Thursday, 16 January 2014

Benefits of Fruit And Efficacy Kedondong

Benefits of Fruit And Efficacy Kedondong
Kedondong tree Spondias Dulcis have a Latin name is a large plant that has a tree can reach 20 meters , and can usually be encountered in soil plains and also in tropical climates such as Indonesia, fortunately we are now living in Indonesia with various kind of plants there . Kedondong fruit flavors Acid has this much Olah Sweet be candied or Rojak , but who would have turned out Fruit kedondong or Dondong has content that is useful for the health of the body , therefore I will share about the Benefits and Efficacy Kedondong Fruit for body health .

This fruit has an element that kedondong fruit sugar in the form of sucrose useful as an addition to the body's energy and vitality . So is the fiber content and the water is high enough beneficial for digestion and prevent dehydration . Like you who are eager to try out or finding out what exactly the benefits contained in this Kendong fruit .

Benefits Fruit Kedondong For Cough Medicine
Prepare 3 pieces kedondong then wash thoroughly.
After the grated fruit kedondong to complete.
Without the added water and squeeze the water give a little salt . Ready to drink 2x a day .
Benefits Kedondong For Stomach Pain And Diarrhea Drug
Use ± 15 grams bark kedondong still fresh and wash thoroughly .
Once washed and cut into small pieces ,
Boil 2 cups of water for 15 minutes .
After the cold boiled water immediately filtered , and filtered water can be drunk 2x a day .
If you have any fruit in place kedondong hopefully with the article The Benefits And Efficacy Kedondong fruit can be more useful for the future , We are from the blog Natural Fruit Benefits bida hope this article usefull for the people of Indonesia in particular , got here first this article , we continued next time , thank you .

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