content , minerals and iron duku level higher than apples or sweet orange .
As Drugs Worms , lowers fever , as well as help reduce diarrhea .
The trick : take Duku fruit seeds , then mash until smooth then mix with a little water . Drinking in moderation as needed . after that we drink , once a day , once a quarter cup Minun .
Strengthen teeth . Because fruit contains phosphorus duku good for the teeth .
Treat venomous insect bites poisonous insect bites , malaria , and dysentery medicine . How: Take the bark flour Duku fruit , is the bark flour Duku is a kind of white powder that is usually attached skin taken duku.Setelah fruit wood flour and rub the bark of fruit duku our body gets bitten or stung by a scorpion .
Some people also believe , Duku tree parasite can treat and eradicate cancer cells
To Expel Mosquito . His skin used to repel mosquitoes with dried and then burned .
There is no more reason for us to waste fruit on this one , because we already know the Benefits Of Fruit Duku , well if you think we in this article then do not forget to share this article to your friends through social media such as Facebok , twitter and Google Plus so that the article is more useful for many people , thank you .

Friday, 17 January 2014

Sapodilla Fruit Benefits for Health

Sapodilla Fruit Benefits for Health
If you are Indonesian People , of course, you would know this one fruit , Sapodilla Fruit Yup that have a Latin name besides Achras sapota fruit that many enjoy doing this turns out to have content that is good enough for Growing Human health and treatment , so this time we will trying to share the Efficacy and Health Benefits for sapodilla fruit , fruit Consumption usually brown while still fresh and usually also sapodilla fruit is often made ​​as a complement to ice fruit, it tastes delicious and makes us always want to taste and try continuously.

Illustration Sapodilla Fruit
 Sapodilla fruit contains such useful for the treatment of diarrhea , inflammation of mouth and also Dysentery , Well for Tau as where with Diarrhoea treatment method Sapodilla fruit is then please just look at the tips and info that will we bagiakan below .

Illustration Sapodilla Fruit
Sapodilla Fruit Benefits For Diarrhea Drug
Take 15 drops of sap from the sapodilla fruit is still young , and brewed with half a glass of hot water and drink as well as a cold or warm .
The second way is a young sapodilla fruit washed thoroughly , then grated , squeezed and filtered . If necessary , add a little boiled water . Furthermore drunk , 2 times a day .
Sapodilla Fruit For Drug Efficacy Dysentery
Take eight young sapodilla fruit , wash clean . Chew - chew fine with salt to taste . Little by little swallow , then drink warm water . Apply 2 times a day until healed .

Sapodilla Fruit Benefits For Oral Inflammation
Take one cup of brown leaves and chopped and boiled with 2 cups water , for 10 minutes . Mix the boiled water to rinse .

There are so many benefits of fruits that actually is all around us , kitanya are not so maximize the range of benefits that nature is all around us , Now with the presence of this blog we hope you can further maximize the benefits of the longer variety of plants around .

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Benefits of Fruit And Efficacy Kedondong

Benefits of Fruit And Efficacy Kedondong
Kedondong tree Spondias Dulcis have a Latin name is a large plant that has a tree can reach 20 meters , and can usually be encountered in soil plains and also in tropical climates such as Indonesia, fortunately we are now living in Indonesia with various kind of plants there . Kedondong fruit flavors Acid has this much Olah Sweet be candied or Rojak , but who would have turned out Fruit kedondong or Dondong has content that is useful for the health of the body , therefore I will share about the Benefits and Efficacy Kedondong Fruit for body health .

This fruit has an element that kedondong fruit sugar in the form of sucrose useful as an addition to the body's energy and vitality . So is the fiber content and the water is high enough beneficial for digestion and prevent dehydration . Like you who are eager to try out or finding out what exactly the benefits contained in this Kendong fruit .

Benefits Fruit Kedondong For Cough Medicine
Prepare 3 pieces kedondong then wash thoroughly.
After the grated fruit kedondong to complete.
Without the added water and squeeze the water give a little salt . Ready to drink 2x a day .
Benefits Kedondong For Stomach Pain And Diarrhea Drug
Use ± 15 grams bark kedondong still fresh and wash thoroughly .
Once washed and cut into small pieces ,
Boil 2 cups of water for 15 minutes .
After the cold boiled water immediately filtered , and filtered water can be drunk 2x a day .
If you have any fruit in place kedondong hopefully with the article The Benefits And Efficacy Kedondong fruit can be more useful for the future , We are from the blog Natural Fruit Benefits bida hope this article usefull for the people of Indonesia in particular , got here first this article , we continued next time , thank you .

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Benefits of Fruit And Efficacy Bengkoang

Benefits of Fruit And Efficacy Bengkoang - Talking about fruit Of course this one to your Indonesian society , will be very familiar with the fruit that has a taste and flavorful Typical Typical yam . Talking about fruit yup this one will certainly reminiscent of the childhood which previously always tasted the fruit of this one , but who would have thought Beneath this simple fruit Turns has so many benefits for our health , Well how where would you be interested to read articles Efficacy Fruit Benefits And Health Bengkoang For this , If Yes Let's move on .

Benefits of yam
fruit Bengkoang

Bengkoang have enough Vitamin C content of many of around 40 % , As we all know Vitamin C is a vitamin that is very useful for immunity that can keep us from all kinds of diseases , In addition , vitamin C also has an important role in the formation of collagen , which is a protein compound that aids in cell growth and blood vessel so that it can be a source of natural antioxidants that can help prevent free radicals in the body .
In addition to vitamin C , it also contains quite a lot bengkoang Vitamin B1 which has the benefit of preventing the disease beriberi . Benefits bengkoang the other is for the prevention of dehydration because it contains quite a lot of water . Another fact of yam that is surprising is its ability to prevent heart disease and stroke .
Turns yam also contains phytoestrogens which are very useful for menopausal women . Fairly high fiber content in fruit jicama can prevent us from digestive health problems such as constipation or constipation and colon cancer . Then last bengkoang for health benefits is that it can assist the body in lowering glucose levels . Thus eating a yam can keep us from the risk of diabetes .
And for those of you who are on a diet eating yam can also help you lose weight

Really Rich Benefits of this one for health for humans , then it is true if we take advantage of natural as well as possible then we will get good results anyway .
Well as where . ? now you know the benefits of fruit Bengkoang not this , then you are living for now utilize Optimal or not , and I hope the article as well as blog this Fruit Benefits of Plants and Beneficial to all of the readers , may your days be passed well , Bye in the next article .

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Benefits of Fish Meat Cork

Benefits and content of catfish . Catfish commonly found in lakes , swamps , rivers , and waterways up to the paddy fields. These fish prey on a variety of small fish , insects , and a variety of other aquatic animals , including tadpoles and frogs .

Often fish cork brought flooding to the trenches around the house , or into the maintenance of fish ponds and become pests that prey on pet fish there . If the rice fields , pond or ditch dries up , the fish will seek to move to another place , or if unavoidable , will bury themselves in the mud to place it back watery . Therefore, these fish often encountered ' walk' on land , especially at night in the dry season , look elsewhere still runny . This phenomenon is because the cork has the ability to breathe directly from the air , using a kind of labyrinth organ ( such as catfish or damselfish ) but more primitive .

In the breeding season , male and female fish cooperated in preparing the nest between plants near the water's edge . Children fish red orange black stripes , swim in groups working together to and fro in search of food . This young group unattended by a parent .

Benefits of Fish Meat Cork

Catfish very rich albumin , a type of protein that accelerates postoperative healing and childbirth . This substance also helps the child's growth and weight gain of people with HIV / AIDS ( PLWHA ) .

Out of postoperative hospital , such as after childbirth , a phase which is quite critical because patients had to fight for his recovery . We often hear the prohibition of certain foods . The information sometimes makes sense , but often create confusion because opposite to each other .

In general, there is actually no eating restrictions for patients postoperatively , except when suffering from allergies or get a special message from the doctor . After intestinal surgery , for example , certainly we should not eat foods that are difficult to digest . In contrast , postoperative childbirth , eating a lot is a solution to speed up the healing process , especially foods rich in protein , vitamins , and minerals .

Nutrients are needed to help the body perform postoperative healing process , namely repairing cells and tissues . Quality of nutrients is also necessary to strengthen immunity ( immune system ) to prevent the body susceptible to disease .

One food that is highly recommended for postoperative consumption is catfish . Catfish sold in traditional markets and modern , generally in the form of dried salted . Therefore , better known as the cork fish anchovies prestigious .


Judging from its nutrient content , cork fish no less than other freshwater fish are quite popular , such as carp and milkfish . Other fish , catfish advantage is quite high protein content . The protein content per 100 grams of fish cork milkfish equivalent , but higher when compared with catfish and carp that often we consume .

Sablefish fish protein content higher than food that has been known as a source of protein such as eggs , chicken , and beef . The protein content per 100 grams of eggs 12.8 grams ; 18.2 grams of chicken meat , and 18.8 grams of beef . Value of fish protein digestibility was also very good , reaching more than 90 percent .

In addition , cork fish collagen protein was also lower than the flesh of cattle , which ranges from 3-5 percent of the total protein . The thing that causes cork texture of fish meat is more tender than chicken or beef .

Lack of collagen causes the cork fish meat is easier to digest infant , lanjutt age group , and also those who are recovering from illness . Infants require a higher protein intake , but do not yet have a perfect digestive tract .

The advantages of cork other fish protein is rich in albumin , a type of protein most ( 60 percent ) in human blood plasma . The primary role of albumin in the body is very important, which helps the formation of new tissue .

Without albumin ; cells in the body will be difficult to regenerate , so the dead and not growing fast . Albumin is what also plays an important role in the wound healing process .

In the medical sciences , albumin commonly used to speed up the recovery of the divided body tissue , such as surgery or surgery . That is why patients are highly recommended postoperative eating fish cork , hoping to help the healing process in the body .

A study conducted by Prof. . DR . Dr. . Nurpudji A. Taslim from Hasanuddin University , Makassar , showed albumin levels in patients Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Makassar , South Sulawesi , increasing sharply after eating fish a few times cork . It accelerates the patient's health .

A similar study was also conducted at the General Hospital surgeon Dr . Saiful Anwar Malang . The results of these trials showed administration of 2 kg of fish every day to cook cork postoperative patients can improve from low levels of albumin ( 1.8 g / dl ) to be normal .

Research conducted at the University of Hasanuddin also showed the extract cork fish for 10-14 days can increase blood albumin levels of 0.6-0.8 g / dl . The PLWHA ( people living with HIV / AIDS ) who were given extracts of catfish on a regular basis , can increase levels of albumin in the blood , so the weight will go up slowly .

In addition to helping the formation of new tissue , albumin in the blood also serves to regulate the water balance in the cells , provide nutrients inside cells and helps remove waste products . Albumin also serves to maintain the setting of fluid in the body .

The high content of albumin from fish extract cork makes these fish started receiving hospital to be given to patients postoperatively , the serum albumin instead of imports , which is very expensive .

A study conducted by Prof. . Dr. . Ir . Eddy Suprayitno , MS , from the University of Brawijaya , Malang , has proven the ability of fish extracts albumin serum albumin cork to replace imports .

Price serum albumin imports reach millions of dollars per 10 millimeters . In fact , in a single operation takes at least 30 millimeters . The use of extracts of catfish is expected to reduce operating costs during the surgery which is known to be very expensive .

Making fish extract cork in a simple way , can be done at home . For those who can not eat a heavy meal , fish cork can boil until all the juice out . Fish extract is then filtered and consumed as drinking water . In order not smell fishy , fish broth extract the cork can also be mixed with lime .

Catfish can be processed in various ways . South Sulawesi and Papua ordinary cork processing fish into spicy sour soup , while the Javanese and Sundanese community by frying process . Banjarmasin community used to use cork to make fish crackers . Another variation that can be done is in the form of shredded or disantan like snapper . For infants , the fish can dipipil cork and rice served as a team .

Catfish should be served with boiled , steamed , or made ​​soup . Fried or grilled catfish is more enjoyable , but the nutritional value drops . In addition , frying is usually done with the excess oil , thus increasing the levels of fat in fish .

In fact , cork fish including healthy foods and safe for consumption because of the fat and cholesterol levels are still below average. Another danger lurking from grilled fish and fries are carcinogenic toxins that can damage the health of the body .

As with other freshwater fish , catfish one drawback is having smelly mud . However , it is not a reason not to eat them remember the benefits are tremendous . To work around this , catfish can be washed with lime water . It could also be boiled first with various spices , such as turmeric or lemon juice , and then processed according to taste .

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Benefits and content of tuna fish

Benefits and content of tuna fish . Position Indonesian waters located between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific are crossing points tuna in the tuna long-distance odyssey composed of various types , among others mandidihang / yellowfin ( Thunnus albacores ) , large eyes ( Thunus obesus ) , gray ( Thunus tonggol ) , Albakora ( Thunus alalunga ) and bluefin ( Thunus thynnus ) .
Until now still produced from tuna fishing activities , is not the result of cultivation . The success of fishing operations is determined by the skill of recognizing patterns of behavior are related to the tuna fish eating habits , water temperature , water flow , and mating season .

Rich in Omega - 3
The nutritional value is very good tuna , omega - 3 make it a thousand and one tuna have health benefits for the body . However , it must be supported by the selection , processing , and storage of good tuna . Fresh tuna should be stored in the fridge ( if it will be used ) or frozen ( if you want to keep for some time ) . Judging from nutritional composition , nutritional value tuna has extraordinary . Protein levels in tuna nearly twice the levels of the protein in eggs is known as the primary protein source . The protein content per 100 grams of tuna fish and eggs , respectively 22 g and 13 g .

As one commodity sea , tuna fish are also rich in omega - 3 fatty acids . The content of omega - 3 in fish is sea water , such as tuna , is 28 times more than freshwater fish . Comparison between the levels of omega - 3 fish tuna with other types can be seen in Table 2 . Omega - 3 can lower blood cholesterol levels and inhibiting the process of atherosclerosis ( clogged arteries) . 30 grams a day of fish consumption may reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 50 percent . Omega-3 fatty acids also play an important role for the growth and development of nerve cells , including brain cells , so as to improve intelligence , especially in children who are undergoing the process of growth and development .

Mineral sources
Tuna fish is also rich in essential minerals that are essential for the body . The content of iodine in tuna reach 28 times the content of iodine in freshwater fish . Iodine is an important role to prevent mumps and improve the intelligence of children . In addition , tuna fish are also rich in selenium . Consumption of 100 grams of tuna enough to meet the body's need for 52.9 percent of selenium . Selenium has an important role in the body , which activates the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase . This enzyme may protect the body against free radicals cause various types of cancer .

Seen from comparison of potassium and sodium , tuna fish good for heart patients . The food is relatively healthy food for the heart and blood vessels if it contains potassium and sodium ratio of at least 5 to 1 . Comparison of potassium and sodium achieve 6,4:1 on bluefin tuna ; 11:1 on the type of skipjack tuna , and yellow fin tuna 12:1 on . Potassium is known to be useful for controlling blood pressure , high blood therapy , as well as carbon dioxide in the blood . Potassium is also useful for working muscles and trigger ganglion : Potassium which will expedite the delivery of oxygen to the brain and helps accelerate the body's water balance .

source of Vitamins
Vitamin content in tuna , especially bluefin types are very high, reaching 2,183 IU . Consumption of 100 grams of bluefin tuna enough to meet 43.6 percent of the body's need for vitamin A each day . Vitamin A is good for the maintenance of epithelial cells , increased body immunity , growth , vision , and reproduction .

Tuna is also a good source of vitamin B6 and folic acid . World 's Rating of Health to The George Mateljan Foundation classifies B6 tuna into very good category because it has a high nutrient density , which reaches 6.7 ( very good category limit is 3.4 to 6.7 ) . Vitamin B6 with folic acid can lower homocysteine ​​levels . Homocysteine ​​is a component of intermediate products produced during the methylation process . Homostein very harmful to the arteries and the potential to cause heart disease . Although tuna contain cholesterol , the levels are quite low compared to other animal food . Cholesterol levels in tuna 38 - 45mg per 100g of meat .

Prevent Stroke and Obesity
High nutrient content makes tuna is very effective to cure various diseases , one stroke . A study ever conducted for 15 years showed that consumption of tuna fish 2-4 times per week , can reduce 27 % risk of disease sroke than just consume 1 time a month . Consumption of 5 or more times per week can reduce stroke by 52 percent . Consumption of tuna 13 times per month can reduce the risk of ischemic stroke body , which is a stroke caused by a lack of blood flow to the brain .

Of the eight studies listed in The George Mateljan Foundation (2006 ) , consumption of tuna 1-3 times per month can reduce the risk of ischemic stroke by 9 percent . Furthermore, the risk decreased by 13 percent in the consumption of tuna once a week , 18 percent of the consumption of 2-4 times per week , and 31 percent on tuna consumption is 5 times or more each week . A study published in the 6th Congress of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids in December 2004 to prove that the tuna fish can prevent obesity and is very good for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus . That is because the content of EPA ( eicosapentaenoic acid) which is high in tuna can stimulate the hormone leptin , a hormone that helps regulate food intake . With these regulations , the body will be protected from excessive food intake , cause of obesity .

Breast Cancer -desist
Tuna fish is also good for preventing breast cancer . This is due to omega-3 content in tuna can inhibit proinflammatory enzyme that disebutcyclooxygenase 2 ( COX 2 ) , enzymes supporting breast cancer . Omega - 3 can also activate receptors in cell membranes called peroxisome proliferator - activated receptor ( PPAR ) - ã , which can capture the activity of cancer-causing cells . In addition , omega - 3 can also repair DNA .