Friday, 13 December 2013

Benefits and mango seed content

Benefits and mango seed content . Mango or mango is the name of a fruit , so the name of the holt . Mangoes belong to the genus Mangifera , consisting of 35-40 members , and tribal Anacardiaceae . Scientific name is Mangifera indica . Mango trees including higher plants which stem structure ( habitus ) , clusters arboreus ,
ie woody plants that have a high shaft more than 5 m . Mango can reach 10-40 m high .

The name is derived from the Malayalam fruit maanga . The word is matched in a mango Indonesia , and on the other , these words brought to Europe by the Portuguese and absorbed into manga (Portuguese ) , mango ( English) and others. Own scientific name about expressive : " ( tree ) of mango fruit , native to India " .

Mango, a seasonal fruit that is easy enough in get in Indonesia despite the fact it is a native of India . It tastes sweet and fresh and soft pulpy texture make easy mango favored anyone. It joins other mangoes . Not surprisingly, it is easily found in the market , because konsumennya virtually all walks of life. Well for your mango connoisseur , after consuming mango , do not throw away the seeds so . Why ? Because, mangoes benefit was varied .

Mango Seed Content
Because of ignorance and lack of information , many of us who simply want to treat mangoes household waste . But further research to prove the benefits of the members of the mangoes are quite significant if treated correctly. These nutrients would not be disassociated from the content of compounds present in mango seed itself. Substances proven to contain among other carbohydrates total of 19.52 % of the total weight of beans, fat of 3.80 % of the total weight of the mangoes and protein 3.78% of the total weight of the mangoes . This research proves that the mangoes , besides functioning as a mango seed , could also be a good source of carbohydrates . Did you , when famine strikes Indians season , people would take advantage of this mangoes instead of rice and wheat .
Mango Seed Benefits
The benefits of mangoes was varied , not merely a matter of alternative sources of carbohydrates, mangoes are also trolley can cope with outbreaks of disease . This is consistent with research conducted by Christina Engels of the University of Alberta . He found the fact that mangoes can help the handling of the epidemic of disease listeriosis . This has been proven in Canada in 2012 . The benefits associated with pure tannin content in mangoes which can hinder the performance of different types of bacteria , including listeria.
Benefits other mangoes is to treat diarrheal diseases . It is easy that is to dry the mango seed and then discarded shell . Then it turned into the powder and brewed with hot water if to be used as medicine for diarrhea .
Benefits other mangoes are as powder manufacturing materials that can be used as material consumption . It is easy . Only dry the inside of the mangoes and then turned into powder . Follow- packed in airtight containers and ready to use when needed .
 Similarly, the benefits and content of mango seed . Hopefully useful.

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