Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Benefits and content of tuna fish

Benefits and content of tuna fish . Position Indonesian waters located between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific are crossing points tuna in the tuna long-distance odyssey composed of various types , among others mandidihang / yellowfin ( Thunnus albacores ) , large eyes ( Thunus obesus ) , gray ( Thunus tonggol ) , Albakora ( Thunus alalunga ) and bluefin ( Thunus thynnus ) .
Until now still produced from tuna fishing activities , is not the result of cultivation . The success of fishing operations is determined by the skill of recognizing patterns of behavior are related to the tuna fish eating habits , water temperature , water flow , and mating season .

Rich in Omega - 3
The nutritional value is very good tuna , omega - 3 make it a thousand and one tuna have health benefits for the body . However , it must be supported by the selection , processing , and storage of good tuna . Fresh tuna should be stored in the fridge ( if it will be used ) or frozen ( if you want to keep for some time ) . Judging from nutritional composition , nutritional value tuna has extraordinary . Protein levels in tuna nearly twice the levels of the protein in eggs is known as the primary protein source . The protein content per 100 grams of tuna fish and eggs , respectively 22 g and 13 g .

As one commodity sea , tuna fish are also rich in omega - 3 fatty acids . The content of omega - 3 in fish is sea water , such as tuna , is 28 times more than freshwater fish . Comparison between the levels of omega - 3 fish tuna with other types can be seen in Table 2 . Omega - 3 can lower blood cholesterol levels and inhibiting the process of atherosclerosis ( clogged arteries) . 30 grams a day of fish consumption may reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 50 percent . Omega-3 fatty acids also play an important role for the growth and development of nerve cells , including brain cells , so as to improve intelligence , especially in children who are undergoing the process of growth and development .

Mineral sources
Tuna fish is also rich in essential minerals that are essential for the body . The content of iodine in tuna reach 28 times the content of iodine in freshwater fish . Iodine is an important role to prevent mumps and improve the intelligence of children . In addition , tuna fish are also rich in selenium . Consumption of 100 grams of tuna enough to meet the body's need for 52.9 percent of selenium . Selenium has an important role in the body , which activates the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase . This enzyme may protect the body against free radicals cause various types of cancer .

Seen from comparison of potassium and sodium , tuna fish good for heart patients . The food is relatively healthy food for the heart and blood vessels if it contains potassium and sodium ratio of at least 5 to 1 . Comparison of potassium and sodium achieve 6,4:1 on bluefin tuna ; 11:1 on the type of skipjack tuna , and yellow fin tuna 12:1 on . Potassium is known to be useful for controlling blood pressure , high blood therapy , as well as carbon dioxide in the blood . Potassium is also useful for working muscles and trigger ganglion : Potassium which will expedite the delivery of oxygen to the brain and helps accelerate the body's water balance .

source of Vitamins
Vitamin content in tuna , especially bluefin types are very high, reaching 2,183 IU . Consumption of 100 grams of bluefin tuna enough to meet 43.6 percent of the body's need for vitamin A each day . Vitamin A is good for the maintenance of epithelial cells , increased body immunity , growth , vision , and reproduction .

Tuna is also a good source of vitamin B6 and folic acid . World 's Rating of Health to The George Mateljan Foundation classifies B6 tuna into very good category because it has a high nutrient density , which reaches 6.7 ( very good category limit is 3.4 to 6.7 ) . Vitamin B6 with folic acid can lower homocysteine ​​levels . Homocysteine ​​is a component of intermediate products produced during the methylation process . Homostein very harmful to the arteries and the potential to cause heart disease . Although tuna contain cholesterol , the levels are quite low compared to other animal food . Cholesterol levels in tuna 38 - 45mg per 100g of meat .

Prevent Stroke and Obesity
High nutrient content makes tuna is very effective to cure various diseases , one stroke . A study ever conducted for 15 years showed that consumption of tuna fish 2-4 times per week , can reduce 27 % risk of disease sroke than just consume 1 time a month . Consumption of 5 or more times per week can reduce stroke by 52 percent . Consumption of tuna 13 times per month can reduce the risk of ischemic stroke body , which is a stroke caused by a lack of blood flow to the brain .

Of the eight studies listed in The George Mateljan Foundation (2006 ) , consumption of tuna 1-3 times per month can reduce the risk of ischemic stroke by 9 percent . Furthermore, the risk decreased by 13 percent in the consumption of tuna once a week , 18 percent of the consumption of 2-4 times per week , and 31 percent on tuna consumption is 5 times or more each week . A study published in the 6th Congress of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids in December 2004 to prove that the tuna fish can prevent obesity and is very good for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus . That is because the content of EPA ( eicosapentaenoic acid) which is high in tuna can stimulate the hormone leptin , a hormone that helps regulate food intake . With these regulations , the body will be protected from excessive food intake , cause of obesity .

Breast Cancer -desist
Tuna fish is also good for preventing breast cancer . This is due to omega-3 content in tuna can inhibit proinflammatory enzyme that disebutcyclooxygenase 2 ( COX 2 ) , enzymes supporting breast cancer . Omega - 3 can also activate receptors in cell membranes called peroxisome proliferator - activated receptor ( PPAR ) - ã , which can capture the activity of cancer-causing cells . In addition , omega - 3 can also repair DNA .

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