Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Benefits And Durian Seed Content

Benefits and durians content . Durian Fruit ( Durio Zibethinus Murr ) Besides the delicious taste and aroma , the fruit turns out to have many benefits for the health of the body . Not only the flesh , but also on the skin and leaves. But keep in mind , too, that eating the fruit can increase blood pressure . The cholesterol in the durian is also quite high .

Durian is the name of a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia, but also the name of the fruit can be eaten . The name is taken from the special features fruit leather , hard and sharp grooved to resemble thorns. References popularity is the "king of all fruits" ( King of Fruit ) . Durian is a fruit that is controversial , although many people that love it, but some others even disgusted with aromanya.Buah durian Durio zibenthinus Murr latin term is derived from the forests of Sumatra , Kalimantan , and Malaysia . The name itself is taken from the characteristics of durian fruit is a spiny skin closely .

Know durian not just from the sweet sting and eaten only a privilege but durian in the world of health and beauty , skin and leaves of durian is also beneficial in the world of health . Leaves are beneficial for treating skin rashes on the skin ( scab ) and difficult bowel movements ( constipation ) .

If burned, the ash can be used as a launcher skin durian period. In fact, it often makes the skin durian Java community as a mosquito repellent . Kono is reported in Malaysia thus used as medicine are the leaves of durian . By drinking boiled water leaves the durian , a fever can subside. If you do not like the taste , patients can also by placing the leaves were blended durian on the forehead .

Not only are the benefits of the fruit but the leaves , seeds, bark and roots of durian also can be used to kepntingan drugs or health and other interests .

The explanation of benefits durians as follows:

Other fruits that can be consumed , it appears durians can also be consumed and contain good benefits for health. Durian seeds contain protein , carbohydrates , fat , calcium and phosphorus that are possible can be processed food products .

Seed content Durian has a high starch content and potentially sebagi enough alternative food substitutes ( can be mixed porridge flesh ) , leather worn as a nice rub ash material , in a manner dried up dry and burned to disintegrate .

Potential and other Nutrients Durian seeds as food fresh fruits and other processed, there is a benefit from the other sections , namely: crops for prevention of erosion on sloping lands , stick to building materials / household appliance , durian wood equivalent to three flamboyant wood reasons wood tends straight .

The seeds can be boiled or baked durian and snacks can be healthy because they contain essential oils that are very high . But keep in mind , are not allowed to eat raw seeds from fruits
This comes from the genus Durio , because fatty acid siklopropena ( cyclopropene ) contained in durian seeds are toxic to the body.

Mixed durians can also be a mixture of tablets, namely dried durian seed extract is then made using the method of extraction . Meaning Method extraction is one of the measures to refine the material is so small that resembles a fine dust .

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