Monday, 16 December 2013

Benefits and content of basil seeds

Benefits and content of basil seeds . You would be familiar with the small black seeds surrounded by translucent white color outside it . Yes ... the seed is the size of a sesame sweet basil . Basil is usually used for cold drinks as a complementary mix .

If you want to own membut basil seeds , can be made from the flowers that have been dried basil leaves .
When dried basil flowers , he will issue the seeds are small black . To get basil , beans are soaked with water and it will appear translucent white membrane dipinggiranya .

Itself derived plant basil seeds Basil Thailand , and was introduced by the Indians . Basilikum or Ocimum is a group of plants that is used leaves , flowers and seeds as a spice as a refresher ( tonic ) .

Content of Seed Basil

Based on research , basil has 3 types of active ingredients that have been known that eugenol which can serve as a fungicide , tymol which can serve as a repellent ( insect blocker ) and eugenol metal that serves as an attractant ( decoy ) fruit fly pests .

Seed Basil Benefits

In the world of health , basil seeds also have many benefits . According to Prof . Hembing experts plants , basil seeds have calming properties ( sedative ) so it can be useful to reduce state anxiety, insomnia or frequent nervousness . It also can be useful to help overcome problems such as constipation indigestion maupunpanas in . There's more , basil also has pharmacological effects stimulate absorption , blood circulation , relieve spasms ( antispasmodic ) , laxative sweat ( diaforetic ) , relieve pain ( analgetic ) , laxative urine ( diuretic ) , reduce fever ( antipirotic ) , cleanse toxins and enhance the immune system .

Other benefits basil seeds :

Addressing Inflammation LambungCaranya : Boil 5 grams of basil seeds with 200cc of water , add 1 tablespoon of honey . While warm drink 2 times a day . Each - each 100cc .
WajahCaranya Smooth Skin : Puree basil seeds into a powder to taste , add enough cold water and apply to the skin and set aside some time . lkukan 1 time a day for maximum results .
Healing the Pain GigiCaranya : Boil 10 g of basil seeds , 4 cloves grains with water . While warm drink the cooking water .
KepalaCaranya cure : Boil 5 g basil seeds , 15 g of ginger and 15 pieces angco ( can be purchased at the grocery store china ) with 400 cc of water until the remaining half . Strain and drink water , and eat together angconya basil seeds .
Often overcome GugupCaranya : Pour 5 g basil seeds with 200 cc of hot water , then drink the water every day . Once drink 2 teaspoons .

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