Friday, 13 November 2015

Myriad Benefits Of Bananas tuber Edge Up

Myriad Benefits Of Bananas tuber Edge Up

Name area
Java: Cau, papaya, banana, kisang, ghedhang, kedhang, pesang, separation.
Sumatra: bananas, galuh, gaol, punti, puntik, puti, poetry, galo, early bananas, gae.
Borneo: harias, crates, bananas, punsi, pute, puti, rahias.
Nusa Tenggara: Biu, bananas, kalo, quality, punti, kalu, muu, Muko, foam, WUSA, habitation, hundi, uki.
Sulawesi: Tagin, see, lambi, knee, workshops, unti, pepe, sagin, punti, uti.
Maluku: fudir, pitah, uki, temai, spooky, kula, uru, Temae, empulu, fust, flat, tela, tele, luke. Guinea: nando, rumaya, cheeks, mayu.
Foreign Name: Xiang jiao (C), kluai namwaa (T), banana, plantain (I).
Simplicia name: Musae Radix (roots of banana), Musae Fructus (bananas).
Description Plant

Banana plants grown in tropical region because they like hot climate and requires full sun. This plant can grow in soil that is enough water, in an area with a height of up to 2,000 m above sea level. Generally, the banana garden plants, although in some areas had to be taken diperkebunkan fruit.

Banana is a plant that bears fruit only once, then dies. Between 2-9 m high, with fibrous roots underground stem (stump) short yag. Of buds that exist in these tubers can grow new plants. Bananas have a pseudo-stem is actually composed of a pile of leaves that grow from the stem of underground stem so as to achieve a thickness of 20 -50 cm. The youngest leaves are formed in the middle of plants, discharge roll and continues to grow lengthwise, then progressively opened.

Leaf blade oblong shape elongated, easily torn, 1.5-3 m long, 30-70 cm wide, lower surface waxy, clearly supporting the center bone with bone real leaves, arranged parallel and pinnate, green color. Bananas have compound interest, which each flower bud sheath wrapped in maroon. Sheath will be off and fall to the ground if the flowers have opened. Female flowers will develop normally, while the male flowers are located at the end of bunches do not grow and remain covered by a sheath and is referred to as banana. Banana should be pruned after they finish fruiting.

Each interest group called combs, which are arranged in bunches. Number of female comb between 5-15 pieces. Berry fruit, rounded elongated, curved, arranged like a comb two lines, with green skin, yellow, brown. Each group of fruit or comb consists of a few bananas. Seeded or seedless. Seeds are small, round and color hitam.Buahnya can be harvested after 80-90 days since the release of jatung bananas.

Because instead of seasonal fruit, bananas are always there any time. Bananas are mostly eaten fresh, dikolak, steamed, or processed further into a banana jam, crackers, or banana flour.

Which includes a group of table fruit banana is sapientum Musa (banana) due to better eaten fresh, sep [erti banana, ambon moss, king, king of lemon grass, mas, milk and goodies. Pisag group more palatable after being processed first is preceded Musa paradisiacal (plantain). For example, bananas horn, oil, jackfruit, cotton, stone, and kapok. The heart of the banana can be eaten as a vegetable. Banana leaves, banana leaves stone mainly used for wrapping the cake, pepesan, or other merchandise. Quasi rods and bananas sometimes associated with traditional ceremonies.

There are several opinions older people earlier on bananas. For example, plantain less suitable for the weak and her stomach stodgy thus not be given to children. Bananas cooling, clean the body, and facilitate defecation. If eaten, these bananas will prevent bleeding after childbirth. However, women with vaginal discharge disease should avoid eating bananas because it will aggravate the disease. Banana milk is easily digested so well given to children, but should not be eaten if defecation containing mucus. Mas bananas eaten by patients with constipation match. Propagation by seedlings.

Properties and Benefits

Banana fruit tastes sweet, its cool, astringent. Nourish Yin, grease (lubricate) the intestines, detoxifying, fever (antipyretics), anti-inflammatory, laxative urine (diuretics), laxatives ringan.akar efficacious as an antidote, reliever fever (antipyretics), cool the blood, anti-inflammatory and laxative urine. liver stem nutritious banana fever and for hair care. Fluid from the hump to overcome a urinary tract infection, stop the bleeding (hemostatic), fever (antipyretics), and penghitam and prevent hair loss. The young fruits and nutritious roots astringent. Young fruit nutritious antidiarrheal, antidisentri, and for the treatment of peptic ulcers.

The content KimiaAkar contains serotonin, norepinephrine, tannin, hydroxytryptamine, dopamine, vitamin A, B and C. The fruit contains flavonoids, glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch, protein, fats, oils evaporate, rich in vitamins (A, B, C and E ), minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, Fe), pectin, serotonin, 5-hydroxy triptamin, dopamine, dannoradrenalin. The content of potassium in bananas is high enough that the levels vary depending on the type of banana. Young fruit contains a lot of tannins.

DigunakanBagian parts of plants that can be used as medicine is the root, fruit, fruit peel, hump, heart banana stems, flowers, and leaves.

Indications The roots of banana used to treat:

Shortness of breath (asthma),
Urine (urine) containing blood, and
Skin disease.
Fluid from the stump used to treat:

Dysentery because of the heat in,
Dysentery, diarrhea,
Bleeding hemorrhoids,
Bleeding after childbirth (postpartum hemorrhage),
Cleansing after childbirth,
Hair loss and graying,
Inflammation of the kidneys, syphilis, and
Bitten by a rattlesnake.
The leaves are still furled used to treat:

Cold poultice on the skin bengkat or abrasions,
Menstruation too much,
Nosebleeds and other bleeding,
Sore throat,
Encephalitis (Epidemic encephalitis),
Whitish (leukorea), and
Cough, chest pain such as bronchitis,
Thin hair.
The fruit is used to overcome:

Dysentery, coughing up blood,
Diarrhea, dysentery, gastric ulcers (young fruit),
Anemia (anemia),
Heat with difficult defecation, thirst, and weak,
Celiac disease, allergies tepungbpadi whole,
Dry facial skin,
Smoothing the skin of hands and feet,
Constipation (constipation),
Piles (hemorrhoids)
High blood pressure (hypertension) and
Chronic alcohol intoxication (alcoholism).
Banana peels used to treat:
Ulcers that resemble cancer,
Skin disorders in herpes,
Ditungkai ulcers in diabetes mellitus,
Warts (warts),
Hipetensi secondary,
Thin and sparse hair, and
Burns, scalded, redness of the skin (rash).
Flowers used to treat:

Prevent brain hemorrhage and stroke.
PemakaianUntuk way drugs taken, tepungbpisang consumption of 1-2 tablespoons before meals and at bedtime. For external use, use caution to cure wounds banana stems new, young banana leaves to cool the fever patients, the eye feels hot, and burns. Weevil fluid for hair growth. Milled leaves, roots, or tubers fresh bananas until smooth, then Turapkan in disorders such as ulcers, purulent inflammation of the skin (piopdermi), erysipelas, ear inflammation, burns, and swelling.

Pharmacological effects and PenelitianHasil results showed, banana flour stone given to mice can prevent the onset of peptic ulcers (peptic ulcer) if the rats were given aspirin. This can occur due to increased secretion of mucus (mucus) in the stomach.

Example Usage

Heat the banana cubes (one piece) on gray kitchen, cut into slices, then finely milled. Add half a cup of cooking water, stirring evenly, then squeeze and strain. Drink the juice. Do it three times a day.
Chewing a few leaves of banana flowers kapok, then swallow the liquid.
KeringGiling facial skin bananas (one piece) to haluis. Add two tablespoons of olive oil, and heat briefly on fire. Once cool, apply evenly to the face that had previously been cleared. Allow up to dry about 20 minutes, wash with clean water. Do it every day until visible results.
KakiGosokkan hand smoothing the skin and the inside of the banana skin on the hands and feet are rough and cracked. Do it every day.
Luka baruAmbil seukupnya heart-shaped banana stem klutuk sufficiently large candle. Wash, then mash until blended. Stick it on the wound and bandaged. Replace two meals a day.
SembelitJika manageable units bowel movement every day, defecation difficult dank eras, eat bananas mas 1-2 pieces per day on a regular basis, at night before bed and in the morning on an empty stomach.
RambutUntuk fertilizer smooth and reddish hair, shampoo Wash with self-made. How, drying banana peel mas (five) to dry, and then create a powder. Add the eggs were taken the red course and one cup of water, stir evenly. Use for shampooing. When finished, rinse with clean water.
Penghitam and prevention banana weevil rontokAmbil hair newly cut down to taste, chopped or grated, then squeeze to take liquid. Another way to take liquid banana weevil is to make a big hole in the stump left in the ground, after the first banana trees cut near the base. Weevil closed so that dirt can not enter. Weevil fluid will be collected by itself in the hole. Some time later, the liquid can be disendoki from the hole, then use to wet hair and scalp with a mild massage. Do it every morning, be cool head and hair becomes fertile. Almost all types of banana trees can be used, except banana milk. Liquid banana weevil do about clothes because it will leave a stain that suykar missing.
MaagKupas klutuk unripe banana taste, thinly sliced, then dry in the sun to dry under the sun. Once dried, milled to a powder before incision. How to use, take a teaspoon of powder, and brewed with hot water. Once cool, stir and drink at the same time following the dregs. Perform three klali a day, for two weeks. Furthermore, enough to drink once a day,
Bleeding hemorrhoids, dysentery, bleeding nifasSetelah all felled trunks, create large lubagng banana weevil is left in the soil. Collect the liquid hole, then drink. Do it three times a day, each half a cup. Will be more efficacious if the liquid is derived from banana weevil klutuk or banana kepok. To prevent bleeding during childbirth, also need to eat bananas regularly.
Brain hemorrhage, bleeding diotakCuci sroke result of the banana fruit, then cut into pieces as needed. Boil three cups of water until the remaining half. Once cool, strain and drink as well.
Hemorrhoids pain and bleeding after a bowel movement besarAmbil half comb ripe banana half. The following banana skin steamed until tender in a sealed panic. Once cool, grind until smooth with the skin as well. Eating in the morning and evening before going to bed with an empty stomach, each 2-3 steamed banana finely ground.
Dysentery without skin lendirKupas three p [Isang stone ripe bananas add three raw cured with the skin are cut into small pieces. Milled until blended, then squeeze and strain. Yag drink fluids collected twice a day, each half a cup.
DemamAlaskan young banana leaves on the pillow or fever sufferers lying on young banana leaves. Banana leaves are efficacious soothing.
Fever with thirst, dry throat, and difficulty menelanmMakan 1-2 pieces of fresh banana, do three times a day.
SariawanKupas three bananas klutuk skin that have been cooked, then add three klutuk unripe bananas with the skin are cut into small pieces. Milled everything until blended. Combine with the noni fruit that is too finely ground. Squeeze the mixture, then strain and embunkan overnight. The next morning, before drinking the liquid runs out. Do it every day until cured.
BerbisaCuci snake bites banana weevil king of the fist, and scar. Add one tablespoon of pure honey while kneaded until uniform. Squeeze and strain, then drink the liquid collected at the same time. Do it twice a day.
Inflammation tenggorokCuci clean the handheld banana roots kapok, then mash until smooth. Add three-fourths cup of cooking water while squeezing. Squeeze and strain. Use the juice to gargle (gargle). Do it 4-6 times a day until healed.
Inflammation otakCuci banana roots 200 g, and make juice and drink as well.
Inflammation paruBersihkan banana roots as much as 120 g, and make juice. Add honey to taste, stirring evenly and drink as well.
Inflammation of the kidneys, urinary feels sakitTambahkan water one cup of sugar in a liquid derived from the pseudo stem, then drink.
Anemia (anemia) Wash thoroughly cured banana child whose height is an inch below the roots, and scar. Add one tablespoon of salt water, stirring evenly, then squeeze and strain. Drink fluids collected at once. Do it every day until healthy.
Prevention of high blood pressure (hypertension) Cut a banana peel fruit or stalk of bananas, then boiled. Drink like tea three times a day, each one cup.
High blood pressure accompanied sembelitBlender following banana skin (500 g) and black sesame (15 g) by adding enough water to drink, until they run out in one day.
High blood pressure (hypertension), treatment and following pencegahanRebus banana peel stems (30-60 g) or fresh root (30-120 g). when cool, drink the water as tea. Do it every day three times. Each one cup.
Ulcers that resemble cancer, skin inflammation in herpes, ulcers dikakiKeringkan or green banana skin burn to ashes. Sprinkle the skin disorder.
Hangover, alkoholismeRebus banana skin (60 g) with three cups of water until the remaining one cup. Once cool, strain and drink as well.
MigrenGiling ripe banana skin until it becomes dough like mush. Apply dibelakan neck, temples and forehead.
Bruising, bisulGiling following green banana skin until smooth. Apply on the affected part.
Burned, scalded and skin redness (rash) Rub the inside of a banana skin that has been cooked in skin disorders.
Warts (warts) Scrape the inside of a banana peel ripe fruit and white. Dab on the wart, then cover with a plaster. Replace every shower. Do it every day until cured.
Shortness of breath (asthma) and cough due to lung panasKukus two ripe bananas below the skin. Eating in the morning on an empty stomach and want to sleep during the night.
CatatanPembagian other bananas: Bananas (Musa sp.) According to the type can be divided into five parts, namely:

Musa paradisiaca var. sapientum (banana), namely bananas are eaten immediately after cooking fruit such as bananas, ambon moss, king, king of lemon grass, mas, milk, and goodies.
Musa paradisiacal forma typica (plantain), namely bananas are eaten boiled or fried bananas horn, oil, jackfruit, cotton and kapok.
Moses brachycarpa, which is kind of like a banana banana seed in stone, also called klutuk banana or banana seeds.
Moses texilis, namely banana fibers such as banana-producing manila.
Ornamental banana banana crate fan, superb banana (musa superb), basjoo banana (musa basjoo).
masUntuk banana patients peptic ulcers and excessive stomach acid, do not eat bananas ripe. (

As NOTES, for patients with gastric artisan, sour stomach or chronic gastritis, RECOMMENDED ALL EATING BANANA GOLD, because MY EXPERIENCE and PASIEN2 therapy, BANANA GOLD COOK precisely HEAL gastrointestinal disease and penyakit2 OTHERWISE. Bananas gold also does not cause mules, abdominal pain, and nausea when eaten in the morning, late at night or in a critical state can not eat and drink.

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