Wednesday, 9 October 2013

benefit sweet star fruit

Sweet star fruit benefits for the body , from the Latin Averrhoa Carambola star fruit is sweet . Sweet star fruit scattered all o the State , especially tropical countries . Form of sweet star fruit is elliptical with sharp ribs of five . If cut horizontally shaped like a star . Taste sweet star fruit is sweet , fresh and crisp . 
benefit sweet star fruit
  Countries that produce sweet star fruit is someone Negara Indonesia and Sri Lanka . In addition in a tropical country , there are some sub-tropical countries that grow sweet star fruit is America and Australia . Sweet star fruit can be grown in areas with an altitude of 0 - 500m above sea level with high rainfall and getting enough sunlight . Fruit that can bloom throughout the year and harvested three times a year also have another type of star fruit or star fruit is a vegetable ( Averrhoa bilimbi ) tastes more acidic and can be used for seasoning . Have sweet star fruit antiperektik and expectorant properties . 
benefit sweet star fruit
benefit sweet star fruit

benefit sweet star fruit
So it can be used to reduce cough in children . Fruits that contain lots of vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties , among others , analgerik , analgesic and diuretic . Vitamin C helps reduce canker sores , sore throat , fever and cholesterol overcome . Roots of sweet star fruit believed to cure headaches and joint pain . While the leaves can be used to treat stomach ulcers , purulent skin inflammations and ulcers . Although a lot of benefits for people with kidney disease are advised to decimate eating sweet star fruit this caused a lot of sweet star fruit contains oxalic acid .

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