Apricot seeds can strengthen the respiratory system , so it can reduce disease cough and asthma . In addition to the above benefits , apricot seeds also have a side effect if we take the seed end . There is a chemical element content at the end of the apricot seeds can cause an imbalance in the metabolism of the body , so it was not too much expected to consume apricot seeds .
High fiber content of the fruit flesh apricot helps in reducing diarrheal disease / abdominal pain ( constipation ) . While in the State of apricot china used in helping the body regenerasicairan missing because of sports or are recovering from an illness . Can also , be a potent ditoksifikasi . Because it contains enough liquid in apricot , can petrify eliminating thirsty .
It can be concluded there are several benefits of apricot , among others :
- Reduce cholesterol and the risk of cancer .
- Strengthen the respiratory system and reduce the risk of cough and asthma
- Relieves diarrhea and constipation
- Help regenerate body fluids
- Assist in detoxification
- Hunger or thirst relief fluid
Similarly, articles about the benefits of apricot ( Armenian plum )
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