Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Benefits and content of plant saga

Benefits and content of plant saga . Saga tree ( Adenanthera pavonina ) is a tree whose fruit resembles a banana (type pods ) with small red seeds . This plant originated from South Asia but has now spread pantropis .

Saga tree commonly used as shade trees in the streets of major . This plant is also easily found on the beach . The leaves are double pinnate , like most members of tribes other legumes .

Formerly used as the saga seed weights for weighing gold is always constant . The leaves are edible and contain alkaloids are efficacious for healing rheumatism . The seeds contain fatty acids that can be a source of alternative energy ( biodiesel ) . The wood is hard so it is widely used as a building material and furniture .

The phrase " red eyes as the saga seed " is said to someone who was so angry that his eyes are very red .

Local names Plant Saga

Saga ( Indonesia) , Saga telik / sweet ( Java ) , Thaga ( Aceh ) , areuy Saga , saga leutik ( Sunda ) , Walipopo ( Gorontalo ) , Piling -piling ( Bali ) , Seugeu ( Gayo ) , Ailalu girlfriend ( Ambon ) , buncik Saga , Saga armpit ( Minangkabau ) , Glass ( Bugis )

The content and composition Saga

The leaves and roots of plants Abrus Pracatorius include protein, vitamins A , B1 , B6 , C , calcium oxalate , glisirizin , flisirizinat , polygalacturomic acid and pentosan .

Efficacy and Benefits of Plant Saga

1 . tonsil
Ingredients : Saga root to taste , 1 piece of cinnamon and sugar cubes
taste .
How to mix : all the ingredients are boiled with 5 cups water
to boil down to half.
How to use : filtered and drink 2 times a day 1 cup and
morning , afternoon .

2 . inflammation of the Eye
Ingredients : 1 handful of leaves Saga
How to mix : Saga finely ground leaves , then boiled with
2 cups of water to the steam taken .
How to use : water vapor sage leaves are used for medicinal
eye drops .

3 . thrush
Ingredients : Saga leaves to taste ;
How to mix : the saga still leaves freshly picked dried several
minutes for slightly wilted .
How to use : chewed until smooth while to rinse .

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