Thursday, 26 December 2013

Benefits and content of Moringa leaves

Benefits and content of Moringa leaves . Or merunggai moringa ( Moringa oleifera ) is a kind of tribal Moringa plant . This plant has a stem height of 7-11 meters . Moringa leaf oval with a small size double decker compound in one stalk , can be made of vegetables or drugs . The flowers are yellowish white and green flowers hood midrib ; these flowers out all year with a fragrant scent .
Moringa fruit called elongated triangular tang , also can disayur .

Indonesian common name : Moringa , limaran ( Java ) UK : Moringa , Ben - oil tree , clarifier tree , drumstick tree Malay : heat , merunggai , Sajina Vietnam : Chum Ngay Thailand : ma - rum Philippines : malunggay

Infants and children in infancy World Health Organization recommended consumption of Moringa leaves . Comparison grams ,

Moringa leaves contain :
7 x the vitamin C in oranges 4 x 4 x calcium in milk vitamin A in carrots 2 x 3 x protein in milk potassium in bananas

The organization also named Moringa as a magic tree after conducting a study and found that these plants credited as low- cost health enhancer for 40 years in the poorest countries in the world . Moringa tree is widespread in the plains of Africa , Latin America , and Asia . National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) on March 21, 2008 , said that the Moringa tree " has been used as a medicine by the various indigenous ethnic groups to prevent or treat more than 300 kinds of diseases . The tradition of ancient Indian ayurvedic medicine showed that 300 kinds of diseases can be treated with moringa oleifera leaves .

Moringa leaves are the main benefits :
Increases the body's natural resistance
Refreshing the eye and brain
Increase metabolism
Increasing the cell structure of the body
Increases in serum cholesterol naturally
Reduce wrinkles and lines on the skin
Increasing the normal function of liver and kidney
beautify skin
increase energy
facilitate digestion
Maintaining the body's immune system
Improves circulation system healthy
Anti - inflammatory
Gives a feeling of overall health
Supports the normal sugar levels of the body
From the analysis it can be seen that the nutrient content of Moringa leaves has excellent potential to supplement the nutritional needs of the body . By eating the leaves of Moringa the balance of nutrients in the body are met so that people who consume Moringa leaves will be helped to improve his endurance and energy . In addition , Moringa leaves are also efficacious to overcome various problems are caused by lack of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A deficiency ( impaired vision ) , Choline deficiency ( accumulation of fat in the liver ) , vitamin B1 deficiency ( beriberi ) , vitamin B2 deficiency ( skin dry and cracked ) , a deficiency of vitamin B3 ( dermatitis ) , lack of vitamin C ( bleeding gums ) , deficiency of calcium ( osteoporosis ) , iron deficiency ( anemia ) , protein deficiency ( hair cracks and impaired growth in children ) .

1 . Benefits of Moringa Leaves For Beauty

We often hear the phrase ' World not as wide as Moringa Leaves ' , the phrase is not entirely correct when viewed from the side benefits of Moringa leaves . Yes ... , it turns out the benefits of Moringa leaves much ' wider ' and wider than the leaves are ' not as wide as ' it . Moringa leaves can be used for herbal medicine or natural medicine as I will explain later , and also can be useful for beauty , which is to remove the black stains or spots on the face .
While the recipe how to make moringa leaves to remove spots or black spots on the face are as follows ;
Some of the Moringa leaves that have been washed clean .
Then mash until smooth , using a powder , the powder can be mixed in you normally wear .
Take a few minutes and then rinse with cold water .
How to remove black spots on the face of this kind are preferred over using the products so that can not be separated from chemical processes , so that it often results in damage of the skin itself.

2 . Content of Moringa Leaves
essential oils
alkaloids moringin
oils fats
3 . Moringa Leaf Benefits To Health
Treating Pain Yellow

The materials needed are 3-7 hilt moringa leaves , a tablespoon of honey and one cup of green coconut water . To learn more about the benefits of coconut , please read the article content and oil for health benefits . As for how to make and use are as follows ;
Wash the leaves of Moringa , then mash until smooth and add one glass of coconut water .
Once filtered , add a tablespoon of honey and stir until blended .
Drink this mixture once a day until the jaundice completely healed .
Cure rheumatism , rheumatic pain and sore
The materials needed are 2-3 hilt Moringa leaves and ½ tablespoon whiting . As for how to make and use are as follows ;
The second mash ingredients until smooth .
Use these ingredients as an ointment on the affected part .
Myopia cure Chicken

The materials needed are 3 handles moringa leaves , 1 cup of boiled water and honey to taste . As for how to make and use are as follows ;
Wash the leaves of Moringa , then mash until smooth .
Pour 1 cup of boiled water and filtered , then add honey .
Stir until blended .

1 comment:

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