Benefits and content of the leaves meniran
Benefits and leaves meniran content . Meniran - meniranan tribe or Phyllanthaceae is a family member of flowering plants . According to APG II classification system is incorporated into the tribal nation Malpighiales , kladeurosids I. The tribes in the Cronquist system is anaksuku Phyllanthoideae of tribal kastuba - kastubaan ( Euphorbiaceae ) , with
Drypeteae issued and put into Putranjivaceae tribe .
Inside are nine Tribus , 56 genera with about 1700 types from a variety of habitus : trees , shrubs , and herb . Members of this tribe is spread throughout the tropics . Medicinal Plants Meniran very rich in a variety of chemical constituents , among others : phyllanthin , hypophyllanthin , niranthin , nirtetrali , nirurin , nirurinetin , norsecurinine , phyllanthenol , phyllnirurin , phylltetrin , quercitrin , quercetin , ricinoleic acid , rutin , salicylic acid methyl ester , garlic acid , ascorbic acid , hinokinin , hydroxy niranthin , isolintetralin , and Isoquercetin .
Other compounds contained in Meniran is beta - d - xylopyranoside and beta - sitosteroy . Another newly discovered compounds are seco - 4 - hidroksilintetralin , seco - isoarisiresinol trimethyl ether , hidroksinirantin , dibenzilbutirolakton , nirfilin , and neolignan .
The roots and leaves are rich in flavonoids Meniran , among others phyllanthin , hypophyllanthin , qeurcetrin , Isoquercetin , astragalin , and routine . Oil seeds contain fatty acids such as ricinoleat acid , linoleic acid and linolenic acid .
Scientific evidence meniran
There are many benefits that can be obtained from Medicinal Plants Meniran for our health . However , for pregnant women , the use is not recommended because Meniran Meniran is an abortion . Patients with acute renal impairment are also prohibited from using Meniran as medicine . In addition , the use of Meniran in the long term can cause erectile dysfunction and renal failure .
Benefits Meniran as Medicine
Antibacterial .
Meniran methanol extract of the leaves have the highest antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus , Bacillus subtilis , Escherichia coli , and Pseudomonas aeruginosa . This effect is due to the antibacterial compounds such Meniran phyllanthin , hypophyllanthin , niranthin , and nietetralin . Petroleum ether extract of the stems , leaves , and roots Meniran also showed antifungal effects .
Solvents gout and kidney stones .
The content of flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides are compounds most commonly used in the treatment of gout and kidney stones . Therefore , Meniran flavonid -rich compounds , can be used to treat gout and kidney stones .
In the body , flavonoids bind with calcium kidney stones and form complex compounds soluble chelates . The ions Na and K in Meniran would bind to uric acid salt forming compound is easily soluble in water so that it has crystallized uric acid in the blood and kidneys will be dissolved slowly and then be excreted through the urine . Meniran also is a diuretic ( helping discharge of urine ) . By the way , Meniran used to treat gout and kidney stones or other illnesses caused by uric acid such as gout rheumatism .
Immunomodulators .
Recent studies have revealed that Meniran immunomodulator activity . Immunomodulators play a role to make the system more active body carrying out its duties , including strengthening the immune system / immune system . If the immune system is increased , the body resistance against various bacteria and viruses also increased .
The immune system works in 3 ways . First , blocking the entry of bacteria and viruses into the body . Second , if the bacteria and viruses made it into the body, the immune system will detect it and do a process of elimination before the bacteria and viruses to multiply and cause disease . Third , if the bacteria and viruses breed already , then the immune system will eliminate them.
The results showed that the extract Meniran can modulate the immune system through the proliferation ( spread) and the activation of T and B lymphocytes , natural immune system when our resistance is insufficient . Lymphocytes T and B works by type viruses and bacteria that occur . In addition , it also serves Meniran activate phagocytic cells such as monocytes and macrophages in charge of providing pieces of pathogenic ( disease-causing biological agents ) to T cells so that the pathogens can be recognized and killed .
Because it is an immunomodulator , Meniran can be used to strengthen the immune system against bacteria , viruses , and microbes that cause disease in order to prevent various diseases caused by bacteria , viruses , or microbes .
Anticancer .
Ability Meniran as immunostimulator help stimulate the activity of natural killer cells ( NK ) cells and killer ( K ) . If both of these cells increased toxicity , cells that have mutations and abnormal ( cancer cells ) are destroyed by both.
Antidiabetic .
Phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin is the main component that is thought to play an active role in decreasing blood sugar levels . This is shown by the results of a study of mice that had induced alloxan ( chemicals that trigger condition is given for diabetes in experimental animals ) . Apparently, mice given the extract Meniran decreased blood sugar levels . Meniran proven role as an antidiabetic .
Hepatoprotective .
The results showed that Meniran also serves as a hepatoprotective . A group of mice injected with carbon tetrachloride ( inducer hepatotoxic substances ) . As it turned out , to which water is boiled Meniran improved liver organ . Meniran containing compounds such antihepatotoksik filantin , hipofilantin , triakontanal , and trikontanol.heSelain it , Phyllanthus compound in Meniran also known to work as a protector of the liver ( hepatoprotective ) by means of sabotaging the DNA polymerase ( an enzyme needed for the hepatitis viruses replicate / multiply ) . In a study in India , 59 % of patients suffering from hepatitis B infection showed that the levels of HBV infection after eating smaller Meniran for 1 month .
Chronic hepatitis .
The results of clinical trials in hospitals Atopic Dermatitis prove efficacious overcome Meniran hepatitis B. Chronic hepatitis patients were given a Meniran capsule 3 times daily for a month . Meniran extract can modulate the immune system through the proliferation and activation of lymphocytes T and B. Secretion of TNF - α and IFN - α increases. The end effect , hepatitis healing indications . Meniran encourage repair mechanism of liver cells by increasing the amount of enzyme that acts as an antioxidant .
Antituberculosis .
dr . Zulkifi Amin , TB immunology experts from the Faculty of Medicine , University of Indonesia , throughout 2000 Meniran conduct clinical trials of patients with tuberculosis . The clinical trial involved 60 patients aged 15-55 years . Patients were divided into 2 groups , each consisting of 30 members . Both groups still given anti- tuberculosis drugs . The difference is, one group was given additional well Meniran extract capsules 50 mg . Frequency of 3 times a day each 1 capsule . During 2 months of their situation continues to be monitored .
In the first week Meniran effects look very real . The number of acid-resistant bacteria ( AFB , one of the indicators of TB ) in patients who consume reduced Meniran real in the first week . The difference between the number of patients taking the BTA Meniran with a not very significant . Meniran help increase immunity levels of TB patients by increasing CD4 T lymphocytes and T lymphocytes CD4/CD8 ratio
Skin diseases .
Meniran consumption is also useful as an adjunctive therapy of skin diseases such as leprosy and herpes zoster . Meniran extract works by increasing the cellular immune system . In other words , T lymphocytes Meniran encourage more active work . Herpes zoster breed freely when the body's immune system is weakened .
While leprosy is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae . The bacteria invade the skin and nervous system so that the edge of the lepers ability to perceive stimuli such as touch , heat , cold , pain will decrease . In the medical world , leprosy patients will be given antibiotics to resist disease progression .
The more severe the infection , the longer antibiotic treatment done so often appear in the form of drug side effects skin rash , anemia , or liver damage . By eating Meniran that serves as an immunomodulator , immune system will be stimulated and the healing process will happen faster .
The many benefits of and content of the leaves meniran , making it as one of the leading medicinal plants are much in demand . Efficacy Meniran most popular in the community is its value in overcoming gout . Therefore , almost any herbal products anti urate using Meniran as one of the raw materials of manufacture , such as tea made from the herb Sidaguri Sidaguri , combined with Meniran , Leaves gods , and Sambiloto , which is believed to reduce uric acid levels , reducing swelling and pain
Benefits and leaves meniran content . Meniran - meniranan tribe or Phyllanthaceae is a family member of flowering plants . According to APG II classification system is incorporated into the tribal nation Malpighiales , kladeurosids I. The tribes in the Cronquist system is anaksuku Phyllanthoideae of tribal kastuba - kastubaan ( Euphorbiaceae ) , with
Drypeteae issued and put into Putranjivaceae tribe .
Inside are nine Tribus , 56 genera with about 1700 types from a variety of habitus : trees , shrubs , and herb . Members of this tribe is spread throughout the tropics . Medicinal Plants Meniran very rich in a variety of chemical constituents , among others : phyllanthin , hypophyllanthin , niranthin , nirtetrali , nirurin , nirurinetin , norsecurinine , phyllanthenol , phyllnirurin , phylltetrin , quercitrin , quercetin , ricinoleic acid , rutin , salicylic acid methyl ester , garlic acid , ascorbic acid , hinokinin , hydroxy niranthin , isolintetralin , and Isoquercetin .
Other compounds contained in Meniran is beta - d - xylopyranoside and beta - sitosteroy . Another newly discovered compounds are seco - 4 - hidroksilintetralin , seco - isoarisiresinol trimethyl ether , hidroksinirantin , dibenzilbutirolakton , nirfilin , and neolignan .
The roots and leaves are rich in flavonoids Meniran , among others phyllanthin , hypophyllanthin , qeurcetrin , Isoquercetin , astragalin , and routine . Oil seeds contain fatty acids such as ricinoleat acid , linoleic acid and linolenic acid .
Scientific evidence meniran
There are many benefits that can be obtained from Medicinal Plants Meniran for our health . However , for pregnant women , the use is not recommended because Meniran Meniran is an abortion . Patients with acute renal impairment are also prohibited from using Meniran as medicine . In addition , the use of Meniran in the long term can cause erectile dysfunction and renal failure .
Benefits Meniran as Medicine
Antibacterial .
Meniran methanol extract of the leaves have the highest antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus , Bacillus subtilis , Escherichia coli , and Pseudomonas aeruginosa . This effect is due to the antibacterial compounds such Meniran phyllanthin , hypophyllanthin , niranthin , and nietetralin . Petroleum ether extract of the stems , leaves , and roots Meniran also showed antifungal effects .
Solvents gout and kidney stones .
The content of flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides are compounds most commonly used in the treatment of gout and kidney stones . Therefore , Meniran flavonid -rich compounds , can be used to treat gout and kidney stones .
In the body , flavonoids bind with calcium kidney stones and form complex compounds soluble chelates . The ions Na and K in Meniran would bind to uric acid salt forming compound is easily soluble in water so that it has crystallized uric acid in the blood and kidneys will be dissolved slowly and then be excreted through the urine . Meniran also is a diuretic ( helping discharge of urine ) . By the way , Meniran used to treat gout and kidney stones or other illnesses caused by uric acid such as gout rheumatism .
Immunomodulators .
Recent studies have revealed that Meniran immunomodulator activity . Immunomodulators play a role to make the system more active body carrying out its duties , including strengthening the immune system / immune system . If the immune system is increased , the body resistance against various bacteria and viruses also increased .
The immune system works in 3 ways . First , blocking the entry of bacteria and viruses into the body . Second , if the bacteria and viruses made it into the body, the immune system will detect it and do a process of elimination before the bacteria and viruses to multiply and cause disease . Third , if the bacteria and viruses breed already , then the immune system will eliminate them.
The results showed that the extract Meniran can modulate the immune system through the proliferation ( spread) and the activation of T and B lymphocytes , natural immune system when our resistance is insufficient . Lymphocytes T and B works by type viruses and bacteria that occur . In addition , it also serves Meniran activate phagocytic cells such as monocytes and macrophages in charge of providing pieces of pathogenic ( disease-causing biological agents ) to T cells so that the pathogens can be recognized and killed .
Because it is an immunomodulator , Meniran can be used to strengthen the immune system against bacteria , viruses , and microbes that cause disease in order to prevent various diseases caused by bacteria , viruses , or microbes .
Anticancer .
Ability Meniran as immunostimulator help stimulate the activity of natural killer cells ( NK ) cells and killer ( K ) . If both of these cells increased toxicity , cells that have mutations and abnormal ( cancer cells ) are destroyed by both.
Antidiabetic .
Phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin is the main component that is thought to play an active role in decreasing blood sugar levels . This is shown by the results of a study of mice that had induced alloxan ( chemicals that trigger condition is given for diabetes in experimental animals ) . Apparently, mice given the extract Meniran decreased blood sugar levels . Meniran proven role as an antidiabetic .
Hepatoprotective .
The results showed that Meniran also serves as a hepatoprotective . A group of mice injected with carbon tetrachloride ( inducer hepatotoxic substances ) . As it turned out , to which water is boiled Meniran improved liver organ . Meniran containing compounds such antihepatotoksik filantin , hipofilantin , triakontanal , and trikontanol.heSelain it , Phyllanthus compound in Meniran also known to work as a protector of the liver ( hepatoprotective ) by means of sabotaging the DNA polymerase ( an enzyme needed for the hepatitis viruses replicate / multiply ) . In a study in India , 59 % of patients suffering from hepatitis B infection showed that the levels of HBV infection after eating smaller Meniran for 1 month .
Chronic hepatitis .
The results of clinical trials in hospitals Atopic Dermatitis prove efficacious overcome Meniran hepatitis B. Chronic hepatitis patients were given a Meniran capsule 3 times daily for a month . Meniran extract can modulate the immune system through the proliferation and activation of lymphocytes T and B. Secretion of TNF - α and IFN - α increases. The end effect , hepatitis healing indications . Meniran encourage repair mechanism of liver cells by increasing the amount of enzyme that acts as an antioxidant .
Antituberculosis .
dr . Zulkifi Amin , TB immunology experts from the Faculty of Medicine , University of Indonesia , throughout 2000 Meniran conduct clinical trials of patients with tuberculosis . The clinical trial involved 60 patients aged 15-55 years . Patients were divided into 2 groups , each consisting of 30 members . Both groups still given anti- tuberculosis drugs . The difference is, one group was given additional well Meniran extract capsules 50 mg . Frequency of 3 times a day each 1 capsule . During 2 months of their situation continues to be monitored .
In the first week Meniran effects look very real . The number of acid-resistant bacteria ( AFB , one of the indicators of TB ) in patients who consume reduced Meniran real in the first week . The difference between the number of patients taking the BTA Meniran with a not very significant . Meniran help increase immunity levels of TB patients by increasing CD4 T lymphocytes and T lymphocytes CD4/CD8 ratio
Skin diseases .
Meniran consumption is also useful as an adjunctive therapy of skin diseases such as leprosy and herpes zoster . Meniran extract works by increasing the cellular immune system . In other words , T lymphocytes Meniran encourage more active work . Herpes zoster breed freely when the body's immune system is weakened .
While leprosy is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae . The bacteria invade the skin and nervous system so that the edge of the lepers ability to perceive stimuli such as touch , heat , cold , pain will decrease . In the medical world , leprosy patients will be given antibiotics to resist disease progression .
The more severe the infection , the longer antibiotic treatment done so often appear in the form of drug side effects skin rash , anemia , or liver damage . By eating Meniran that serves as an immunomodulator , immune system will be stimulated and the healing process will happen faster .
The many benefits of and content of the leaves meniran , making it as one of the leading medicinal plants are much in demand . Efficacy Meniran most popular in the community is its value in overcoming gout . Therefore , almost any herbal products anti urate using Meniran as one of the raw materials of manufacture , such as tea made from the herb Sidaguri Sidaguri , combined with Meniran , Leaves gods , and Sambiloto , which is believed to reduce uric acid levels , reducing swelling and pain
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