Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Benefits and rambutan seed content

Benefits and rambutan seed content , we definitely know rambutan . This fruit has unique characteristics and attractive with the hair on the skin of the fruit . It's green when young, then gradually yellow , to red when ripe . It was sweet . In addition , at the time of the season , the fruit is easily found on the roadside with a light price .
In fact , outside of Java, it could be worthless . Usually , people know him simply as fruit or sweets made ​​. However , it could also plant for treatment .

Rambutan fruit ( Nephelium lappaceum ) is a tropical plant belonging to the tribe lerak - lerakan or Sapincia CEAP came from the islands of Southeast Asia .

Division : Mognoliophyta
Class : Mognoliopsida
Order : Sapindales
Family: Sapindaceae
Genus : Nephelium
Species : N. lappaceum

Rambutan trees like warm tropical climate ( average temperature 25 ยบ C ) rambutan tree height can reach eight feet .

Rambutan plants produce flowers after seven years if grown from seed . However , at the age of two years was able to bloom if propagated vegetatively , usually married two rambutan , but are androdiocious , there are male plants and plant pansy .

Rambutan flowering is influenced by the season or the availability of water . Dry period of three months to stop the vegetative growth and stimulate the formation of flowers . In the area of North Sumatra who knew no dry season , rambutan can bear fruit twice a year . Elsewhere , dry flowers appear usually after three months ( in Java and Kalimantan usually in October and November ) .

Know Rambutan
Rambutan ( Nephelii lappacei ) is widely grown as a fruit tree , sometimes found as wild plants , especially outside Java . This tropical plant requires a humid climate with an annual rainfall of at least 2000 mm . rambutan is a lowland plant to a height of 300-600 asl .

This plant is usually between 15-25 m high , branches , and leaves are green . Fruit shape is oval , 3-5 cm long with spines temple ( hair ) until stiff limp .

Fruit skin is green , and the yellow or red when ripe . Thick fruit walls . Seeds elliptical , wrapped in transparent white flesh that can be eaten and contains a lot of water . Taste varies from sour to sweet . Woody thin seed coat .

Generally rambutan flowering at the end of the dry season and the rainy season fruit forming , around November to February . Rambutan also has many kinds of them Ropiah , The Tiger , The Mistress , Lebak Bulus and Binjei . Propagation by seed , patch budding , and grafting .

Ingredients and Benefits

This fruit contains carbohydrates , protein , fat , phosphorus , iron , calcium and vitamin C. Fruit skins contain tannins and saponins . Seeds contain fat and polyphenols . The leaves contain tannins and saponins . The bark contains tannin , saponin , flavonida , pectic substance , and iron .

Rambutan fruits stored in the drug efficacy invaluable , according to the study of medicinal plants expert , rambutan fruit contains iron , potassium , vitamin C sapai in every 100 grams ( about 3 rambutan fruit contains 69 calories , 18.1 grams of carbohydrates , and 58 mg vitamin ) . Rambutan fiber content is also quite high , about 2 grams per 100 grams of fruit weight . Character like this fruit is consumed suitable people who are dieting lose or maintain weight .

Parts of this plant can be used as a drug is used to treat skin fruit dysentery and fever , bark used to treat canker sores , the leaves are used to treat diarrhea and black hair , the root used to treat fever , and seeds used to treat diabetes (diabetes mellitus ) .

Method and Example of Usage

For drugs taken , no dosing recommendation . For external use , the leaves are rolled till smooth, then add a little water . Then water the juice can be used for hair care . As an example of its use is as follows :


Rambutan fruit skin ( 10 pieces ) washed , then dippotong pieces as needed . Then add 3 cups of clean drinking water , then boiled until the water remaining half . Once cool, filtered and taken 2 times a day , each three -fourths cup .


Rambutan skin that has been dried ( 15 g ) was washed . Then add 3 cups water , then boiled for 15 minutes . Once cool, filtered and drink 3 times a day , each third section .

Hair Care

Rambutan leaf sufficiently washed , then ground into powder . A little water is added , stirring until a dough like mush . Then , squeezed and didisaring with a piece of cloth . The collected water is used to moisten the scalp . This is done every day until you see the results .


Rambutan seeds ( 5 seeds ) sangran fried ( sangria ) , and then ground to a powder . Then , brewed with one cup of hot water . After the cold water is taken at once . Do it 1-2 times a day .


Bark rambutan ( 3 knuckles ) washed , then boiled with 2 cups water until the remaining one cup . Then used to rinse while warm .

What about rambutan fruit seeds ? Turns rambutan seed can also be utilized . Rambutan seeds are not poisonous and contain carbohydrates , fats , proteins , which can meet the nutritional needs of the body . Rambutan seed polyphenols also quite high in fat . The composition of chemicals in the rambutan seed yield efficacy hypoglycemic ( blood sugar lowering ) so that the rambutan seed lot used for alternative medicine to normalize blood sugar levels of people with diabetes ( diabetes mellitus are likely to be high ) .

Take five trick is ripe rambutan , separate the seeds . Cut rambutan seeds into small parts , then roasted till golden black . Finely milled to a powder . Enter the full powder into a cup , brewed with hot water . Once cool , clear drinking water section at once waste pulp or sediment . Do it before eating as much as 1-3 times a day , depending on how high sugar levels while doing this therapy . Consumption every day if necessary .

Well, that was the benefit of rambutan fruit . It turns out that not only meat rambutan fruit that can be eaten or used , for you who like the rambutan do not be afraid to eat a lot , but should be limited also by how much, too much can also make the stomach feel sakit.Tak unexpectedly , it turns out the red hair has medicinal properties as well . No harm in trying. For those who have a broad perkarangan , why not try to grow it ? In addition to easy and cheap , too quickly bear fruit . One more thing , could be used as a medicinal plant collection .

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