Sunday, 29 December 2013

Benefits and content of catfish

Benefits and content of catfish . Catfish is a group of mustachioed fish ( Siluriformes ) are included in the genus Pangasius , Pangasiidae family . The name " catfish " is also pinned on one of its members , P. nasutus . Many groups of animals of economic value , such as catfish and catfish conjoined ( P. hypophthalmus syn . P. sutchi , or some library call jambal conjoined ) . Some members are known to live in the Mekong River are very large , reaching a length of two meters .

Benefits catfish

Health benefits for catfish is characterized by the presence of the fat content is lower than other types of fish , especially the two essential fatty acids DHA which is approximately at 4.74 % and the EPA which is approximately 0.31% . Both types of omega - 3 fatty acid is usually produced from the type of fish that live in cold water fish such as Salmo , tuna , and sardines . Total fat content contained in catfish flesh is of 2.55 % to 3.42 % , where its unsaturated fatty acid is above 50 % . Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid that is most plentiful in the catfish meat is equal to 8.43% .

The content of catfish
Based on the results of the research , the nutrient content in the catfish in the form of unsaturated fat ( USFA by 50 % ) is very good to prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease . Unsaturated fats are also beneficial to reduce the amount of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in the blood contained so as to prevent and reduce coronary heart disease .

If in view of the low levels of cholesterol contained in meat catfish ( 21-39mg/100 g ) , then the benefits of catfish is good for those of you who are on a diet program because it can reduce the daily intake of cholesterol in your diet .

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