Sunday, 15 December 2013

Benefits and content of nutmeg

Benefits and content of nutmeg . Nutmeg ( Myristica fragrans ) tree is a plant form that is derived from the Banda Islands , Maluku . Due to the high value as a spice , fruit and nutmeg has become an important trade commodity since Roman times . Pala is mentioned in the works of Pliny encyclopedia "Old " . Since the time of European exploration nutmeg widespread in tropical regions such as Mauritius and the Caribbean ( Grenada ) .
The term is also used for nutmeg nutmeg traded .

These plants married two ( dioecious ) so well known male trees and female trees . The leaves are elliptical slim . The fruit is oval shaped like a lemon , yellow , fleshy and flavorful distinctive because it contains essential oils in the flesh. When ripe , the skin and flesh of the fruit open and the seeds will be seen draped in red mace . The fruit produces the brown seeds .

Nutmeg has antiemetic properties of a chemical that has benefits for nausea or large muntah.Begitu properties of nutmeg are common in parts of the meat , leather , nutmeg seed to flower which once contained the chemical content in it .

Research conducted to test how much nutrient is contained in the Nutmeg Seeds are not in vain , proved to be a lot of good substances that the body needs .
Ingredients include nutmeg
Content of Nutmeg Fruit Energy = 42 kcal
Protein Content of Fruit Nutmeg = 0.3 g
Fat Content of Fruit Nutmeg = 0.2 g
Carbohydrate Content of Fruit Nutmeg = 10.9 g
Calcium Content of Fruit Nutmeg = 32 mg
Iron Content of Fruit Nutmeg = 2 mg
The content of Vitamin A Fruit Nutmeg = 29 IU
Nutmeg Fruit Content of Vitamin B1 = 0 mg
Vitamin C content of fruit Nutmeg = 22 mg
Nutmeg Seed Benefits :

1 . Suli treating sleep ( insomnia )

It's easy , take 1 piece of nutmeg and grow until smooth and give a little water . place the patient at the temples at night when going to sleep .

2 . Treating Dizziness head

Take 1 piece of nutmeg and mix with 7 pieces of betel leaf , cloves 7 pieces , then all pounded until smooth . Add a little water and apply on the neck and head crown sufferers .

3 . Treating ear pain

Way, take nutmeg and mahogany seeds , then finely crushed . Add 1/2 liter of water , then boil and simmer for 10 minutes . Squirt water on the ear as much as 4 to 5 times .

4 . Abdominal pain relievers

5 . Eliminate acne and blemishes

6 . Cope with nausea

7 . Relieve ulcer disease

8 . Cure hoarseness

Humans much busyness in everyday activities so much that had the name insomnia . Disease will easily come when someone less sleep . Parkinson's disease is one , It can take place due to the degeneration of brain cells that produce dopamine .

Weakness drugs made ​​from chemicals to treat insomnia whose name has side effects when used in a long period of time , and when using a chemical-based drug dependence can arise and can improve the continuous dosing .

Herbal remedies to nature around us and very close to us that nutmeg . The nutmeg is now available in capsule form looks more practical nutmeg .

Nutmeg Seed Research For Diabetes Drugs

Benefits of nutmeg in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus due to activation as antihyperglycemic and antidislipidemik and can lower the risk of complications in pacemaker by inflammation , endothelial dysfunction , and atherosclerosis mealalui its activity as an antioxidant and antiinflimasi .

Before nutmeg used for antidiabetic there are various drugs that can treat diabetes , one of which is Thiazolidinedion ( TZD ) . There are also people who decide nutmeg to research materials because kaunikan of these plants .

There are some researchers who managed to isolate the active compound macelignan of nutmeg and has a potential role as an agonist in the manufacturing process for the development of antidiabetic drugs and antihiperlipidemia .

A researcher Fokos only for the development of the nutmeg seed , and have a full Convictions that whole nutmeg plant has other benefits , a researcher was inspired to explore the research objectives . And the results of his research have been patented and presented at an international seminar .

Nutmeg plants are also so many in Indonesia , the same as in the country of India . This can have many advantages as a material for medicines , and could be the solution to the world 's health and can help the community .
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