Sunday, 15 November 2015

Aloe vera Diabetes Indigestion

Aloe vera or better known as aloe vera is a succulent tropical plant that has a shape like fleshy leaves. This leaf has many benefits both as a medicine as well as for cosmetics.
Aloe vera is tananaman fairly unique because it contains a variety of biologically active compounds such as mannans acetate, polymannans, anthraquinone and various lectins.
Aloe vera also contains about 75 kinds of substances that have been known to be useful and more than 200 other compounds that make it fit for use in herbal medicine.
These substances include: - enzymes that help the gastrointestinal and reduce inflammation - All kinds of vitamins except vitamin D - Minerals are necessary for the function of the enzyme - Sugar long chain to rebalance the digestive system - saponin, which acts as an anti-microbial - 20 of 22 amino acids
Here are some benefits that can be obtained from the aloe vera:
Aloe vera juice is a laxative natural toxins, but also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that help the body cope with stress in daily life.
2. Indigestion:
Aloe vera is useful especially in the case of heartburn, irritable bowel and stomach ulcers. Aloe vera is known to soothe the esophagus and cope with acid reflux.
3. Oral health:
Aloe vera is very beneficial for mouth and gum problems, especially in improving the deteriorating gums.
4. Skin Care:
Remove acne, skin moisturizing, skin detoxification, elimination of scars and marks, reduce inflammation, repair and skin rejuvenation.
5. Diabetes:
Half teaspoon of aloe vera juice is given for 14 weeks, was shown to reduce blood sugar levels by 45 percent.
6. Helps bowel movement:
Aloe latex contains the anthraquinone glycosidesaloin A and B are useful as a strong laxative.
7. Maintain weight:
Aloe vera juice has been used for years to lose weight.
8. Immunity:
Aloe vera is full of antioxidants that counter free radicals to boost the immune system.
9. Burns:
Aloe vera gel can heal and repair the affected skin burns, including burns from sun exposure.
Aloe vera can help reduce itching and dandruff. Aloe vera can also be used as a hair treatment before shampooing

Camel's Hay Citronella

Camel's Hay, Citronella, Geranium Grass, Cochin Grass, herbe de citron (France), Zitronengras (Germany), Erba in Limone (Italy), Hierba de Limon (Spain), bhustrina (India), lemongrass, withered, lemongrass (Indonesia) , mak bai NÃO (Laos), Sera (Sinhalese), Takrai (Thai).
Lemongrass is a tropical grass that grows high. Stems and fresh leaves have a fresh smells such as lemon oil because it contains starch, which was also present during the same as the lemon peel. The leaves are long like a javelin in your upper and berpejal several inches long at the end of the portion before the roots. As a spice, fresh lemongrass flavor chosen because its fragrance. This berpejal portion sliced ​​or ground and used in cooking. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon sp.) May be classified as a kind of a large clump of grass and big roots. Privileged lemongrass is because all parts such as leaves, stems, roots and flowers has the potential to be used as a drug Serai, generally recognized as the plant roots and stems are often used as a flavoring spice masakan.Serai is a genus that contains about 55 species clumps. This plant can thrive in hot weather and reaches a height of about 2 to 4 meters. There are two types of lemongrass used by makers of potions namely;
a) regular lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)
b) fragrant lemongrass (Cymbopogon nardus).
Lemongrass plant is used in various cultures. Part of this plant can be used for herbs including roots, stems, and leaves. Essential oils from plants is widely used in the cosmetics industry for the manufacture of perfume and soap.

The content Serai:
Contains essential oils consisting of citric, citronellol, a-pinene, kamfen, sabinen, mirsen, felandren beta, p-cymene, limonene, cis-osimen, terpinol, citronellal, borneol, -4 terpinen-ol, a-terpineol, geraniol , farnesol, metilheptenon, n-desialdehida, dipenten, methyl heptanenon, bornilasetat, geranilformat, terpinil Astet, sitronil acetate, geranil acetate, beta-elements, beta-kariofilen, beta-bergamoten, trans-metilsoeugenol, beta-kadinen, elemol, kariofilen oxide. Other compounds are geranial, geranil butyrate, lomonen, eugenol and metileugenol.
Provision and Storage
If using fresh lemon grass, just use the bulb stem portion. He can be ground or finely sliced ​​and used whole. If used in the form of powder, use only a teaspoon because he is just like using a fresh stalk. It is advisable to soak the piece or pieces of lemongrass that has been dried for at least two hours before using it
Lemongrass wrapped in paper or in a paper bag, so it can last 2 to 3 weeks in the refrigerator. The trunk can also be frozen to be used a few months later. Lemongrass should wrap and store it separately, because lemon grass taste and aroma can spread to other foods.
Usage In Cuisine
Lemongrass is the main characteristic cuisine curry dish of meat, chicken, seafood and vegetables in Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and India. He sebati with bersantan cuisine, especially with chicken or seafood, and there are many recipes that are not measurable from Thai and Sri Lanka that exploit this combination. Which have been cultured stem was also used in tea or used in citrus and in perisa marinades.
Usage in Health
Lemongrass is considered a diuretic, tonic and stimulant. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon ciatrus) also known as citronella grass, Sweet Rush fever or drugs. He is a magical herb with several therapeutic values ​​and treatment. Lemongrass health benefits including for diuretic, antiseptic, analgesic, wind dispenser, nerve sedative, galactogogue, tonics, sedatives, antidepressants, barrier bacteria, antimicrobial, lowering body heat, astringent, removing foul odors (deodorant) and many others. To be sure, lemongrass benefits derived from the content of antioxidants, beta carotene and other vitamins, a number of micro-elements (microelemen) and other nutrients.
Efficacy Daun Serai
• Eliminate rancidity in meat ducks and goats.
• lemongrass leaves wrapped with iron or hot stones are used to restore the nerve weak region, the disease can be your muscles, joints, swollen uterus mengilkan, solve mucus, blood and wind.
• The leaves of lemongrass and cumin ground to be made 'pasta' for taped to the forehead to relieve headaches. Spice mix on a hundred to be made 'pasta' to take care of swollen joints and muscles.
• Water lemongrass leaf decoction is used for water bath for women after childbirth and muscle weakness and joint diseases
Efficacy of Stem and Roots Serai
• Helps treat problems stomach ache and break up clots and release wind wind through the anus (farting) and mouth (belching).
• Can help mennyeimbangkan stability of the hormone.
• As a daily food seasoning, add the aroma of the dish as well as help alleviate food poisoning.
• Mixed with "spice hundred" has benefits for ill-health care for the body innards system.
• Helps smooth urination.
• Prevention of mosquito bites and poisonous animals.
• In the material make perfume oil, shampoo and lotion.
Efficacy Flowers Serai
• Prevention of pregnancy humans and animals.
• Toning and moisturizing the skin (youthful).
• Health and freshness of the uterus.
Efficacy Serai as Medicine
1. The Serai has been used for centuries as a stimulant of the immune system.
2. This natural herb can help prevent berlbagai problems associated with digestion including gastroenteritis, nausea, loss of appetite, flatulence and so on.
3. Product lemongrass can be used to accelerate blood circulation and lower blood pressure.
4. One than manafaat lemongrass to ill-health of the most important is degrading paras LDL cholesterol in the blood.
5. Investigations indicate where Lemongrass has anti-cancer properties are large and can protect against some types of cancer, including colon cancer.
6. manafaat lemongrass including antibacterial characteristics and antidepressants.
7. Serai is one herb that can be used to reduce fever. In addition, lemongrass drugs containing useful in treating cough, selsema, bronchitis and other diseases.
8. The use of infusion lemongrass and citronella oil can menguranngi arthritis pain and reumatisme.
9. The health benefits of diuretics citronella can help improve the function of the kidneys and bladder, as well as stimulate detoxification and speed up the removal of toxins from the body.
10. herb lemongrass can be used to relieve the symptoms of stress such as fear, doubt, anxiety, and so on.
11. The benefits of lemongrass drugs including insomnia and sleep disorders.
12. Herba lemongrass disanjurkan for women suffering from PMS pain or menstrual disorders rounds.
13. lemongrass can be used to strengthen muscles and nervous system tissue.
14. manafaat lemongrass for skin: prevent inflammation of the skin, helps to eliminate inflammation spots, acne, relieve eczema, dermatitis and so on.
15. Serai also used as aromatherapy
16. Serai also can relieve all kinds of inflammation and irritability associated with aches and pains such as joint pain, muscle pain, tooth pain, and others.
17. Serai is also widely used to reduce blood pressure and stimulate blood circulation. By consuming a drink containing Serai every day it will be very helpful in lowering hypertension.
How to Make Herb Plant Serai
(1) Take 40 grams of fresh lemon grass leaves washed yes, then take 2 cups of water and boil until the water became 1/2 after cold filtered and taken deh 2 times a day, the benefits as:
1. Smooth menstruation = drink 2 times a day before meals
2. Maag = drink 2 times a day after meals
3. toothache and swollen gums = dikumur
(2) Getting rid of cough
Take 50 grams of dried lemon grass leaves boiled with 2 cups of water until the water becomes 1/2, drink 3 times a day
(3) Treating a sprain
Provide hazelnut mashed together 3 eggs 2 stalks lemongrass give a little water and then heated (briefly), then apply a sprained place

Friday, 13 November 2015

Myriad Benefits Of Bananas tuber Edge Up

Myriad Benefits Of Bananas tuber Edge Up

Name area
Java: Cau, papaya, banana, kisang, ghedhang, kedhang, pesang, separation.
Sumatra: bananas, galuh, gaol, punti, puntik, puti, poetry, galo, early bananas, gae.
Borneo: harias, crates, bananas, punsi, pute, puti, rahias.
Nusa Tenggara: Biu, bananas, kalo, quality, punti, kalu, muu, Muko, foam, WUSA, habitation, hundi, uki.
Sulawesi: Tagin, see, lambi, knee, workshops, unti, pepe, sagin, punti, uti.
Maluku: fudir, pitah, uki, temai, spooky, kula, uru, Temae, empulu, fust, flat, tela, tele, luke. Guinea: nando, rumaya, cheeks, mayu.
Foreign Name: Xiang jiao (C), kluai namwaa (T), banana, plantain (I).
Simplicia name: Musae Radix (roots of banana), Musae Fructus (bananas).
Description Plant

Banana plants grown in tropical region because they like hot climate and requires full sun. This plant can grow in soil that is enough water, in an area with a height of up to 2,000 m above sea level. Generally, the banana garden plants, although in some areas had to be taken diperkebunkan fruit.

Banana is a plant that bears fruit only once, then dies. Between 2-9 m high, with fibrous roots underground stem (stump) short yag. Of buds that exist in these tubers can grow new plants. Bananas have a pseudo-stem is actually composed of a pile of leaves that grow from the stem of underground stem so as to achieve a thickness of 20 -50 cm. The youngest leaves are formed in the middle of plants, discharge roll and continues to grow lengthwise, then progressively opened.

Leaf blade oblong shape elongated, easily torn, 1.5-3 m long, 30-70 cm wide, lower surface waxy, clearly supporting the center bone with bone real leaves, arranged parallel and pinnate, green color. Bananas have compound interest, which each flower bud sheath wrapped in maroon. Sheath will be off and fall to the ground if the flowers have opened. Female flowers will develop normally, while the male flowers are located at the end of bunches do not grow and remain covered by a sheath and is referred to as banana. Banana should be pruned after they finish fruiting.

Each interest group called combs, which are arranged in bunches. Number of female comb between 5-15 pieces. Berry fruit, rounded elongated, curved, arranged like a comb two lines, with green skin, yellow, brown. Each group of fruit or comb consists of a few bananas. Seeded or seedless. Seeds are small, round and color hitam.Buahnya can be harvested after 80-90 days since the release of jatung bananas.

Because instead of seasonal fruit, bananas are always there any time. Bananas are mostly eaten fresh, dikolak, steamed, or processed further into a banana jam, crackers, or banana flour.

Which includes a group of table fruit banana is sapientum Musa (banana) due to better eaten fresh, sep [erti banana, ambon moss, king, king of lemon grass, mas, milk and goodies. Pisag group more palatable after being processed first is preceded Musa paradisiacal (plantain). For example, bananas horn, oil, jackfruit, cotton, stone, and kapok. The heart of the banana can be eaten as a vegetable. Banana leaves, banana leaves stone mainly used for wrapping the cake, pepesan, or other merchandise. Quasi rods and bananas sometimes associated with traditional ceremonies.

There are several opinions older people earlier on bananas. For example, plantain less suitable for the weak and her stomach stodgy thus not be given to children. Bananas cooling, clean the body, and facilitate defecation. If eaten, these bananas will prevent bleeding after childbirth. However, women with vaginal discharge disease should avoid eating bananas because it will aggravate the disease. Banana milk is easily digested so well given to children, but should not be eaten if defecation containing mucus. Mas bananas eaten by patients with constipation match. Propagation by seedlings.

Properties and Benefits

Banana fruit tastes sweet, its cool, astringent. Nourish Yin, grease (lubricate) the intestines, detoxifying, fever (antipyretics), anti-inflammatory, laxative urine (diuretics), laxatives ringan.akar efficacious as an antidote, reliever fever (antipyretics), cool the blood, anti-inflammatory and laxative urine. liver stem nutritious banana fever and for hair care. Fluid from the hump to overcome a urinary tract infection, stop the bleeding (hemostatic), fever (antipyretics), and penghitam and prevent hair loss. The young fruits and nutritious roots astringent. Young fruit nutritious antidiarrheal, antidisentri, and for the treatment of peptic ulcers.

The content KimiaAkar contains serotonin, norepinephrine, tannin, hydroxytryptamine, dopamine, vitamin A, B and C. The fruit contains flavonoids, glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch, protein, fats, oils evaporate, rich in vitamins (A, B, C and E ), minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, Fe), pectin, serotonin, 5-hydroxy triptamin, dopamine, dannoradrenalin. The content of potassium in bananas is high enough that the levels vary depending on the type of banana. Young fruit contains a lot of tannins.

DigunakanBagian parts of plants that can be used as medicine is the root, fruit, fruit peel, hump, heart banana stems, flowers, and leaves.

Indications The roots of banana used to treat:

Shortness of breath (asthma),
Urine (urine) containing blood, and
Skin disease.
Fluid from the stump used to treat:

Dysentery because of the heat in,
Dysentery, diarrhea,
Bleeding hemorrhoids,
Bleeding after childbirth (postpartum hemorrhage),
Cleansing after childbirth,
Hair loss and graying,
Inflammation of the kidneys, syphilis, and
Bitten by a rattlesnake.
The leaves are still furled used to treat:

Cold poultice on the skin bengkat or abrasions,
Menstruation too much,
Nosebleeds and other bleeding,
Sore throat,
Encephalitis (Epidemic encephalitis),
Whitish (leukorea), and
Cough, chest pain such as bronchitis,
Thin hair.
The fruit is used to overcome:

Dysentery, coughing up blood,
Diarrhea, dysentery, gastric ulcers (young fruit),
Anemia (anemia),
Heat with difficult defecation, thirst, and weak,
Celiac disease, allergies tepungbpadi whole,
Dry facial skin,
Smoothing the skin of hands and feet,
Constipation (constipation),
Piles (hemorrhoids)
High blood pressure (hypertension) and
Chronic alcohol intoxication (alcoholism).
Banana peels used to treat:
Ulcers that resemble cancer,
Skin disorders in herpes,
Ditungkai ulcers in diabetes mellitus,
Warts (warts),
Hipetensi secondary,
Thin and sparse hair, and
Burns, scalded, redness of the skin (rash).
Flowers used to treat:

Prevent brain hemorrhage and stroke.
PemakaianUntuk way drugs taken, tepungbpisang consumption of 1-2 tablespoons before meals and at bedtime. For external use, use caution to cure wounds banana stems new, young banana leaves to cool the fever patients, the eye feels hot, and burns. Weevil fluid for hair growth. Milled leaves, roots, or tubers fresh bananas until smooth, then Turapkan in disorders such as ulcers, purulent inflammation of the skin (piopdermi), erysipelas, ear inflammation, burns, and swelling.

Pharmacological effects and PenelitianHasil results showed, banana flour stone given to mice can prevent the onset of peptic ulcers (peptic ulcer) if the rats were given aspirin. This can occur due to increased secretion of mucus (mucus) in the stomach.

Example Usage

Heat the banana cubes (one piece) on gray kitchen, cut into slices, then finely milled. Add half a cup of cooking water, stirring evenly, then squeeze and strain. Drink the juice. Do it three times a day.
Chewing a few leaves of banana flowers kapok, then swallow the liquid.
KeringGiling facial skin bananas (one piece) to haluis. Add two tablespoons of olive oil, and heat briefly on fire. Once cool, apply evenly to the face that had previously been cleared. Allow up to dry about 20 minutes, wash with clean water. Do it every day until visible results.
KakiGosokkan hand smoothing the skin and the inside of the banana skin on the hands and feet are rough and cracked. Do it every day.
Luka baruAmbil seukupnya heart-shaped banana stem klutuk sufficiently large candle. Wash, then mash until blended. Stick it on the wound and bandaged. Replace two meals a day.
SembelitJika manageable units bowel movement every day, defecation difficult dank eras, eat bananas mas 1-2 pieces per day on a regular basis, at night before bed and in the morning on an empty stomach.
RambutUntuk fertilizer smooth and reddish hair, shampoo Wash with self-made. How, drying banana peel mas (five) to dry, and then create a powder. Add the eggs were taken the red course and one cup of water, stir evenly. Use for shampooing. When finished, rinse with clean water.
Penghitam and prevention banana weevil rontokAmbil hair newly cut down to taste, chopped or grated, then squeeze to take liquid. Another way to take liquid banana weevil is to make a big hole in the stump left in the ground, after the first banana trees cut near the base. Weevil closed so that dirt can not enter. Weevil fluid will be collected by itself in the hole. Some time later, the liquid can be disendoki from the hole, then use to wet hair and scalp with a mild massage. Do it every morning, be cool head and hair becomes fertile. Almost all types of banana trees can be used, except banana milk. Liquid banana weevil do about clothes because it will leave a stain that suykar missing.
MaagKupas klutuk unripe banana taste, thinly sliced, then dry in the sun to dry under the sun. Once dried, milled to a powder before incision. How to use, take a teaspoon of powder, and brewed with hot water. Once cool, stir and drink at the same time following the dregs. Perform three klali a day, for two weeks. Furthermore, enough to drink once a day,
Bleeding hemorrhoids, dysentery, bleeding nifasSetelah all felled trunks, create large lubagng banana weevil is left in the soil. Collect the liquid hole, then drink. Do it three times a day, each half a cup. Will be more efficacious if the liquid is derived from banana weevil klutuk or banana kepok. To prevent bleeding during childbirth, also need to eat bananas regularly.
Brain hemorrhage, bleeding diotakCuci sroke result of the banana fruit, then cut into pieces as needed. Boil three cups of water until the remaining half. Once cool, strain and drink as well.
Hemorrhoids pain and bleeding after a bowel movement besarAmbil half comb ripe banana half. The following banana skin steamed until tender in a sealed panic. Once cool, grind until smooth with the skin as well. Eating in the morning and evening before going to bed with an empty stomach, each 2-3 steamed banana finely ground.
Dysentery without skin lendirKupas three p [Isang stone ripe bananas add three raw cured with the skin are cut into small pieces. Milled until blended, then squeeze and strain. Yag drink fluids collected twice a day, each half a cup.
DemamAlaskan young banana leaves on the pillow or fever sufferers lying on young banana leaves. Banana leaves are efficacious soothing.
Fever with thirst, dry throat, and difficulty menelanmMakan 1-2 pieces of fresh banana, do three times a day.
SariawanKupas three bananas klutuk skin that have been cooked, then add three klutuk unripe bananas with the skin are cut into small pieces. Milled everything until blended. Combine with the noni fruit that is too finely ground. Squeeze the mixture, then strain and embunkan overnight. The next morning, before drinking the liquid runs out. Do it every day until cured.
BerbisaCuci snake bites banana weevil king of the fist, and scar. Add one tablespoon of pure honey while kneaded until uniform. Squeeze and strain, then drink the liquid collected at the same time. Do it twice a day.
Inflammation tenggorokCuci clean the handheld banana roots kapok, then mash until smooth. Add three-fourths cup of cooking water while squeezing. Squeeze and strain. Use the juice to gargle (gargle). Do it 4-6 times a day until healed.
Inflammation otakCuci banana roots 200 g, and make juice and drink as well.
Inflammation paruBersihkan banana roots as much as 120 g, and make juice. Add honey to taste, stirring evenly and drink as well.
Inflammation of the kidneys, urinary feels sakitTambahkan water one cup of sugar in a liquid derived from the pseudo stem, then drink.
Anemia (anemia) Wash thoroughly cured banana child whose height is an inch below the roots, and scar. Add one tablespoon of salt water, stirring evenly, then squeeze and strain. Drink fluids collected at once. Do it every day until healthy.
Prevention of high blood pressure (hypertension) Cut a banana peel fruit or stalk of bananas, then boiled. Drink like tea three times a day, each one cup.
High blood pressure accompanied sembelitBlender following banana skin (500 g) and black sesame (15 g) by adding enough water to drink, until they run out in one day.
High blood pressure (hypertension), treatment and following pencegahanRebus banana peel stems (30-60 g) or fresh root (30-120 g). when cool, drink the water as tea. Do it every day three times. Each one cup.
Ulcers that resemble cancer, skin inflammation in herpes, ulcers dikakiKeringkan or green banana skin burn to ashes. Sprinkle the skin disorder.
Hangover, alkoholismeRebus banana skin (60 g) with three cups of water until the remaining one cup. Once cool, strain and drink as well.
MigrenGiling ripe banana skin until it becomes dough like mush. Apply dibelakan neck, temples and forehead.
Bruising, bisulGiling following green banana skin until smooth. Apply on the affected part.
Burned, scalded and skin redness (rash) Rub the inside of a banana skin that has been cooked in skin disorders.
Warts (warts) Scrape the inside of a banana peel ripe fruit and white. Dab on the wart, then cover with a plaster. Replace every shower. Do it every day until cured.
Shortness of breath (asthma) and cough due to lung panasKukus two ripe bananas below the skin. Eating in the morning on an empty stomach and want to sleep during the night.
CatatanPembagian other bananas: Bananas (Musa sp.) According to the type can be divided into five parts, namely:

Musa paradisiaca var. sapientum (banana), namely bananas are eaten immediately after cooking fruit such as bananas, ambon moss, king, king of lemon grass, mas, milk, and goodies.
Musa paradisiacal forma typica (plantain), namely bananas are eaten boiled or fried bananas horn, oil, jackfruit, cotton and kapok.
Moses brachycarpa, which is kind of like a banana banana seed in stone, also called klutuk banana or banana seeds.
Moses texilis, namely banana fibers such as banana-producing manila.
Ornamental banana banana crate fan, superb banana (musa superb), basjoo banana (musa basjoo).
masUntuk banana patients peptic ulcers and excessive stomach acid, do not eat bananas ripe. (

As NOTES, for patients with gastric artisan, sour stomach or chronic gastritis, RECOMMENDED ALL EATING BANANA GOLD, because MY EXPERIENCE and PASIEN2 therapy, BANANA GOLD COOK precisely HEAL gastrointestinal disease and penyakit2 OTHERWISE. Bananas gold also does not cause mules, abdominal pain, and nausea when eaten in the morning, late at night or in a critical state can not eat and drink.

Coconut tree for new home

Coconut tree (Cocos nucifera) is indeed the versatile and has many benefits. Starting from the roots, stems, leaves, fruit, until pelepahnya, all can be used. Want to know what benefit? Let's see!

1. Coconut Leaves

Coconut leaves can be made into various objects. For instance frame cabinets, decorative leaf, waste baskets, broom stick, nest the diamond, placemats, and fruit. While the top of the leaves can be made foods, such as pickles.

Then pelepahnya manggar or base can be used to make yeast and sugar. While the midrib dryness can be made fans, sandals, handbags, and hats.

2. Stem Oil

Palm trunks can be used to make household furnishings. Such as tables, chairs, picture frames, and more. In addition, coconut trunks can be used to make the base material construction of the house, like tiles, boards, and so on.

3. Coconut

Coconut fruit consists of the outer shell, husk, shell, shell meat (testa), meat fruit, coconut water, and institutions (ovaries). Much of this palm fruit that can be utilized. Among other things, husks, shells, meat fruit, and coconut water.

4. Root Oil

Coconut roots can be useful for life. These roots can be used as a coloring agent in household furnishings. Can also be used for drugs (in size or a certain dose).

Coconut husk has been removed the cork can be used for upholstery and chairs, as well as the manufacture of rope. Coconut shells can also be used for charcoal. Charcoal can be used as "firewood". Can also be processed into activated charcoal that is required by the various processing industries. Not only that, also can be used as a coconut shell buttons, jewelry box accessories, and so on.

There are also coconut meat that is an important part of the coconut tree. The coconut meat can be made of anything. Young coconut meat can be used as mixed drinks or can be used as food. For example, coconut cake, candied coconut shavings, coconut salad. Meanwhile, the old coconut meat can be processed into grated coconut, coconut, copra (dried coconut meat), and oil.

Did you know, coconut water can also be utilized for the manufacture of soy sauce. Or, it could also be used as the manufacture of coconut juice or so-called nata de coco.

Besides having many benefits, it turns out coconut trees also improve the human economy lhhoo!

Coconut tree, which has many benefits for humans, we can use to improve the country's economy. Namely, through the cultivation of palm tree. We can make high quality goods from parts of the coconut tree, later sold it to the outside Indonesia. Cultivation of palm trees suitable for our country which has a tropical climate - a climate suitable for growing palm trees.

Thursday, 12 November 2015



Usually, if the herb is suitable for the face means also suitable for the skin in place sharing. However, not vice versa, if the herb is suitable in the skin of the other tubhu, not necessarily suitable for the skin. Because facial skin including sensitive skin or sensitive enough. Before starting to try it on the skin, hair tie anada back and wash your face with soap and water.
Facial cleanser for sensitive skin
¼ cup oatmela or walnuts
plain yogurt flavor
Enter oatmeal or almonds in a blender and puree. Then pour into a small bowl and stir in the yogurt until it forms a cream. Apply on the entire face, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 10-15 minutes then rinse with warm water.
 Facial cleanser for oily skin; and delaying the presence of wrinkles in the skin.
2 ripe tomatoes
½ cup fresh milk
Puree the tomatoes in a blender and strain then mixed with milk. Apply to face and neck. Leave for 10 minutes then rinse with water and dry. You can use it twice a day for a week. Enter in the fridge just six hours.
 Banana and avocado mask (giving moisture to normal and dry skin)
2 ripe bananas (banana cavendish) are peeled
or 1 ripe avocado, whose meat
1 tablespoon of honey.
Puree bananas and avocados with a fork. Do not get completely smooth. in fact this mask can be used, by adding honey, will make this mask can be attached to the face). Apply on face and neck. Let stand for 15 minutes and rinse with water.
Strawberry mask (for oily skin)
10-12 strawberries, washed and cut into pieces
2 tablespoons honey (honey anything)
Enter strawberries and honey in a blender. Make sure the mixture is not too wet or watery. Apply on the skin. Leave for 5-10 minutes, then drain.
Facial fruit every day
Can be obtained from the juice of fresh fruits such as lemon, lime, strawberry, grapes, apples, oranges and tomatoes. The trick?
Use your fingertips, then apply to the face. Leave for 10 minutes then rinse. Do it once a day. These fruits contain alpha hydroxy acid (alpha-hydroxy acid / AHA) that may loosen dead cells and separated from the cells of a new skin, making your skin smooth and soft. Treatment with AHA every day can make the skin sensitive to sun exposure so tone need to use sunscreen. Other sources of AHA vinegar sauce, apple cider vinegar (apple cider vinegar), yogurt, milk, milk powder, grape juice, wine.
Cucumbers and tea bags (cope with tired eyes and swelling)
Cut-cut cucumber cool and put on closed eyelids for 5-10 minutes; Behind sliced ​​cucumber and the same length.
Put a tea bag in a plastic bag and put it into the fridge. Then place it on the eyelid like cucumber on top.
Milk cream (for dry skin)
1 ½ tablespoons fresh milk
2 tablespoons of honey, all kinds of honey.
Mix milk and honey; stir to blend. Apply on face and neck. Allow 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with water and dry.
Olive oil (olive oil) eksfolian (for all skin types)
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon rice flour
Mix olive oil and rice flour to converge. Apply on face and neck. Then gently rub in a circular motion. Wipe with tissue paper and then wash the face with soap and warm water.


§ 100 grams of bean seeds (steamed until cooked) blended with water, add rock sugar or honey to taste, stir and drink.
§ 250 grams of pumpkin boiled until cooked, add sugar to taste, then given to the patient.
§ Oyong / squash blended to produce 60 cc, secukupbya add honey, stir, and drink.
§ 30 grams of dark eggplant peeled and boiled in water. Add red gual. Once cooked, boiled eggplant ready to be presented to the patient.
§ 7 onions, 3 grains of pepper, 10 grams of ginger blended with warm water. Drink while warm.
§ 30 grams of corn silk, 10 grams of ginger, 60 grams of grass roots boiled with 400 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc grams of horseradish and 2 cloves of garlic in a blender with water stew before, be ready to drink juice and warm selagai.
§ 1 medium size bitter melon fruit that has been steamed until cooked and 10 grams of ginger blended with enough water. Add honey, to taste, stir and drink.
§ young papaya leaves are finely ground and given sufficient water and squeezed the water, the juice was mixed with the salt and sugar to taste, stirring until smooth, this herb drink for 1 week in a row.
Nutritious boost the immune system, antioxidant or anticancer. Also mmebantu digestion, lower cholesterol, and high blood tekaanan overcome.
§ Provide tubers carrots, 2 tablespoons honey, and 1 piece of palm sugar. Then shredded carrots, squeezed, add 2 cups of water and then mixed with other ingredients until evenly distributed. Drink 1 a day.
§ Three bulbs grated carrot, add water and then squeezed (made juice), then add sugar to taste. Drink once a day.

Cantaloupe vs orange

The content of beta-carotene, provitamin A, magnesium, manganese, zinc and chromium on cantaloupe may reduce inflammation and restore intestinal tissue inflammation injury. Natural sugars and enzymes contained cantaloupe has the function of absorption or uptake in the intestine as a result of eating in a hurry so the food is not chewed properly, eating too much spicy food, drugs precipitate, or nausea due to excessive anxiety.
Orange juice contains vitamin C is very good because in addition to stimulating / stimulate the immune system, it also eliminates the blockage of mucus in the throat, nasal cavities, lungs and stomach. Useful to cleanse the liver and relieve pain in the body due to influenza. A mixture of lemon juice and honey are very efficacious cure sore throat and tonsils. For those of you who have stomach upset, choose oranges that are not too acidic.
Lemon has advantages, especially as a medicinal ingredient that has many properties. Some benefits of orange juice is generally already known for a long time for example for:
1. Cough. Generally, lemon fruit halved, then the cleavage surfaces were spread whiting, heated, then squeezed the water is taken with the clear water because the lime juice serves as a facilitator sputum that can cause coughing, to be quickly released. As a result, a sense of coughing will be reduced. There is also a fruit juice mix lemon with cloves fruit, if necessary plus a little sugar-rock mixed with hot water, after dissolving the new drink. It will also benefit the same way as above.
2. Relaxes tension in muscles, such as the hands, feet, or other parts, by the way: Water lemon plus a little water, then rubbed until blended on the perceived pain or strain. In fact, some citrus fruit juice added to warm water in a small bucket, and then used to soak the lower leg, the sense of fatigue or illness will disappear as soon as possible.
3. Lower the heat the body, especially in children. Lime juice plus a piece of betel leaf, plus warm water, is used for compressing the material so the heat will quickly disappear when compared only with water without mix.
4. Drug antimabuk, that is, before or during the long journey of water to drink freshly squeezed orange juice, especially for those who usually hit by motion sickness. In fact, for certain people with just a squeeze of skin orange smell alone is more than enough to relieve a hangover on the way despite the long journey too.
5. For those who suffer from disorders of urination then drink the juice of limes plus a little rock sugar from getting too acidic, it turns out a lot of benefits. In fact, fatigue often experienced by someone because too much use "brain" in this way would be of much help to alleviate.
6. In the Java community, many mothers who use lemon juice to shrink and "drying" uterus after childbirth by mixing the juice with whiting, then made parem, and massaged into the abdomen for 40 days. In fact, some are then getting used to drink juice of citrus fruits TSB. mixed with a little salt, a little whiting with warm water.
7. Eliminate the smell of sweat, underarm odor, as well as other body odor. Juice of lemon helped by mixing the juice with a little whiting, and then used as a liniment to the body that produce odors TSB.

banana made smile

Meat bananas are soft lining the walls of the stomach and intestine so it can be an anti-inflammatory. Bananas are very helpful for those who have problems stomach or intestinal inflammation. Because the meat is very tender bananas, not be recommended for juice. The content of vitamin C apple banana = 2 times (1 banana = 2 apples). Bananas are rich in minerals calcium (Ca), so eat bananas after eating will help neutralize the negative effects as a result of consuming salt and MSG / MSG excess. Containing Potassium (K), which serves to maintain the water balance of the body, the normality of blood pressure, heart function and muscle work.

Green tea made healty

Green tea, there are many health benefits of our bodies. Although the price is slightly more expensive than regular tea, but this drink turned out to be a favorite drink in developed countries such as Japan, Hong Kong, China and others. According to Solar Online news written so many benefits that could be obtained if often consume green tea. So far, green tea is known as a healthful beverage, protects the heart and as an antioxidant. Though there are many other benefits.

Here are the facts:
- Preventing the risk of cancer. Polyphenols contained in green tea is the most potent antioxidants. Where he prevent the spread and growth of cancer cells in the blood. Several studies have found that people who drink green tea regularly can reduce the risk of breast cancer, stomach, colon, and prostate cancer.

- Soothes the skin. This tea is a natural antiseptic to overcome the itching and swelling. Put a pinch of green tea on inflamed skin, sunburn, or blackish stains on the eyelids, and feel the coolness.

- Protect your skin. In an experiment, green tea applied directly to the skin or consumed to protect the skin from the damaging effects of sunlight causes skin cancer. That's why you see a lot of beauty products such as sunscreen or moisturizer made from green tea.

- Stabilize blood pressure. Having a healthy blood pressure of 120/80 means is in the numbers. Keeping in those numbers is tricky. However, those who consumed one cup of green tea every day, almost 50 percent less affected by high blood pressure than those who never drank. Turns
polyphenols was the one who contributed once again. They were able to keep blood vessels that do not shrink and increased pressure.
- Keeping the memory. Green tea was able to maintain brain function decline. Those who drank two glasses a day to avoid cognitive problems than those who rarely drank. This tea contains antioxidants that can fight free radicals that attack the brain, causing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

- Still looking young. The more healthy arteries, the more youthful and healthier you are taking it. At least 10 ounces of green tea consumed daily, can absorb the arteries of excess fat and cholesterol.

- Reducing weight. Drinking green tea can help the process of burning calories.
While the benefits of green tea is also described by NAHNINU are as follows:
Here are 27 kinds of green tea benefits that are based on various studies.
1. It can prevent and lower high blood pressure
2. Prevent high blood sugar levels
3. Lowering cholesterol levels
4. Reduce the risk of various heart diseases
5. Reduce the risk of stroke
6. Helps the body against viruses (such as influenza viruses)
7. Can inhibit nerve function decline
8. Improving cognitive function
9. Beneficial for gum health
10. Prevent shortness of breath
11. Reduce stress
12. Eliminate fatigue and exhaustion
13. Being able to prevent the onset of cancer
14. Being able to control tumor growth
15. Help cure cancer
16. Help you lose weight
17. Reduce the risk of arthritis and rheumatism
18. Serves as an anti-inflammatory throat
19. Prevent osteoforosis
20. Prevents allergies
21. Protect lever
22. Preventing hepatitis
23. Help prevent the spread of the HIV virus
24. Reduce the dangers of smoking
25. Slowing aging
26. Both are consumed for diabetics
27. Being able to prevent food poisoning

Monday, 9 November 2015

more about aplle

A combination of mineral salt content and pectin in apples, and the acid content in spinach oksalik form a unique substance that filled the walls of the intestine and through the movement of a strong chemical but safe "release" the dirt in the colon that has been settled for days, berbulan- months or even years. The content of pectin in apples also able to lower cholesterol and triglycerides that disrupt the function of the heart. Other benefits of the apple as a high blood pressure medicine in a way eaten directly.

Friday, 30 October 2015

win live with AVOCADO

The content of calories, fats and oils high in it not only a source of abundant energy that is required at the time of fasting, but also reduces cholesterol levels and maintain the flexibility of the muscles of the joints. Here are some benefits of avocado others:
· Overcome kidney stones: Drinking water steeping seven leaves of avocado with ½ cup hot water every morning and evening.
· For back pain: Boil 5 avocado leaves 500 cc and 250 cc of water to stay warm. Embunkan overnight and drink the next day. Perform a second consecutive week.
· For Thrush: Stir a ripe avocado with two tablespoons of honey and three meals a day.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Mask Pineapple for Oily Skin

Some Tips to Make Natural Mask for Oily Skin

3. Mask Pineapple
Pineapple for women should not be excessive because dokinsumsi not good for the womb. However, when applied externally it is very good and does not cause side effects
The trick.
- Prepare pineapple juice and coconut milk to taste
- Then stir until evenly
- Use a cotton swab and dab on face
- Let stand 25 minutes until dry and then rinse with warm water and rinse again with cold water
other articel

Sunday, 22 February 2015

masks Apples Oily Skin

Some Tips to Make Natural Mask for Oily Skin

masks Apples

Apples have anti-fat content and is able to lift lkotoran and fat on the face.
The trick
- Siapka 1 apple and cut into sections and do not forget to prepare as well as honey
- Blender apples until soft
- Add the honey on the results of earlier blenderan and stir until blended
- Put the apples and honey earlier into the refrigerator let stand for 15 minutes
- If you already remember not diminun ok. But wear a mask like you try to apply it with a brush
- After that, allow a few minutes.
- After 30 minutes or so, rinse with warm aor then rinse again with cold water
- Do it once a week with a routine

next articel

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Mask Lime Oily Skin

Some Tips to Make Natural Mask for Oily Skin
1. Mask Lime

We know that lemon juice can suppress the production of excess oil on the face.
It is very easy
Mask Lime Oily Skin
- Take one or two pieces of lime wash to clean
- Cut the orange pieces are clean before then we squeeze the water
- Remember we only use skin
- Results of lemon juice before you can drink while for kulitya
- Oles - apply to your face
- Let stand for 25 minutes
- Wash using / warm water
Do not forget to do it regularly once a week

next articel

Friday, 20 February 2015

how to grow hair quickly and naturally

how to grow hair quickly and naturally

1. Using olive oil
Olive oil has been trusted by our ancestors since time immemorial for hair care ingredients. Biiasanya olive oil is used as an ingredient for hair smoothing and to lengthen the hair. How do I use olive olive oil as hair extenders you just need to shed 4-5 drops of olive oil on your scalp after shampooing afternoon. Then massage - massage your scalp. Let during the night, the next morning rinse thoroughly.

2. Using green tea
Not only to drink, green tea also allow you to lengthen your hair. The content of antioxidants in green tea make the flow of blood circulation in your head becomes more smoothly. In addition, green tea also make healthier hair growth. To do, you just need to brew green tea and splash rub your head. Wrap in a towel until approximately 20 minutes. After that rinse clean saampai.
3. Using coconut milk
Coconut milk to lengthen your hair? Initially quite unbelievable indeed. But you try to prove it by doing the following tips is lacking routine 3-4 times a week to get significant results. Not only to lengthen the hair, coconut milk can also make your hair soft and shiny. For how to use, simply by applying it coconut rub your head. Then cover with a warm towel for approximately 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cold water until clean.

4. Using apple skin
You like to eat apples? If yes, then start now do not waste the rest of the apple skin. Why? Because the skin of apples can be utilized to lengthen your hair. Apples contain a vitamin that can menlancarkan blood circulation in your head. In addition, Apple also can take care of your hair from falling out and make hair more healthy and nutritious. Caranyapun quite simple, you just need to soften the apples trowel and put it on your scalp. Let stand for about 20 minutes just rinse with water until clean.

5. Using aloe vera
Plant this one is no doubt the usefulness to deal with the problem of beauty and health. Aloe vera has good nutrition to lengthen and make hair thicker. How to wear it is to peel and then take the aloe vera gel, rub the gel rub your hair. After shampooing, use aloe vera gel with honey, let stand for about 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

6. Using onion
Herbs this one can also be utilized to lengthen your hair. Sulfur content in onions is very useful to help promote hair growth. Onions also can make the hair roots become stronger. How to use is to mix the onion pieces when shampooing and let stand for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Or it could also use onion juice as your hair mask for 25 minutes before rinsing with clean water.

7. Inadequate intake of vitamin B
Hair also needs vitamin B in the treatment. Without sufficient intake of B vitamins, hair can become brittle, broken - broken and dry.

Well, that's less quick tips on how to make a long and silky hair naturally. How keen to try one of the tips? Keep in mind that this is a natural way, usually the effect will not be significant in a short time. Rather didutuhkan enough time to get the maximum results.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

solution Damaged hair

Damaged hair makes you not confident? This article may be a solution for you, yes you. Everyone, especially women, would want healthy hair. Therefore, many of them are willing to spend a lot of costs just to do a hair treatment at the salon. In addition there are also the health of the hair with the product purchase price is exorbitant. Yes as we have seen, with a treatment at the salon, it means we have to be prepared to pay more. those who have a lot of money, maybe it's not a problem. But what if we do not have much money? not to mention the narrow spare time sometimes makes us do not have time to take care of hair. Eiits ...! do not be sad once, because mimin have a solution. Actually, to get healthy hair, we do not have to always go to salon, you know, because we can do it yourself at home hair care. Well, weve can ya min? could really! how to do, what we also have to buy expensive products? not necessary, because the way we will use the traditional ways. Want to know any kind of recipe? Further ahead we read!

Natural Hair Mask Recipes

1 hairmask Milk and Honey
Milk and honey, the drink is rich in benefits, not least to maintain healthy hair. How to? We can mix both ingredients to make natural hairmask.

How to use:
Mix 100 grams of milk with 1 (tablespoon) honey
Use as hairmask by way of applying it throughout the hair on your head
Do massage slowly
Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with shampoo as usual and rinse thoroughly clean

2. Eggs hairmask
In the world of beauty, egg whites believed to whiten skin, blackheads and pimples menghilngakan. therefore eggs often used as a face mask. But in addition to good use for skin care, eggs can also be used as a mask natural rambur you know, how to do? easy, please refer to the following steps manufacture and use this!

How to use:

Beat 2 eggs and mix with 2 tablespoons hot water
hairmask make and do massage with fingertips in all parts of the head
allow 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cold water

3. hairmask Yoghurt
Who does not know yogurt, low-fat foods made from milk is much preferred because in addition to good people is also rich in benefits, one of which is able to cope with acne. But who would have thought, the food is delicious, it is also can be used for hair care. We can make yogurt as a hair mask.

How to use:
Provide materials that 1 egg and 6 tablespoons yogurt
Separate the egg whites from the yolks
beat the egg whites until frothy
mix with 6 tablespoons of yogurt before
apply on the hair while doing massage slowly
let stand for 15-30 minutes
wash with shampoo to thoroughly clean

4. hairmask Santan
Coconut milk is commonly used for seasoning in cooking turns out we can also benefit for hair care. Here's how to use it:

How to use:
Provide approximately 50 ml thick coconut milk
apply to the entire hair shaft
wrap in a warm towel
Let stand for about 1 hour
Next, rinse with warm water and
wash with shampoo to clean

5. hairmask Avocado
Well, if this one recipe, mimin get from event Dr.Oz. Tau right Dr. OZ? that you know that regular TV shows discussing interesting info about health, which he avocado can also prevent and cope with hair loss. Way too easy, we just need to make the avocado as a hair mask.

How to use:
Prepare 1 ripe avocado certainly
Te avocado fruit split, then take the meat
after that, puree in blender
hair mask made by means smeared on the entire hair shaft
do massage slowly
let stand for 15-20 minutes
rinse with shampoo to thoroughly clean

6. hairmask Honey and Olive Oil
The next mask recipe by using a mixture of honey and olive oil. From the first olive oil is believed to maintain healthy hair. To use is not much different from the way other natural hairmask use.

How to use:
mixer3 teaspoons of olive oil with 2 tablespoons of honey
apply on the entire hair shaft
do a light massage
let stand about 30 minutes
Finally, wash with shampoo and rinse thoroughly

7. hairmask Bananas

Tau bananas not powerful enough to relieve stress. In addition to reducing stress, bananas can also be used as a hair mask. However there are some additional material to made him as hairmask.

How to use:
1 ripe banana puree
Mix with:
1 egg
3 tablespoons honey
5 teaspoons of olive oil, and
2 teaspoons honey
stir all the ingredients before
use asa hair mask
then do it pelam and gently massage
wrap a towel warmer
let stand for 15-30 minutes
After that, rinse with shampoo to clean

Well, that's some natural hair mask recipes that you can try at home. Oh yes, for maximum results, do hair care routine. Perhaps only that which can mimin write this time. Although brief, hopefully useful. Thank you for visiting and greeting selalau healthy. :)

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Nutrition Fruits and leaves Soursop

Nutrition Fruits and leaves Soursop
Soursop leaves contain several compounds such as acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, annohexocin, annonacin, annomuricin, anomurine, anonol, caclourine, gentisic acid, gigantetronin, linoleic acid, muricapentocin. which can maintain health through improving the immune system. The following are some of the content in soursop fruit can be beneficial to the health of our bodies: Water
Soursop fruit can prevent dehydration, as in 1 cup ripe soursop fruit, contained water 183gr. Usually every person requires 8-9 glasses of water per day, to meet these needs, we can also consume fruits with high water content and one soursop.

2. Vitamin C
On average, every person needs vitamin C intake of 60 mg, or 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women. So by consuming 300 grams of soursop, we've been able to suit the needs of vitamin C daily. Because in 100 grams of meat soursop fruit contains about 20 mg of vitamin C.

3. Potassium
In soursop fruit also contains potassium that are beneficial to the body such that it can prevent stroke, prevent disruption in the muscles, keeping blood sugar levels under normal circumstances, maintaining brain function and many others.

4. Fiber
Did you know, soursop fruit contains a lot of fiber which of course can be beneficial for our bodies, one of which is to maintain a healthy digestive system of the body, keeping the body's cholesterol kdar stability, can control appetite and weight control.

5. Phosphorus and Calcium
In 100 grams of meat soursop fruit also contains phosphorus as much as 27 mg and 14 mg of calcium. Where both are needed by the body, to prevent osteoporosis through the formation of healthy bones and strong.

6. Fat
Soursop fruit contains less fat, so it is good for your health. Soursop fruit also contain non-volatile organic acids, particularly malic acid, citric acid, and the acid isositrat (which makes the fruit has a sour taste).

7. Carbohydrates
As we have seen, that the body's main source of energy is carbohydrates. While in the soursop fruit cankir contained - + 38 grams of carbohydrates, and in one day the human body needs about 225 to 325 grams of carbs / day. You should know that carbohydrates derived from it the fruit is much healthier than that derived from other foods which of course can raise blood sugar levels.

Efficacy of soursop leaf is already no doubt, much research has been done on this plant, which is one done in the land of Korean ginseng. From these studies, concluded that one of the benefits of soursop leaves that can prevent and treat various cancers. Chemical compounds called acetogenins contained in soursop leaves a selective role in killing cancer cells and 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. Terrible is not it? The actual results of the research already exists and is stored for many years the, but for some reason, not much to know. If everyone knows this important information, probably there will be a lot of cancer patients who could be helped without having always to perform the operation. (source:

How to Make Water Soursop Leaf Stew
To make the tea leaves of the soursop, is easy enough. Maybe that makes difficult the material, because today is the soursop leaves more difficult to obtain. Here's how to make soursop leaves boiled water:

Take 10-15 soursop leaves of old / dark green

Soursop leaves sliced into small pieces / or can be pulverized

then the leaves boiled in two cups of water

wait until the water is boiling and the only remaining one cup

after that, you drink the rambuan twice a day (morning and evening)

do until you heal gout. But you also can consume soursop leaves boiled water once a day as a precautionary measure.

Efficacy Soursop Leaf for Health

Here are some benefits of soursop leaves are interesting to be discussed:
1. Benefits of Soursop Leaves For Uric Acid
For those patients with gout you can try to treat your gout with soursop leaf is by consuming herbs soursop leaves boiled water on a regular basis.

2. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Diabetes
Did you know, diabetes belongs to one of the most deadly diseases suffered by many Indonesian people. Many people who perform a variety of treatment to cure, ranging from traditional treatment methods of operation that led to the amputation, horrified hiii also yes! However, who would have thought, was a diabetic, you can also try to treat diabetes using soursop leaves. Yep exactly once, it can happen, because soursop leaves can control blood sugar levels. There have been many who prove and helped to recover from the disease mematik. However, due to relatively traditional methods, to see the results, required patience.
3. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for ovarian cysts
Acetogenins on soursop leaves are not only efficacious to treat cancer, but it also can treat female diseases such as ovarian cysts. The trick is not much different from the ways that have been described above.

4. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Hemorrhoids / ambient
The content of acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, annohexocin, annonacin, annomuricin, anomurine, anonol, caclourine, gentisic acid, gigantetronin, linoleic acid, muricapentocin on soursop leaves contribute to improve the immune system and maintain a healthy body including ambient or to treat hemorrhoids.

5. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Diet
Did you know, boiled water / soursop leaf tea can help you in running a diet program. Due to consume soursop leaves, your hunger can be reduced. On day 1 consume soursop leaves boiled water, your body will be easy to feel thirsty and hungry, but diseases such as aches, tiredness so lost. On day 2, the hunger it will return to normal even reduced. While the days that followed, even if you feel hungry, but your appetite will be slightly berkuang.

6. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Cholesterol
Cholesterol is important for the body, as long as the normal level, but the fact that even if the excess will lead to serious illnesses such as diabates etc. Well, for those of you who suffer from diseases caused by excess cholesterol (diabetes), you can try to get used to consume soursop leaf tea regularly.

7. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Cancer
Latest mentions that soursop leaves contain compounds that have potent power 10 thousand times better than chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer, the compound is acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, gentisit acid, acid and caclourin lonoleat. Based on the research, these compounds are important compounds commonly used in the medical world as a cure various diseases, especially diseases such as cancer, breast cancer, prostate, pancreas, and lungs etc.

8. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Liver Disease
Use of soursop leaf is also good for treating liver disease, try to drink water during the day only soursop leaves. Because acetogenins soursop leaves contain compounds that function as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, effective against various types of parasites or worms cause liver.

9. Benefits of Soursop Leaf for ashma
For those of you who suffer from asthma or shortness of breath, you can try to regularly consume soursop leaves boiled water every morning, or it could be 2 times a day ie morning and at night before bed. Perform this step until you ashma completely healed.

10. How to Eliminate Boils with Soursop Leaf
Bisulah is one type of skin disorder in the form of lumps, in worse cases, these ulcers can also be pus discharge. In addition, a boil can also disrupt your daily activities, because it is sick. Now, to overcome a boil, we can use the soursop leaves, how easy:

Take 7-10 leaves of soursop (or to taste)
Rinse, then mash until smooth
Clean the skin are no boil with warm water
After that soursop leaf paste that has been pounded earlier in any part of the existing skin boil. Wait until dry, then wash with water.

11. Soursop Leaf can Treating Arthritis
Other benefits of soursop leaves that can treat rheumatism. Do the same with other diseases pengbatan way already described above, that is by regularly consuming soursop leaf tea 2 times a day until completely cured rheumatism.

12. Soursop Leaf can Improve the immune system
Cosuming soursop leaves boiled water can also improve the immune system or the human immune system. Thus our body becomes more resistant to various diseases, especially diseases caused by viruses.

13 Soursop Leaf Tea to Treat Back Pain
Allowing myself to always routine soursop leaf tea can also help us to avoid back pain. It has been believed to be hereditary, especially by the people who live in the countryside.

14. Treating bladder pain
As explained above, that the soursop leaves contain some anti-bacterial compounds. Antibacterial compounds contained in the soursop leaves are also able to maintain bladder health if we consume on a regular basis eg 2 times a day or 1 time a day.

15. Treating diarrhea in Infants
For those parents, especially first became a parent, would have felt very anxious when your baby has diarrhea. But it turns out you do not need to worry too much, you can try an alternative way beriktu this:
Take a ripe soursop fruit taste
then take the meat then squeeze
give your baby juice soursop leaves as much as 2-3 tablespoons
Benefits of soursop leaves for beauty
In addition to physical health, soursop leaves can also be useful for the beauty, the following detailed information:

16. Maintain Skin Firmness
Believe it or not, routinely consume soursop leaves boiled water can also take care of and maintain kekecandangan your skin and prevent premature aging.

17. Eliminate Acne
A few weeks ago I already wrote a post about how to cure acne naturally. Another way to treat acne is by using soursop leaves. Same way with a way to treat a boil.

Other benefits of soursop leaves:
Help merileksasi muscle.
Inhibit tumor growth.
Inhibit the gene mutation.
Inhibit the growth of bad bacteria.
Reduce stress.
Strengthens the nerves.
Heart healthy.
Relieves pain.
Can be used as an anti-seizure medication.
Helps dilate blood vessels.
Reduce fever.
Able to suppress inflammation.
Increasing milk production in lactating pregnant women.

Thus an article on 30 Benefits of Soursop Leaves For Health and Beauty which hopefully can be useful for your particular reader. If there is a mistake or lack of information, please let us know using the comment section below, thank you.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

How to care for the face naturally to care for the face naturally

Follow some information about the treatment. The first is how to treat the face naturally by using a face mask. There are several types of facial masks, but in this case we provide a prescription mask kiwi fruit. Kiwi fruit is combined with yogurt and olives. As for how to make it is a mix of all natural ingredients into a bowl. Then blend these ingredients with a spoon to eat until blended but not too smooth. Apply to face and wait until dry and bilaskan.

In addition to the mask uses kiwifruit, we also can eat healthy and beneficial for the skin. Types of natural skin care are as follows. There are several types of foods that contain nutrients that are very good for treating the skin, especially the skin. With regular consumption, there are side effects in skin care products or drugs will not be found in the consumption of these foods. One of them is that the consumption of cranberries in whole or in pure cranberry juice. These fruits contain many phytochemicals for healthy skin and beauty care. It also can be used to prevent cancer and heart abnormalities. In addition, the consumption of other fruits such as apple stem cells, ginger, green tea, and lemonberfungsi closely for skin health.

Some of them, skin care can be said to be easy and affordable. In addition, natural skin care with fruit mask and healthy consumption will feel more secure.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Beauty care with olive oil for the face care with olive oil for the face is one of the traditional ways that are very effective to rejuvenate the skin. It has long been known in various circles of beauty because it makes the appearance looks very charming. Caring for the absolute face because it will make your face look more beautiful. Our daily activities require us to work and move in the sun that will make our skin dry and damaged. Therefore, before and seudah outdoor activities, it helps us take care of our bodies with the traditional treatment, one of them is to use olive oil.
olive oil for face

Skin care using olive oil is very easy. Olive oil can serve as skin moisturizer that does not look dry and dull. Although in the outcome there are many kinds of moisturizers, but not all of these moisturizers have a match with our skin. It helps us to consult our moisturizing products to skin type that suits us. Rather than take the risk is too high, we should be inclined to prefer the traditional ingredients that we face become more manicured.

The way to use it was also very easy. The first thing we have to do when you want to use this natural moisturizer is by applying olive oil to the face. But do not forget to memberishkan your face before applying this oil to the face, because of the nature of olive oil as a cleanser but not a danger as a facial moisturizer alone. No wonder many people use olive oil to treat the face. This is because the nutrients contained in this olive oil. Some examples of nutrients contained in olive oil are vitamins A and E, and are antioxidants to combat premature aging.

In addition to the use of oil zaitu, we are also required to apply a clean and healthy. It must be proved to wash your face at least twice a day as a preventive measure against acne using olive oil for the face that would reduce the beauty ourselves but to use.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Tips naturally whiten body

For natural tips to whiten skin naturally, we can utilize natural materials. Important disarai if beauty products made in factories that had been widely circulated made from chemicals. Surely there are chemicals with harmful effects to the health of the skin. If we choose beauty products with content like this, the risk of our skin. It may be a product that can make skin white, but what's the point if it then makes the skin healthy. Or in other words, the skin will gradually be damaged. Surely we all do not want this to happen. For that, we need to use natural ingredients for the beauty of our skin, as well as what's

There are many natural ingredients that can make the skin become white, firm and smooth. Examples such as lime. Both the mixed in water or rubbed directly on the skin, very nice properties. Vitamin C content of lime will make the skin white and radiant. In addition, it also makes our skin smooth and youthful. Other natural tips whiten skin by using yogurt. The content of lactic acid in yogurt can make the skin so naturally white. We can do it by applying it to the skin. Yogurt is also suitable for all skin types. Therefore we do not need to worry about this material is not suitable for our skin. We can do it every day for several weeks. The result will be immediately visible. So much white skin, smooth and toned.

Natural ingredients that we can also try to skincare is honey. Honey is able to moisturize dry skin while helping to brighten the skin. As is known, dry skin into the ideal conditions for the growth of acne, spots on the skin, and dull skin. By applying honey on the skin, it will greatly help make your skin healthy. It is also a natural way to whiten skin that is easy to put into practice. Friends want to try it?
Notes on how to whiten skin naturally

The natural way to whiten skin of the face and body and hand arm are also included in the type of skin care tips most sought-after on the internet. Well, my friend Ayla need to know that we have presented a lot of articles related to this matter. Options are more natural way we suggest, this is due to consider the safety factor for the long-term as well as costs. But for friends who are able and can look for a good beauty consultant and professional then go ahead if you want to choose a modern skin care for getting assistance from an expert

Saturday, 14 February 2015

The natural way to whiten the face From the first, to whiten the face naturally there are two ways. First from within, and the second from the outside. Of the means we consume these skin whitening ingredients, being outside means applying it to the skin. Doing both ways simultaneously highly recommended that the results can be quickly visible. It is important if we want to face became white, healthy and glowing for organic foods that are high in fiber and low in sugar. It was very useful for making us so healthy skin. Drinking tea is also believed to reduce the peroxide that cause rough skin and burned. Because, there are tea polyphenols are antioxidants for the skin. Eating dark chocolate is also believed to be a way to whiten the skin of the body. Because these foods also contain polyphenols and flavonoids that act as antioxidants skin.

For materials naturally whiten the face, can try the lemon juice. By applying it to the front of us, not only capable of making skin look radiant, but also able to make us young. The content of vitamin C in the lemon jerk will also help whiten the face. Other materials that can be tried is the potato. Lay the sliced potatoes into our faces and while doing light massage will make the skin become brighter. And able to scrape the dead skin cells.

Expand also to consume vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C. As with strawberries, tomatoes and citrus. Likewise with vegetables and fruits that contain phytochemicals and carotene as carrots, antlers and pumpkin. All of it is a natural bleach for facial from our bodies. They will serve to keep the skin looking young, healthy and bright. For those who do not want to look old face, need also often eat soy. Routine eat tofu or tempeh, soy milk or drink is able to fight the aging of the skin. So that our skin look young, white and beautiful. Other foods can also make ageless is banana and papaya. Routine eat it will be good for the health of our skin.
Notes on how to naturally whiten face

Natural facial bleach and fast for men and women who are permanent if there is, it is a question that we have received from so many loyal readers aylacream. With many of these questions then we conclude that the desire to have white skin sangattinggi once. It is no wonder then that so many whitening cream products facial and body skin popping up today. Our message utuk friend Ayla all, be careful in choosing these skin whitening products. Use the guide to choose the cream bleach that has a lot to previous article we present. And do not forget to consult a beautician choice of friends all

Friday, 13 February 2015

Tips to lose weight the first is to multiply drinking water

Tips to lose weight the first is to multiply drinking water
Tips to lose weight the first is to multiply drinking water. This drink is best if we want to lose weight. Avoid energy drinks or fruit-flavored drinks, because it still contains calories. By doing so, we attempt to lose weight will be in vain if we still drink it. It is better to drink water without the calories. It will greatly assist in the body's metabolic processes. If you get bored, we may add the lemon in water.

In addition, we need to regularly exercise every day. For 30 minutes at least we take the time to exercise. Tips to lose weight is to burn more calories in the body. We can choose a favorite sport. For example, running, playing badminton, happy or even just a morning walk. In addition, we also need to make it a habit to drink coffee in the morning before the move. Coffee will make us more motivated to move. In effect, the more calories you will terbakal. We can drink coffee in the morning before work. Without realizing it, we will burn more calories.

It is also important to sex. This activity is draining too much power or in other words, will also spend a lot of calories in the body. It is also important to always sleep enough. Because metabolime body will go well and make our bodies healthier. The natural way to lose weight in a week is actually not difficult. We just need to run a healthy lifestyle and avoid things that could potentially increase the body's calorie intake. Key to lose weight is actually simple. We just need to burn more calories than we consume. If we are able to do so, then the rapid weight loss will occur.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

how to care for the face naturally good to care for the face naturally good? Of course, a beautiful face and charming a dream for all women, and to get it needed a good facial skin care. There is a wide range of facial treatments that we can use, such as using a wide range of beauty products on the market. Unfortunately, not all skin care products are safe to use, and some have a very high price and make the bag burst. Keep on how to care for the good and the true face?
how to care for the face naturally

Without friends are aware, there are a variety of ways naturally treat the face that can be done with materials around us. For example, potatoes, which can be used as a face mask to eliminate problems that often arise. Mix with yogurt mask potato juice and olive oil, for example, can prevent premature aging with effective when used regularly. There are also herbs that can face brightener friends made using lemon juice and potato mask is applied for 30 minutes. A wide variety of other facial disorders such as eye bags can also be removed with a potato mask you know! Unbelievably the benefits of this potato?

In addition to using potatoes, there are several other facial mask recipes that can be friends tried as an option to take care of the face naturally. For example, egg white mask, the mask of yogurt and lemon, avocado and olive oil mask, and various other masks are very easy to make. Friends only need to find the composition and how to use appropriate masks to deal with complaints of the face that are natural friends. It's easy, is not it? And more interestingly, all of it is already in this web, stay searched wrote dipilahn category masks.

With some traditional face this herb, friends can take care of facial skin without worrying about side effects of dangerous chemicals. Friends just need to find some tutorials mask manufacture of these materials, so that friends can make it right. Always eager to treat the face of friends, and try to stay consistent use of these ingredients all the time. We wish to take care of the face naturally is useful for all my friends, the little extra that is a good natural way is also to be applied in hair care, facial acne, help deal with acne scars, oily face, blackheads and other problems