Sunday, 15 November 2015

Camel's Hay Citronella

Camel's Hay, Citronella, Geranium Grass, Cochin Grass, herbe de citron (France), Zitronengras (Germany), Erba in Limone (Italy), Hierba de Limon (Spain), bhustrina (India), lemongrass, withered, lemongrass (Indonesia) , mak bai NÃO (Laos), Sera (Sinhalese), Takrai (Thai).
Lemongrass is a tropical grass that grows high. Stems and fresh leaves have a fresh smells such as lemon oil because it contains starch, which was also present during the same as the lemon peel. The leaves are long like a javelin in your upper and berpejal several inches long at the end of the portion before the roots. As a spice, fresh lemongrass flavor chosen because its fragrance. This berpejal portion sliced ​​or ground and used in cooking. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon sp.) May be classified as a kind of a large clump of grass and big roots. Privileged lemongrass is because all parts such as leaves, stems, roots and flowers has the potential to be used as a drug Serai, generally recognized as the plant roots and stems are often used as a flavoring spice masakan.Serai is a genus that contains about 55 species clumps. This plant can thrive in hot weather and reaches a height of about 2 to 4 meters. There are two types of lemongrass used by makers of potions namely;
a) regular lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)
b) fragrant lemongrass (Cymbopogon nardus).
Lemongrass plant is used in various cultures. Part of this plant can be used for herbs including roots, stems, and leaves. Essential oils from plants is widely used in the cosmetics industry for the manufacture of perfume and soap.

The content Serai:
Contains essential oils consisting of citric, citronellol, a-pinene, kamfen, sabinen, mirsen, felandren beta, p-cymene, limonene, cis-osimen, terpinol, citronellal, borneol, -4 terpinen-ol, a-terpineol, geraniol , farnesol, metilheptenon, n-desialdehida, dipenten, methyl heptanenon, bornilasetat, geranilformat, terpinil Astet, sitronil acetate, geranil acetate, beta-elements, beta-kariofilen, beta-bergamoten, trans-metilsoeugenol, beta-kadinen, elemol, kariofilen oxide. Other compounds are geranial, geranil butyrate, lomonen, eugenol and metileugenol.
Provision and Storage
If using fresh lemon grass, just use the bulb stem portion. He can be ground or finely sliced ​​and used whole. If used in the form of powder, use only a teaspoon because he is just like using a fresh stalk. It is advisable to soak the piece or pieces of lemongrass that has been dried for at least two hours before using it
Lemongrass wrapped in paper or in a paper bag, so it can last 2 to 3 weeks in the refrigerator. The trunk can also be frozen to be used a few months later. Lemongrass should wrap and store it separately, because lemon grass taste and aroma can spread to other foods.
Usage In Cuisine
Lemongrass is the main characteristic cuisine curry dish of meat, chicken, seafood and vegetables in Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and India. He sebati with bersantan cuisine, especially with chicken or seafood, and there are many recipes that are not measurable from Thai and Sri Lanka that exploit this combination. Which have been cultured stem was also used in tea or used in citrus and in perisa marinades.
Usage in Health
Lemongrass is considered a diuretic, tonic and stimulant. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon ciatrus) also known as citronella grass, Sweet Rush fever or drugs. He is a magical herb with several therapeutic values ​​and treatment. Lemongrass health benefits including for diuretic, antiseptic, analgesic, wind dispenser, nerve sedative, galactogogue, tonics, sedatives, antidepressants, barrier bacteria, antimicrobial, lowering body heat, astringent, removing foul odors (deodorant) and many others. To be sure, lemongrass benefits derived from the content of antioxidants, beta carotene and other vitamins, a number of micro-elements (microelemen) and other nutrients.
Efficacy Daun Serai
• Eliminate rancidity in meat ducks and goats.
• lemongrass leaves wrapped with iron or hot stones are used to restore the nerve weak region, the disease can be your muscles, joints, swollen uterus mengilkan, solve mucus, blood and wind.
• The leaves of lemongrass and cumin ground to be made 'pasta' for taped to the forehead to relieve headaches. Spice mix on a hundred to be made 'pasta' to take care of swollen joints and muscles.
• Water lemongrass leaf decoction is used for water bath for women after childbirth and muscle weakness and joint diseases
Efficacy of Stem and Roots Serai
• Helps treat problems stomach ache and break up clots and release wind wind through the anus (farting) and mouth (belching).
• Can help mennyeimbangkan stability of the hormone.
• As a daily food seasoning, add the aroma of the dish as well as help alleviate food poisoning.
• Mixed with "spice hundred" has benefits for ill-health care for the body innards system.
• Helps smooth urination.
• Prevention of mosquito bites and poisonous animals.
• In the material make perfume oil, shampoo and lotion.
Efficacy Flowers Serai
• Prevention of pregnancy humans and animals.
• Toning and moisturizing the skin (youthful).
• Health and freshness of the uterus.
Efficacy Serai as Medicine
1. The Serai has been used for centuries as a stimulant of the immune system.
2. This natural herb can help prevent berlbagai problems associated with digestion including gastroenteritis, nausea, loss of appetite, flatulence and so on.
3. Product lemongrass can be used to accelerate blood circulation and lower blood pressure.
4. One than manafaat lemongrass to ill-health of the most important is degrading paras LDL cholesterol in the blood.
5. Investigations indicate where Lemongrass has anti-cancer properties are large and can protect against some types of cancer, including colon cancer.
6. manafaat lemongrass including antibacterial characteristics and antidepressants.
7. Serai is one herb that can be used to reduce fever. In addition, lemongrass drugs containing useful in treating cough, selsema, bronchitis and other diseases.
8. The use of infusion lemongrass and citronella oil can menguranngi arthritis pain and reumatisme.
9. The health benefits of diuretics citronella can help improve the function of the kidneys and bladder, as well as stimulate detoxification and speed up the removal of toxins from the body.
10. herb lemongrass can be used to relieve the symptoms of stress such as fear, doubt, anxiety, and so on.
11. The benefits of lemongrass drugs including insomnia and sleep disorders.
12. Herba lemongrass disanjurkan for women suffering from PMS pain or menstrual disorders rounds.
13. lemongrass can be used to strengthen muscles and nervous system tissue.
14. manafaat lemongrass for skin: prevent inflammation of the skin, helps to eliminate inflammation spots, acne, relieve eczema, dermatitis and so on.
15. Serai also used as aromatherapy
16. Serai also can relieve all kinds of inflammation and irritability associated with aches and pains such as joint pain, muscle pain, tooth pain, and others.
17. Serai is also widely used to reduce blood pressure and stimulate blood circulation. By consuming a drink containing Serai every day it will be very helpful in lowering hypertension.
How to Make Herb Plant Serai
(1) Take 40 grams of fresh lemon grass leaves washed yes, then take 2 cups of water and boil until the water became 1/2 after cold filtered and taken deh 2 times a day, the benefits as:
1. Smooth menstruation = drink 2 times a day before meals
2. Maag = drink 2 times a day after meals
3. toothache and swollen gums = dikumur
(2) Getting rid of cough
Take 50 grams of dried lemon grass leaves boiled with 2 cups of water until the water becomes 1/2, drink 3 times a day
(3) Treating a sprain
Provide hazelnut mashed together 3 eggs 2 stalks lemongrass give a little water and then heated (briefly), then apply a sprained place

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