Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Benefits of bay leaves

Benefits of bay leaves . Bay leaves are used primarily as a cooking spice fragrances in a number of countries in Southeast Asia , both for cooking meat , fish , vegetables , and rice . This leaves intact mixed , dried or fresh , and also cooked up the food cooked . This spice gives a distinctive herbaceous aroma but not hard . In the market and in the kitchen , greeting often paired with ginger aka galangal .

The wood is reddish orange brown and medium quality . Timber belonging to the brown wood ( trade name ) can be used as building materials and home furnishings . The bark contains tannin greeting , often used as Ubar ( for coloring and preserving ) mesh , woven from bamboo material and others . Bark and leaves are commonly used as traditional ingredients to cure stomach ache . Fruit edible greeting people as well , although only children who love

Here's an article about the health benefits of bay leaves for medicine , as well as the efficacy of bay leaves to the health of the human body . Leaves this one certainly is not familiar for housewives , cooking ingredients in addition to make turns leaves a lot of benefits as a drug store a few diseases , and can also be used as a weight loss , ok go see the following properties of bay leaves for health and medicine .

The content of the leaves , among others :
Carbohydrates and fiber
Vitamins A , B - 6 , B - 9 , C
Some of the benefits of bay leaf , among others :

To Treat Diarrhea

Take 20 bay leaves and wash bay leaf bersih.Rebuslah with 2 liters of water , add 2 tablespoons salt mendidih.Minumlah let these ingredients while it is warm . And do regularly during the treatment period .

Leaves Regards To Treat heartburn

Ulcer disease is a disease that is often encountered around kita.Ternyata of some of the benefits of bay leaves can treat stomach ulcers .

How: Take 15 bay leaves and wash bay leaf bersih.Rebuslah with 2 liters of water , add brown sugar for 15 menit.Biarkan these ingredients until dingin.Minumlah every day until the sore stomach disappeared .

Lowering high blood pressure

In addition to treating heartburn and diarrhea leaves other benefits can lower high blood kolestrol.Tekanan is a disease that can be at risk of heart disease .

How: Take 15 bay leaves and wash bersih.Rebuslah bay leaf 3 cups water simmer until the remaining 1 cup bay leaf .

Bay leaves to the diet and how meraciknya

ingredients :

- Approximately 30 bay leaves

- 2 cups water

How to make it :

- Boil 2 cups water and bay leaves after boiling enter

- Cook until the water used to boil in half

- Then lift and serve when it is cold .

Monday, 30 December 2013

Benefits of soursop leaves

Benefits of soursop leaves . Soursop fruit is known as delicious to drink . Most of us do not realize the soursop fruit turns out to have so many benefits for treatment . Not only that, even the leaves of the soursop tree also has excellent benefits for health and medicine .

Before delving too far it's good to know more detail if this soursop Remove . According to a source wikipedia Indonesia Soursop fruit also called jackfruit or durian dutch dutch with the latin name Annona muricata L is a plant rich in benefits that come from the Caribbean , Central America and South America . In saun soursop Acetoginin containing compounds ( bulatacin , asimisin and squamosin ) . Acetoginin is high in compounds that act as anti feedent . Pests though reluctant to eat the leaves of trees soursop , in low concentrations can cause insect pests that eat it will die .

In our own country soursop fruit is known by various names other side jackfruit , jackfruit lye ( Java ) , Walanda jackfruit , soursop ( Sunda ) , jackfruit Buris ( Madura ) , sugar apple Java ( Bali ) , deureuyan dutch ( Aceh ) , Durio ulondro ( Nias ) , durian betawi ( Minangkabau ) , and guava lye ( Lampung ) . The mention of " dutch " and variations indicate that soursop ( from Dutch: zuurzak , meaning " acid pocket " ) indicates that this fruit into Indonesia during the colonial Dutch East Indies government menginfasi archipelago in the 19th century . The following are the benefits of soursop fruit and leaves for medicine and health .

Benefits of Soursop Leaf
1 . treating Cancer

According to research conducted by experts from Purdue University USA , stated that this soursop leaves contains very good for the treatment of various diseases , especially cancer . In these studies membuhktikan that soursop leaves can inhibit the growth of cancer cells . As for some types of cancer that can be treated are claimed to breast cancer , prostate cancer , lung cancer and 12 other types of cancer . 10 ways to take old soursop leaves , then boil with 3 cups of water . Leave until the remaining 1 cup of water , drink 2 times a day for 2 weeks

2 . Treating Gout
Soursop leaves can also be used as a cure gout . Many alternative medicine that uses soursop leaves for the treatment of gout . It's so easy that with soursop leaves are already cuku old but still green , about 6 to 10 pieces and then wash clean . Furthermore soursop leaves cut into pieces with the purpose of ensuring the content in the leaves right out . The leaves are boiled with 2 cups of water , simmer until tersisah 1 cup water . Drink the concoction twice a day ie morning and evening .

3 . Benefits of Soursop Leaf to treat Pain .

If you have a problem with your waist , try to make this soursop leaf herb . Take 20 soursop leaves and boil with 5 cups water . Allow to boil and the remaining 3 cups . Drink this potion 1 ¾ cups a day .

4 . Helps the immune system and avoid infection .

The content contained in soursop leaves is believed to boost the immune system and prevent infection in the body . How, to prepare 4/5 soursop leaves , boiled with 4 cups of water simmer until the remaining 1 cup . Drink 1 a day.

5 . Benefits of Soursop Leaf to treat Eczema and Rheumatism .

Mash until smooth soursop leaves and apply on the body part that feels pain or pain due to arthritis or eczema regularly twice a day 1 .

6 . Benefits of Soursop leaf to treat ulcers .

Pluck the strings skillfully young soursop leaf and stick it on the body exposed to a boil .

That's some of the benefits of soursop leaves that you can make a referral traditional medicine . But still there are some other benefits
If you consume soursop leaf herb on a regular basis following benefits :
Helps nourish the heart
Helps to lower blood sugar levels
Helps to lower high blood pressure
Able to inhibit the growth of bacteria
Help inhibit the growth of virus in the body
Helps inhibit parasite development
Help inhibit tumor growth
Help merileksasi auto - body muscle
Capable of being anti-seizure medications
Helps relieve pain
Being able to treat and suppress the body's existence peradangandalam
Capable of helping to reduce fever
strengthens nerves
Helps dilate blood vessels in the body
Help to kill worms parasait
Strengthens and improves digestion and appetite .

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Benefits and content of catfish

Benefits and content of catfish . Catfish is a group of mustachioed fish ( Siluriformes ) are included in the genus Pangasius , Pangasiidae family . The name " catfish " is also pinned on one of its members , P. nasutus . Many groups of animals of economic value , such as catfish and catfish conjoined ( P. hypophthalmus syn . P. sutchi , or some library call jambal conjoined ) . Some members are known to live in the Mekong River are very large , reaching a length of two meters .

Benefits catfish

Health benefits for catfish is characterized by the presence of the fat content is lower than other types of fish , especially the two essential fatty acids DHA which is approximately at 4.74 % and the EPA which is approximately 0.31% . Both types of omega - 3 fatty acid is usually produced from the type of fish that live in cold water fish such as Salmo , tuna , and sardines . Total fat content contained in catfish flesh is of 2.55 % to 3.42 % , where its unsaturated fatty acid is above 50 % . Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid that is most plentiful in the catfish meat is equal to 8.43% .

The content of catfish
Based on the results of the research , the nutrient content in the catfish in the form of unsaturated fat ( USFA by 50 % ) is very good to prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease . Unsaturated fats are also beneficial to reduce the amount of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in the blood contained so as to prevent and reduce coronary heart disease .

If in view of the low levels of cholesterol contained in meat catfish ( 21-39mg/100 g ) , then the benefits of catfish is good for those of you who are on a diet program because it can reduce the daily intake of cholesterol in your diet .

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Benefits And Nutrition catfish

Benefits And Nutrition catfish . Catfish is a type of freshwater fish that is easy to meet saja.Ikan catfish which is a type of fish that is easy to live , from all weather resistant even in dirty water and fish berlumpurpun able bertahan.Ikan catfish catfish have diverse names according to the regions in where fish live catfish include: fish prop ( West Sumatra ) ,
fish death ( Gayo and Acehnese ) , fish sibakut ( Karo ) , fish pintet ( South Kalimantan ) , wrasses ( Makassar ) , fish CEPI ( South Sulawesi ) , catfish or leachate ( Central Java ) or fish keli ( Malaysia ) Biscuits catfish a functional biscuits to tackle malnutrition , particularly suitable consumed by children

The content of catfish :
- Catfish ( cultivation ) , 1 fillet ( 141.5g ) ( cooked , dry heat ) ( 5 oz . )
- Calories : 217
- Protein : 26.7g
- Carbohydrates : 0.0g
- Total Fat : 11.5g
- Fiber : 0.0g
- Excellent source of : Selenium ( 20.7mcg ) , and Vitamin B12 ( 4mcg )
- Good source of : Potassium ( 459mg ) , and Niacin ( 3.6mg )
Based on the results of the study , catfish have adequate nutrients high.In the African catfish 500 grams (roughly consists of 4 individuals ) contains 12 grams of protein , energy 149 calories , 8.4 grams of fat and 6.4 grams of carbohydrates .
The food is " excellent source " of a particular nutrient provide 20 % or more of the recommended daily value , based on U.S. Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) .
When cooked ( dry heat ) , wild catfish gave 0.333 grams of omega - 3 fatty acids , derived from EPA ( 0.1g ) , DHA ( 0.137g ) , and ALA ( 0.096g ) , per 100 grams of wild catfish . When cooked ( dry heat ) , catfish farming gave 0.259 grams of omega - 3 fatty acids , derived from EPA ( 0.049g ) , DHA ( 0.128 ) , and ALA ( 0.082g ) , per 100 grams of catfish farming .

Based on the scientific study of catfish have a fairly high content of protein in it which is about 17 % , not only that these fish also have a wide range of fatty acids , which can meet the essential fatty acids daily kabutuhan us about 9 % . But limit your intake of these fish , because cholesterol content is also quite tinggi.1 day 2 tail is sufficient to provide a lot of benefits .

Catfish superiority compared to other animal products are rich in Leucine and Lysine . Leucine ( C6H13NO2 ) is an amino acid which is required for the growth of children and maintain nitrogen balance . Leucine is also useful for breaking and formation of muscle proteins ( Wikipedia , 2008) .

Lysine is one of 9 essential amino acids needed for growth and repair jaringnan . Including the amino acid lysine which is very important and needed once in the growth and development of children . Because amino acids are very useful for growth and bone development in children , helps the absorption of calcium and maintaining nitrogen balance in the body , and maintain the child's future that is not too fatty . Lysine is also needed to produce antibodies , hormones , enzymes , and the formation of collagen , in addition to tissue repair . Equally important , lysine can protect children from cold sores and herpes virus ( Wikipedia , 2008)

Catfish is a source of omega-3 fatty acids , ie fatty acids with a double bond at position number 3 carbon of a methyl group or the so-called omega -carbon position . These fatty acids are precursors of prostaglandins thrombaxiane A3 and I3 , a substance that is very effective to replace the aggregation of pieces of blood . Prevention of aggregation of pieces of blood may reduce the risk of heart disease .

From the research conducted on an ongoing basis , the researchers also found other benefits of omega 3 fatty acids , which lowers blood pressure, helps maintain healthy skin , especially eczema and dermatitis from , as well as play a role in the formation of cerebral brain cortese . It is very useful for those of you who often move heavy exercise , or activities that require high energy and reflexes .

Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency in experimental animals showed low vision or intelligence . Although not yet able to determine the amount of omega 3 is required to regulate healthy heart so effectively , experts recommend 20-25 % essential fatty acids that are consumed in the form of omega-3 fatty acids . To accomplish that, they were warned not to use fish oil supplements on a regular basis . The danger , among others , an overdose of vitamin A and vitamin D that can lead to poisoning and also bleeding .

Friday, 27 December 2013

Benefits and content of papaya leaf

Benefits and content of papaya leaves . Papaya ( Carica Papaya ) as the plants that grow in Indonesia have properties that can not take lightly , from young fruit can be made of vegetables , ripe fruit can be eaten fresh or as a mixed cocktail . Not only from the sweet fruit , papaya leaves bitter taste was so rich in benefits and exceptional properties .
For those who like a very bitter vegetable papaya could be a favorite food , can also be made of herbal or traditional medicine and of course many more benefits of papaya leaves which we will discuss in this article . Well without lengthy , we see immediately

Content of Papaya Leaf
In papaya papaya sap contained ( found also in the stem and fruit ) , the sap contains an enzyme called papain . A protease enzyme papain can soften the meat and other protein conformational change . In addition to the enzyme papain , leaves also contain other substances such as: vitamin A , vitamin B1 , vitamin C , protein , fat , carbohydrate, calcium , phosphorus , iron , water , calories and carposide ( efficacious as a de-worming ) .
Benefits and Efficacy of Papaya Leaves For Healthy Body .
As a remedy Acne
Papaya leaves have medicinal properties acne by using it as a mask , how to make it is as follows Take old papaya leaves to taste , then jemurlah dried papaya leaves until further tumbuklah dried leaves until smooth , give a little water until the leaves become thick collision creamy mask mistaken just do not get about too . 's Next use as a mask by applying to the face to the average night's sleep before the break . Perform routine clean up of acne and facial shine again .
As a traditional herbal appetite enhancer
Prepare the papaya leaves are still fresh enough or can be directly taken from the tree . Prepare a blender , then enter fresh papaya leaves into a blender , and blenderlah papaya with additional water as needed or could also add a little salt until dissolved and smooth. Upon completion Strain the juice blended honey can be added if necessary to reduce the bitter taste can be drunk immediately or granted. Drinking was soon after filtered . Feel the difference appetite will surely grow .
As facilitating digestion
Karpain compounds are compounds contained in papaya leaves . karpain compound is able to weaken and kill the micro- organisms that disrupt malicious digestion and metabolism in the body , so the body's metabolic process will be smooth due to the consumption of papaya leaves .
As a remedy for dengue fever
Dengue fever is caused by mosquito bites able to be treated or at least be able to inhibit the severity of the disease by means boiled papaya with about five pieces of fresh papaya leaves with enough water added approximately ½ liter of water until the remaining one-fourth of the original dose or guess about the remaining one cup . Immediately drink while warm it up. Drink three times a day on a regular basis , if fever still has not improved or even cnderung rose immediately brought to the doctor , and if the fever down and improved conditions consult a doctor for more find out more our health , alternative medicine as it can be . Hopefully improved without a lot of cost out .
As the pain during menstruation
Papaya leaves as a pain reliever during menstruation has been used since a long time by women and may even have been a lot of product manufacturers in this way is still used today . The trick is not much different from the use of drugs or other herbs just with different extras , namely by setting up some papaya leaves with added tamarind and salt to taste , mixed with water and boiled together. After a cold drink traditional ingredients until exhausted and menstrual pain may soon disappear .

6 . As a meat tenderizer
Papaya latex which can be obtained from the leaves ( apart from the stem and fruit ) turns out to contain enzymes papain , a protease , which mapu digunakaan to soften the meat . Usually the meat is boiled along with papaya leaves for some time before the meat is processed into food .
Well so few of the many benefits and efficacy of papaya leaves for all of us , that information may be useful.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Benefits and content of Moringa leaves

Benefits and content of Moringa leaves . Or merunggai moringa ( Moringa oleifera ) is a kind of tribal Moringa plant . This plant has a stem height of 7-11 meters . Moringa leaf oval with a small size double decker compound in one stalk , can be made of vegetables or drugs . The flowers are yellowish white and green flowers hood midrib ; these flowers out all year with a fragrant scent .
Moringa fruit called elongated triangular tang , also can disayur .

Indonesian common name : Moringa , limaran ( Java ) UK : Moringa , Ben - oil tree , clarifier tree , drumstick tree Malay : heat , merunggai , Sajina Vietnam : Chum Ngay Thailand : ma - rum Philippines : malunggay

Infants and children in infancy World Health Organization recommended consumption of Moringa leaves . Comparison grams ,

Moringa leaves contain :
7 x the vitamin C in oranges 4 x 4 x calcium in milk vitamin A in carrots 2 x 3 x protein in milk potassium in bananas

The organization also named Moringa as a magic tree after conducting a study and found that these plants credited as low- cost health enhancer for 40 years in the poorest countries in the world . Moringa tree is widespread in the plains of Africa , Latin America , and Asia . National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) on March 21, 2008 , said that the Moringa tree " has been used as a medicine by the various indigenous ethnic groups to prevent or treat more than 300 kinds of diseases . The tradition of ancient Indian ayurvedic medicine showed that 300 kinds of diseases can be treated with moringa oleifera leaves .

Moringa leaves are the main benefits :
Increases the body's natural resistance
Refreshing the eye and brain
Increase metabolism
Increasing the cell structure of the body
Increases in serum cholesterol naturally
Reduce wrinkles and lines on the skin
Increasing the normal function of liver and kidney
beautify skin
increase energy
facilitate digestion
Maintaining the body's immune system
Improves circulation system healthy
Anti - inflammatory
Gives a feeling of overall health
Supports the normal sugar levels of the body
From the analysis it can be seen that the nutrient content of Moringa leaves has excellent potential to supplement the nutritional needs of the body . By eating the leaves of Moringa the balance of nutrients in the body are met so that people who consume Moringa leaves will be helped to improve his endurance and energy . In addition , Moringa leaves are also efficacious to overcome various problems are caused by lack of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A deficiency ( impaired vision ) , Choline deficiency ( accumulation of fat in the liver ) , vitamin B1 deficiency ( beriberi ) , vitamin B2 deficiency ( skin dry and cracked ) , a deficiency of vitamin B3 ( dermatitis ) , lack of vitamin C ( bleeding gums ) , deficiency of calcium ( osteoporosis ) , iron deficiency ( anemia ) , protein deficiency ( hair cracks and impaired growth in children ) .

1 . Benefits of Moringa Leaves For Beauty

We often hear the phrase ' World not as wide as Moringa Leaves ' , the phrase is not entirely correct when viewed from the side benefits of Moringa leaves . Yes ... , it turns out the benefits of Moringa leaves much ' wider ' and wider than the leaves are ' not as wide as ' it . Moringa leaves can be used for herbal medicine or natural medicine as I will explain later , and also can be useful for beauty , which is to remove the black stains or spots on the face .
While the recipe how to make moringa leaves to remove spots or black spots on the face are as follows ;
Some of the Moringa leaves that have been washed clean .
Then mash until smooth , using a powder , the powder can be mixed in you normally wear .
Take a few minutes and then rinse with cold water .
How to remove black spots on the face of this kind are preferred over using the products so that can not be separated from chemical processes , so that it often results in damage of the skin itself.

2 . Content of Moringa Leaves
essential oils
alkaloids moringin
oils fats
3 . Moringa Leaf Benefits To Health
Treating Pain Yellow

The materials needed are 3-7 hilt moringa leaves , a tablespoon of honey and one cup of green coconut water . To learn more about the benefits of coconut , please read the article content and oil for health benefits . As for how to make and use are as follows ;
Wash the leaves of Moringa , then mash until smooth and add one glass of coconut water .
Once filtered , add a tablespoon of honey and stir until blended .
Drink this mixture once a day until the jaundice completely healed .
Cure rheumatism , rheumatic pain and sore
The materials needed are 2-3 hilt Moringa leaves and ½ tablespoon whiting . As for how to make and use are as follows ;
The second mash ingredients until smooth .
Use these ingredients as an ointment on the affected part .
Myopia cure Chicken

The materials needed are 3 handles moringa leaves , 1 cup of boiled water and honey to taste . As for how to make and use are as follows ;
Wash the leaves of Moringa , then mash until smooth .
Pour 1 cup of boiled water and filtered , then add honey .
Stir until blended .

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Benefits and content of Cassava Leaves

Benefits and content of Manihot esculenta Cassava Leaves first became known in South America and then developed in prehistoric times in Brazil and Paraguay . Modern forms of the species that have been cultivated can be found growing wild in southern Brazil . Although wild Manihot species there are many , all cultivars of M. esculenta can be cultivated .

Cassava production is predicted to reach 184 million tons in 2002 . Most of the production is produced in Africa 99.1 million tonnes and 33.2 million tonnes in Latin America and the Caribbean Islands .

Cassava is grown commercially in Indonesia (then the Dutch East Indies ) in about 1810 , after previously introduced the Portuguese in the 16th century to the archipelago of Brazil .

This cassava Manihot esculenta is a Latin name . Is a plant that is very digemmari people by the people of Indonesia . Cassava plants are very easy to grow . He comes from tropical America and is usually planted in the yard , dikes and rice . Mengembangbiakkannya also very easy , can the cassava stem cuttings of old .

In ancient times , cassava is a staple food juno before the discovery of the cultivation of rice , maize and wheat . Not only the tuber that has a distinctive taste , but cassava leaves can be transformed into a very tasty vegetable .

The many benefits of cassava leaf is for our bodies , let the good eating cassava leaves , let alone the price that is relatively economical and affordable even be planted himself in front of the house pekarang rashasia It is no longer a source of nutrition that vegetables including cassava leaves .
High protein content that can be equated with carbohydrates .

The content of cassava leaves is :
Vitamin A.
Vitamin B17 .
Vitamin C.
Calcium . " Calories .
Phosphorus .
Protein .
Fat .
Carbohydrate .
Iron .
With that much amount of content , automatic cassava leaf has many benefits for human health .

The efficacy / benefits of cassava leaf is
1 . Overcoming rheumatism .
Used as drug use inside and out.
Of course, coupled with other ingredients such as ginger and whiting .

2 . Treating headaches .
Try to take some cassava leaves and mash until smooth and kompreskan to the head ache.

3 . Treating diarrhea .
The trick boil cassava leaves in water and allow it to stay 900cc sepauhnya .
After a cold , drink 2 times a day .

4 . Feeding the brain .
This is a new one I know , can educate the brain as there are amino acids , glutamic acid , phenilalanin , tyrosine and tryptophan .

Daung cassava foods may seem a pauper , he is sometimes underestimated by people , even harassed simply because they do not know the properties and benefits of the cassava leaves .
But such as they know the usefulness , it could be penitential deh , never again underestimate .

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Benefits and content of the leaves meniran

Benefits and content of the leaves meniran
Benefits and leaves meniran content . Meniran - meniranan tribe or Phyllanthaceae is a family member of flowering plants . According to APG II classification system is incorporated into the tribal nation Malpighiales , kladeurosids I. The tribes in the Cronquist system is anaksuku Phyllanthoideae of tribal kastuba - kastubaan ( Euphorbiaceae ) , with
Drypeteae issued and put into Putranjivaceae tribe .
Inside are nine Tribus , 56 genera with about 1700 types from a variety of habitus : trees , shrubs , and herb . Members of this tribe is spread throughout the tropics . Medicinal Plants Meniran very rich in a variety of chemical constituents , among others : phyllanthin , hypophyllanthin , niranthin , nirtetrali , nirurin , nirurinetin , norsecurinine , phyllanthenol , phyllnirurin , phylltetrin , quercitrin , quercetin , ricinoleic acid , rutin , salicylic acid methyl ester , garlic acid , ascorbic acid , hinokinin , hydroxy niranthin , isolintetralin , and Isoquercetin .

Other compounds contained in Meniran is beta - d - xylopyranoside and beta - sitosteroy . Another newly discovered compounds are seco - 4 - hidroksilintetralin , seco - isoarisiresinol trimethyl ether , hidroksinirantin , dibenzilbutirolakton , nirfilin , and neolignan .

The roots and leaves are rich in flavonoids Meniran , among others phyllanthin , hypophyllanthin , qeurcetrin , Isoquercetin , astragalin , and routine . Oil seeds contain fatty acids such as ricinoleat acid , linoleic acid and linolenic acid .

Scientific evidence meniran

There are many benefits that can be obtained from Medicinal Plants Meniran for our health . However , for pregnant women , the use is not recommended because Meniran Meniran is an abortion . Patients with acute renal impairment are also prohibited from using Meniran as medicine . In addition , the use of Meniran in the long term can cause erectile dysfunction and renal failure .

Benefits Meniran as Medicine

Antibacterial .

Meniran methanol extract of the leaves have the highest antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus , Bacillus subtilis , Escherichia coli , and Pseudomonas aeruginosa . This effect is due to the antibacterial compounds such Meniran phyllanthin , hypophyllanthin , niranthin , and nietetralin . Petroleum ether extract of the stems , leaves , and roots Meniran also showed antifungal effects .

Solvents gout and kidney stones .

The content of flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides are compounds most commonly used in the treatment of gout and kidney stones . Therefore , Meniran flavonid -rich compounds , can be used to treat gout and kidney stones .

In the body , flavonoids bind with calcium kidney stones and form complex compounds soluble chelates . The ions Na and K in Meniran would bind to uric acid salt forming compound is easily soluble in water so that it has crystallized uric acid in the blood and kidneys will be dissolved slowly and then be excreted through the urine . Meniran also is a diuretic ( helping discharge of urine ) . By the way , Meniran used to treat gout and kidney stones or other illnesses caused by uric acid such as gout rheumatism .

Immunomodulators .

Recent studies have revealed that Meniran immunomodulator activity . Immunomodulators play a role to make the system more active body carrying out its duties , including strengthening the immune system / immune system . If the immune system is increased , the body resistance against various bacteria and viruses also increased .

The immune system works in 3 ways . First , blocking the entry of bacteria and viruses into the body . Second , if the bacteria and viruses made ​​it into the body, the immune system will detect it and do a process of elimination before the bacteria and viruses to multiply and cause disease . Third , if the bacteria and viruses breed already , then the immune system will eliminate them.

The results showed that the extract Meniran can modulate the immune system through the proliferation ( spread) and the activation of T and B lymphocytes , natural immune system when our resistance is insufficient . Lymphocytes T and B works by type viruses and bacteria that occur . In addition , it also serves Meniran activate phagocytic cells such as monocytes and macrophages in charge of providing pieces of pathogenic ( disease-causing biological agents ) to T cells so that the pathogens can be recognized and killed .

Because it is an immunomodulator , Meniran can be used to strengthen the immune system against bacteria , viruses , and microbes that cause disease in order to prevent various diseases caused by bacteria , viruses , or microbes .

Anticancer .

Ability Meniran as immunostimulator help stimulate the activity of natural killer cells ( NK ​​) cells and killer ( K ) . If both of these cells increased toxicity , cells that have mutations and abnormal ( cancer cells ) are destroyed by both.

Antidiabetic .

Phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin is the main component that is thought to play an active role in decreasing blood sugar levels . This is shown by the results of a study of mice that had induced alloxan ( chemicals that trigger condition is given for diabetes in experimental animals ) . Apparently, mice given the extract Meniran decreased blood sugar levels . Meniran proven role as an antidiabetic .

Hepatoprotective .

The results showed that Meniran also serves as a hepatoprotective . A group of mice injected with carbon tetrachloride ( inducer hepatotoxic substances ) . As it turned out , to which water is boiled Meniran improved liver organ . Meniran containing compounds such antihepatotoksik filantin , hipofilantin , triakontanal , and trikontanol.heSelain it , Phyllanthus compound in Meniran also known to work as a protector of the liver ( hepatoprotective ) by means of sabotaging the DNA polymerase ( an enzyme needed for the hepatitis viruses replicate / multiply ) . In a study in India , 59 % of patients suffering from hepatitis B infection showed that the levels of HBV infection after eating smaller Meniran for 1 month .

Chronic hepatitis .

The results of clinical trials in hospitals Atopic Dermatitis prove efficacious overcome Meniran hepatitis B. Chronic hepatitis patients were given a Meniran capsule 3 times daily for a month . Meniran extract can modulate the immune system through the proliferation and activation of lymphocytes T and B. Secretion of TNF - α and IFN - α increases. The end effect , hepatitis healing indications . Meniran encourage repair mechanism of liver cells by increasing the amount of enzyme that acts as an antioxidant .

Antituberculosis .

dr . Zulkifi Amin , TB immunology experts from the Faculty of Medicine , University of Indonesia , throughout 2000 Meniran conduct clinical trials of patients with tuberculosis . The clinical trial involved 60 patients aged 15-55 years . Patients were divided into 2 groups , each consisting of 30 members . Both groups still given anti- tuberculosis drugs . The difference is, one group was given additional well Meniran extract capsules 50 mg . Frequency of 3 times a day each 1 capsule . During 2 months of their situation continues to be monitored .
In the first week Meniran effects look very real . The number of acid-resistant bacteria ( AFB , one of the indicators of TB ) in patients who consume reduced Meniran real in the first week . The difference between the number of patients taking the BTA Meniran with a not very significant . Meniran help increase immunity levels of TB patients by increasing CD4 T lymphocytes and T lymphocytes CD4/CD8 ratio

Skin diseases .

Meniran consumption is also useful as an adjunctive therapy of skin diseases such as leprosy and herpes zoster . Meniran extract works by increasing the cellular immune system . In other words , T lymphocytes Meniran encourage more active work . Herpes zoster breed freely when the body's immune system is weakened .

While leprosy is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae . The bacteria invade the skin and nervous system so that the edge of the lepers ability to perceive stimuli such as touch , heat , cold , pain will decrease . In the medical world , leprosy patients will be given antibiotics to resist disease progression .

The more severe the infection , the longer antibiotic treatment done so often appear in the form of drug side effects skin rash , anemia , or liver damage . By eating Meniran that serves as an immunomodulator , immune system will be stimulated and the healing process will happen faster .

The many benefits of and content of the leaves meniran , making it as one of the leading medicinal plants are much in demand . Efficacy Meniran most popular in the community is its value in overcoming gout . Therefore , almost any herbal products anti urate using Meniran as one of the raw materials of manufacture , such as tea made ​​from the herb Sidaguri Sidaguri , combined with Meniran , Leaves gods , and Sambiloto , which is believed to reduce uric acid levels , reducing swelling and pain

Monday, 23 December 2013

Benefits and rosella flower content

Benefits and rosella flower content
Benefits and content of rosella flowers . Roselle , roselle , paya acid , acid and acid fringe beetle or Hisbiscus sabdariffa , is a species of interest arising from the African continent . At first beautiful flower also decorate the home page to be brewed as a drink it warm in winter and cool in summer drinks . In his native country ,
Africa , roselle made ​​jam or jelly . It is obtained from the fiber contained in roselle petals , while in Jamaica , made ​​fruit salad eaten raw .
There are times when eaten with mashed or boiled peanuts as filler after the cake is cooked with sugar . In Egypt , roselle drink cold drink in the summer and hot in winter . In Sudan , became drinks daily with a mixture of salt , pepper , and molasses . Drinks were also eliminates the effects of a hangover and prevent coughing . Not infrequently , roselle is also used for diet , cough , or use a low-calorie sugar diabetes such as corn sugar . In addition , rosella flower seed powder can also be used as a mixed drink coffee .


In addition to containing high vitamin C , rosella flower petals also contain vitamin A and 18 kinds of amino acids that the body needs . One of them adalh arginine plays a role in the process of rejuvenation of body cells . Besides, roselle also contains protein , calcium , and other elements that are useful to the body .

The content of chemical compounds in roselle petals .

Name Number of compounds
A mixture of citric acid and malic 13 %
Anthocyanins gossipetin ( hydroxyflavone ) 2 %
Vitamin C from 0.004 to 0.005 %
6.7 % of fresh weight
7.9 % of dry weight

Fatty acid content in the seeds of roselle
Miristin acid 2.1 %
Palmitin acid 35.2 %
Palmitolik Acid 2 %
Stearic acid 3.4 %
Oleic acid 34 %
Linoleic acid 14.4 %
The content of sterols in roselle seed oil
b - sitosterol 61.3 %
kampasterol 15.5 %
cholesterol 5.1 %
ergosterol 3.2 %
- Lowering hipetensi
- Characteristically detoxification ( neutralize poison )
- Inhibit the growth of cancer
- Lowering blood cholesterol preformance
- Lowering blood sugar levels in people with diabetus mellitus
- Prevent chronic cough
- Prevent osteoporisis
- Maintain stamina
- Preventing a stroke
- Prevent heat in
- Smooth defecation
- Lowering fat clots hearts
- Reduce migrants / headache
- Contains high doses of Vitamin C
- Streamline the body
- Helping drug addiction recovery
- Keeping the heart kesehata
- Smooth Skin
- etc.

How to use:

Boil 3-5 rosella petals in 1 cup / can also mendidh brewed with water , add sugar or honey to taste more delicious . Serve in warm , can also plus ice cubes , can be used as a syrup or a health drink that can be taken daily

Sunday, 22 December 2013

The benefits of red betel leaf

The benefits of red betel leaf , betel is native to Indonesia, which grow vines or leaning on another tree . As the culture of leaves and fruit commonly eaten by chewing with gambier , betel nut and lime . However, betel chewing has been linked with oral cancer and squamous cell carcinoma formation that are malignant .

Efficacy of betel leaf has been believed from the time of our ancestors for health , and recent studies show its benefits especially red betel leaf is really what it is . Characteristic of this tropical plant is trunked rounded purplish green and flowering . Shiny red betel leaf surfaces and uneven as well as the production of red hearts and heart bertangai form tapered top .

The betel leaf has many benefits and efficacy . Especially for the health and beauty benefits . Some of the content contained in the essential oil produced by the oil of betel leaf is flown ( betiephenol ) , sesquiterpenes , starch , diastase , sugar and tannin substances and kavikol that has deadly germs , aktioksidasi and fungicides , anti- fungal .

A study of red betel plant until the time a predicament is still lacking , especially in development as a raw material for bio - farmaka . During the utilization of red betel just society based on the experience made ​​by generations of parents to children or next of kin verbally . In Java , especially in the Sultan's Palace , red betel plant has been consumed long ago to cure various kinds of diseases . Besides red betel plant has benefits cure hemorrhoids , vaginal discharge and can be used as a mouthwash , as in the red betel alkaloid is what serves as an anti- microbial .

Efficacy of red betel leaf is used to reduce the whiteness and maintain female organs , because one of the benefits of red betel leaves are as antiseptic . That is to boil 7-10 red betel leaves and use the cooking water to rinse the female organs . And other properties such as traditional medicine to treat diseases such as diabetes , cancer , gout , hepatitis , fatigue , Maagh , and much more . Boiled water containing an antiseptic used to maintain oral health and disease cure vaginal discharge and odor.

Even the efficacy of red betel leaf has been actually utilized by the community for generations by the people of Yogyakarta . besides , according to Javanese belief , red betel leaf is also able to treat many types of diseases such as hemorrhoids , as anti- microbial and is often also used as a mouthwash to kill the bacteria that is in our mouths . To consume red betel leaf is very easy , with this red betel leaf boil and sisakann water to a glass and then drink it on a regular basis . That's some of the benefits and efficacy of red betel leaves very help cure a variety of diseases and good for the health of our bodies . Although the brewed leaves only a single sheet , but the bitterness pol tenant and the color black , because I also had been drinking .

Betel is a type of leaf that is rich in efficacy and health benefits for our bodies . That's because the substances contained in the betel are some substances that are needed by our body to avoid various diseases . Since the first is the betel plant is one that is often used to treat various types of diseases .

As well as being antiseptic , red betel can also be used to treat diabetes , with red betel drinking boiled water every day will lower blood sugar levels to the normal level .

Well below are some of the properties of red betel leaf as well as how to mix red betel leaves for treatment .

Chemical Ingredients contained in Betel Leaves Red

The traditional healers have many uses red betel plant therefore has chemical constituents that are important for healing various diseases . In the red betel leaf contains phytochemical compounds alkoloid , saponins , tannins and flavonoids . From the book " A review of natural products and plants as potential antidiabetic " reported that the compound colloid alcoholism and flavonoids have hypoglycemic activity or lowering blood glucose levels .

Other chemical constituents contained in the red betel leaves are volatile oil , hidroksikavicol , kavicol , kavibetol , allylprokatekol , carvacrol , eugenol , p - cymene , cineole , caryofelen , kadimen estragol , ter - penena , and phenyl propada . Since the number of substances / chemical compound useful here , red betel leaf has a very broad benefits as obat.Eugenol material can be used to reduce pain , while the tannins can be used to treat abdominal pain .

Betel Leaves Red For Diabetes Treatment

Pick three and a half of red betel leaves and old leaves from the top of the sixth or seventh . Wash clean all leaves , then slice into small pieces. Boil three cups of water ( 600 ml ) to boiling and the remaining 1.5 cups . Drink three times a day before meals , to drink half a glass .

With other medicinal herbs .

Take three pieces of red betel size medium , 40 grams of bark gayam already cleaned the outside , and 30 grams of dried bark jamblang . These materials are brewed with 2 cups ( 400 ml ) water to boil and the remaining 1 cup . Strain and drink twice a day every morning and evening before meals . Once drinking half a glass .

How to Treat Acne with Red Betel Leaves

To get the benefits of red betel leaf for acne should be done routinely and is also accompanied by facial hygiene . How to use is :

Provide red betel leaves as many as 10 sheets , wash them clean , then finely crushed . Combine red betel leaf that has been refined with hot water . Wait a while until the water becomes warm and use to wash your face . Do this 2 times a day . You will notice that your acne disappear with regular use

In addition to using it as a face wash , you can also consume fatherly support the healing of acne from inside the body . Provide 12 red betel leaves and a piece of ginger peeled and washed . Pour both ingredients with boiling water . Drink after a cold 3 times a day . Nice addition to eliminating acne , this herb is also good for removing black bintk in the face .

How Concocting red betel leaves for cough

To be able to use the red betel leaves correctly and obtain the benefits of red betel leaves for coughs , try to follow these steps . This step can be done for those who are already stricken with the disease coughs or for those of you who have not attacked yet want to take precautions against it. The first is to prepare a red betel leaf ten pieces only . Then wash the leaves thoroughly. When finished washing, soak the leaves in liquid alcohol 70 % and wait for about 30 minutes . This is all you have to do to bacteria that are inside could soon die .

After that you can boil the red betel leaf into 800 ml of water and then add as much as 100 grams of sugar if you want . Boil red betel leaves and sugar until boiling and after completion of this herb pour into the glass .

Drink herbal ingredients derived from the red betel leaves every day and feel the benefits for your body . If you want to obtain the benefits of red betel leaves for cough 100 % , make sure you drink this concoction three times a day and should be routine . Usually the fastest cough pain that you may be directly recovered within 3 days and not longer than a week . Quite interesting is not to try to be able to overcome your cough is torture .

Herb mix of red betel leaf benefits for beauty

There are two ways to mix these ingredients and get the benefits of red betel leaf for beauty .

The first is to be taken ; thing you should do is boil 3 to 5 red betel leaves to cook . Then you input the stew into a glass and drink it regularly every day . Thus , the beauty that you have will always be awake and you do not need anymore memakain cosmetics or other chemicals to provide protection to your beautiful skin . There is another way other than the drink, by the way applied to the skin .
Second , you have to Preparing two red betel leaves which then should you mashed with water until evenly distributed . After that just apply it to the red betel leaves your face for the benefit of red betel leaf for beauty . Usually a lot of women who menganggab radiant beauty that can be obtained from the face , then do not hesitate to apply red betel leaf you have mashed it into your face . After that, rinse with water and finish . You have gained a pretty face and also clean . Natural beauty is what will give you the main attraction .

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Calorie Content of Cashew Nuts & Benefits

Ingredients Calories & Benefits Cashew Nuts , Cashew nuts , of course the name is not foreign to our ears . Often contained in processed chocolate , cookies , cooking , until the puddings and drinks . Besides it tastes good and tasty , the beans most desirable . For about the price , is classified into pea beans rather expensive . But even then , interest in this bean is never subsided .

Proven at every outlet that sells these and many beans found in chocolate or pastries. But in general, for some people , eating nuts is that his name is synonymous with acne or make your own body fat . But not all nuts such consequences .
Cashew nuts are considered as foods high in fat and calories . However, if consumed in moderate amounts , cashew nuts can be a healthy snack .

Cashew nuts are a source of good protein and fiber . Fat contained in cashew nuts is monounsaturated fat , so it is good for heart health . In addition , cashew nuts are also rich in potassium , zinc , folic acid , selenium , and vitamin B.

Calories contained in a cashew nut varies , depending on how the processed cashew nuts .

Here is the content of calories and other nutrients in various foods from cashew nuts .

1 . Cashew Nuts Dry Roasted

Calories contained in each of dry roasted cashew nuts is about 8 calories . Each servings consisting of 20 kernels contains about 162 calories .

In addition to calories , each serving of dry roasted cashew nuts contain about 13.4 grams fat , 8.4 grams of carbohydrates , and about 0.9 grams of fiber .

2 . Cashew Nuts Dry Roasted

Every oily roasted cashew nuts contains about 9 calories . Each servings contains 20 kernels contain more than 14 grams of fat , 10 g carbohydrates more than , and less than 1 gram of fiber .

3 . Raw Cashew Nuts

One cashews contain as snow were about 8 calories . One servings ( 20 kernels ) contains about 9.1 grams karbohirat , 13 grams of fat , and 1 gram of fiber .

Benefits of Cashew Nuts for Heart Health

Approximately 75 percent fat cashews come from fat or unsaturated oleic acid . Oleic acid can also be found in olive oil .

Oleic acid is good for heart health because it can lower triglyceride levels may increase the risk of heart disease .

Cashew can Reduce Risk of Gallstones

With only consume 1 ounce cashews or peanuts in a day , then you can reduce the risk of gallstones about 25 percent .

To get this benefit , you can eat a handful of peanuts , cashews 20 seeds , 2 tablespoons butter or cashew nuts

Benefits and efficacy of cashew nut

Cashew nuts are basically high protein and fiber , and low in carbohydrates . Sole unsaturated fat content helps protect the heart . Cashew nuts are also a source of potassium , vitamin B , and folate . A number of magnesium , phosphorus , selenium , and copper , are also contained in the bean that is often enjoyed as a snack , chocolate , and dishes like this sapo . Many do not know bahwak The action could overcome some cashews following disorders :

* Preventing colds and flu
Eat 1/2 cup cashews provide 33 % Recommended Daily Intake ( RDI ) of zinc , a mineral that proved efficacious memfortifikasi imunyang system work too hard . Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic found that zinc eradicate viral colds , reduce the duration of infection to 57 % .

* Overcome feelings of anger
Eating a handful of cashews provide a mixture of magnesium and the amino acid tryptophan, which can be uplifting. Both increase the production zatkimia the cause of pleasure : serotonin . Swiss researchers found that this nutrient is as effective as drugs in the fight against sadness .

* Protect your skin from stress
Satau cashews serving contains 40 % RDI copper . These nutrients stimulate melanin , a pigment important for skin and hair shine . Copper also enhances antioxidant defenses against free radicals causing wrinkles and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin which smooth the skin .

* Prevent cavities
According to a report in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry , one of the benefits of cashew nuts in substance contained therein Anacardic acid can kill bacteria erode tooth enamel and cause bad breath .

Friday, 20 December 2013

Benefits and content of mahogany seeds

Benefits and content of mahogany seeds . Mahogany trees can reduce air pollution around 47 % - 69 % so -called shade trees as well as the air filter and water catchment areas . Charge leaves absorb pollutants in the vicinity. In contrast , the leaves will release oxygen ( O2 ) which makes the air around it to be fresh .
When it rains , the soil and the roots of the trees that will bind the falling water , so that it becomes water reserves . Mahogany fruit contains flavonoids and saponins . The fruit has been reported to improve blood circulation so that the people with diseases that cause blockage of blood flow are advised to take this fruit as a medicine , reduce cholesterol , accumulation of fat in the blood vessels, reduce pain , bleeding and bruising , as well as acting as antioxidants and to get rid of free radicals , preventing pestilence , reducing fat in the body , helps boost the immune system , prevent blood clotting , and strengthen liver function and slow the clotting process .

Mahogany as a roadside . Mahogany properties that can survive in arid soil makes it appropriate tree planted by the roadside . For residents of Indonesia especially Java , this plant is not a new plant , because since the Dutch colonial era mahogany and colleagues , Tamarind Tree , has been widely planted as a shade on the side of the road especially along roads built by Daendels between Anyer to Panarukan . Since last 20 years , the plant began to be cultivated for its wood mahogany has a fairly high economic value . The quality is very good and hard wood for furniture , furniture , carved items and crafts . Often also made ​​a ruler because it is not easily changed . The quality is slightly below the mahogany teak so often dubbed as the belle of the second in the timber market . Other uses of the plant mahogany is used to dye skin clothing . Fabrics are boiled with mahogany skin will be yellow and not easily fade . While mahogany sap called blendok also can be used as raw material glue , and mahogany leaves for fodder .

Its flavonoid content bergunauntuk blood circulation , especially to prevent the blockage of blood vessels , reduce cholesterol levels and accumulation of fat in the walls of blood vessels , helps reduce pain , bleeding , and bruising , as well as acting as antioxidants to eliminate free radicals .

Saponins are useful to prevent pestilence , reduce body fat , boost the immune system , improves blood sugar levels , and strengthen the liver function and slow the clotting process .

According to Chinese medicine , this plant has a bitter nature , cold , antipyretics (fever ) , antifungal , and can lower high blood pressure , hypertension , blood sugar disorders , lack of appetite , fever , and helps maintain durability . These plants also have the ability as an astringent ( drying ) , can precipitate intestinal mucous membrane protein and forms a layer that protects the gut , thus inhibiting glucose intake and the rate of increase in blood glucose .

It is said also , mahogany herb powder was believed to have a property to assist the process of healing and vitality . There are also suitable for the initial level of complaints stroke , hypertension , diabetes .

A study mahogany seeds in lowering blood glucose in animal studies ever conducted Laurentia Mihardja , researchers at the Center For Research and Development of Disease Control , NIHRD . Mahogany extract dose of 45 mg / 160 g mm after 7 days showed significantly different results compared to the solvent and not different from 7.2 mg/200 g glikazide mm .

How to Consume

1 . Seeds are eaten immediately after throwing flat-shaped outer skin .
2 . First pulverized , crushed or mashed beans into a powder , then brewed with hot water .
3 . Eaten in extract form , is that many in the market .
Extracts are marketed in various forms , ranging from capsules , powder fiber , juice premix , essential oils ( for breast augmentation and a skin ) , tea powder , instant coffee powder to . That most in the form of powder , while other forms are based more on order .

If you want to take advantage of factory-made mahogany extract , select who has received permission from the POM . When in doubt , consult with your doctor can be , especially for those who bermasaiah with diabetes .

It is most famous mahogany seeds for the treatment of malaria , apparently from various studies can be used also for the treatment of diabetes .

For diabetes , for example , can be used plants Pulai leather , mahogany seeds , bulbs lote upas , periwinkle plant , eggplant Ngor , sembung and so on . These materials can be used as a single tunggal.artinya should not constitute part of an herb .

NOTE : before pulverized , dried mahogany seeds first. Once dried , then ground to a powder .
- High blood pressure ( hypertension ) .
- Diabetes ( diabetes mellitus ) .
- Lack of appetite,
- Rheumatism .
- Fever .
- In the wind .
- Eczema .


To drink : 1/2 teaspoon of seeds that have been finely ground into powder .

1 . Hypertension ( high blood pressure ) :

a. 8 grams of freshly brewed beans with 2 cups of hot water . After chilling filtered and divided into 2 parts . Drink morning and evening .

b . 1/2 teaspoon of powdered seeds of mahogany brewed with 1/2 cup hot water , add 1 tablespoon of honey . Drink while warm , do 2-3 times a day .

2 . Diabetes (diabetes )

1/2 teaspoon of powdered seeds of mahogany brewed with 1/3 cup of hot water . Drunk while warm , 30 minutes before eating . Do it 2-3 times a day .

3 . Lack of appetite :

1/2 teaspoon of powdered seeds of mahogany brewed with 1/3 cup hot water , add 1 tablespoon of honey . Drink while warm , do 2-3 times a day .

4 . Fever , colds :

1/2 teaspoon of powdered seeds of mahogany brewed with 1/4 cup of hot water , then add 1 tablespoon of honey . Drunk while warm , do 2-3 times a day .

5 . Eczema and rheumatism

1/2 teaspoon of powdered seeds of mahogany brewed with 1/2 cup of hot water . Add 1 tablespoon of honey . Drink while warm . Do it 3 times a day .

Side Effects

Besides the considerable benefits , there are also little side effects . Of note in the above there are 2 seed content material Mahogany :

1 . saponins ,
2 . flavonoids

That number 1 needs to watch out , because a certain amount will increase the risk of cholesterol in the bile , which in akirnya will cause gallstones . Besides, it also acts as a steroid . Is No. 2 , the maximum dose is 200 mg per day .

Besides, that particular person , it seems not yet to the increased bile cholesterol , already feel sick in the gut . So , as long as you measure the dose , and not used in a long time , probably due to the effect of flavonoids that help permeability or blood vessel flexibility , so it can be used for high blood pressure .

The problem , in a study of saponins , do not use mahogany , also in the department of health databases no content perbiji how many . Because human beings are unique , too , plants grown mahogany with certain places also generate certain levels it becomes like us it is difficult to set and decide .

According to herbalist practitioner experience , preferably quite edible 1 seed per day , if eaten immediately . Another dose comparable to that.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Benefits and content of papaya seeds

Benefits and content of papaya seeds . Papaya ( Carica papaya L. ) actually comes from Mexico . Prosper us who live in tropical countries . Papaya can grow and easy to find everywhere . Fruit , rubber , grain , and leaves contain papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins . Papain extract was used as a digestive enzyme supplement and as an ingredient in some types of chewing gum . This enzyme found in papaya more raw .

For desserts , the fruit can be enjoyed in many ways . Unripe papaya pulp can be pan-fried or made rujak . Meat is eaten fresh or cooked fruit as fruit cocktail . The leaves can be eaten as lalapan ( after withered by passing them hot ) , or for packing knapsack . The leaves and flowers can also be pan-fried . Carica papaya is also commonly used to roll the meat so fast software .

Papaya seeds can be simply identified and used as seeds for cultivation . The rest , more papaya seeds used waste waste after flesh taken. In fact, based on clinical trials, papaya seeds can be mixed and oil. In addition to oil , papaya seed is also known for traditional as worm medicine , medicine colds , diarrhea , skin diseases , digestive disorders even as contraception man . The complex benefits of papaya seeds is not free from complex compounds contained therein . Papaya seed content , based on research , it has a pharmacological effect on the human body . Therefore, Carica papaya seed necessarily the same as removing a drug that may be desperately needed by the family.

Concentration of Papaya Seed Organizer
If broken down , then the content of papaya seeds among other alkaloids , steroids , tannins, and volatile oil . As detailed , the seed content in the form of some of the original unsaturated fats in high amounts . Acid is oleic acid and palmiat . In addition, papaya seeds are also known to contain senyaw akimia the phenols , terpenoids also saponins . These compounds are sitoksik , anti -androgen and estrogenic take effect . Further, papaya seeds also contain small amounts of carbohydrates , water , ash , protein , and fat . Meanwhile, the related benefits as blackening hair , closely related to the content Glucoside carcirindan compounds in papaya seed itself.

Pregnant Women Do not Reach consumed !

Although beneficial , but the members of organizing women in particular who are in the pregnancy to avoid the consumption of papaya seed despite sktrak or juice form whatsoever. This corresponds to the content of papaya seeds form proteolytic enzymes such as papain, chymopapain A, B chymopapain and papaya peptidase in seeds. For a young pregnant mother , the consumption of papaya seeds right cause miscarriage and potential further compound the next pregnancy is known to cause proteolytic compounds can trigger dryness in the womb. So beware !

The benefits of papaya seeds

Papaya seeds , beyond a doubt , is also useful, because it do not throw it . Black beans with cornea has important nutritional benefits as follows:

Antibacterial , effective against bacteria E. coli, Salmonella , and Staphylococcus infections .
Caring for kidney health . Papaya seed extract can protect the kidneys from toxins that trigger kidney failure problem .

Kill parasites in the digestive tract. It found evidence that papaya seeds are able to eradicate the parasite in pencernaa . In a study of Nigerian children suffering from parasites in the digestive tract, 76.6 persennya set free after seven days of the parasites consume papaya seeds .
Cleanse the liver from toxins . In the treatment of China , one teaspoon of papaya seeds will help detoxify the liver (liver ) . Therefore papaya seeds are often recommended doctor - doctor of naturopathy for treatment of liver cirrhosis (hardening of the liver ) .

To enjoy the papaya seeds , seeds or dried directly eat mashed . Or , mix 1/4 cup of papaya seeds with a spoon

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Benefits and rambutan seed content

Benefits and rambutan seed content , we definitely know rambutan . This fruit has unique characteristics and attractive with the hair on the skin of the fruit . It's green when young, then gradually yellow , to red when ripe . It was sweet . In addition , at the time of the season , the fruit is easily found on the roadside with a light price .
In fact , outside of Java, it could be worthless . Usually , people know him simply as fruit or sweets made ​​. However , it could also plant for treatment .

Rambutan fruit ( Nephelium lappaceum ) is a tropical plant belonging to the tribe lerak - lerakan or Sapincia CEAP came from the islands of Southeast Asia .

Division : Mognoliophyta
Class : Mognoliopsida
Order : Sapindales
Family: Sapindaceae
Genus : Nephelium
Species : N. lappaceum

Rambutan trees like warm tropical climate ( average temperature 25 º C ) rambutan tree height can reach eight feet .

Rambutan plants produce flowers after seven years if grown from seed . However , at the age of two years was able to bloom if propagated vegetatively , usually married two rambutan , but are androdiocious , there are male plants and plant pansy .

Rambutan flowering is influenced by the season or the availability of water . Dry period of three months to stop the vegetative growth and stimulate the formation of flowers . In the area of North Sumatra who knew no dry season , rambutan can bear fruit twice a year . Elsewhere , dry flowers appear usually after three months ( in Java and Kalimantan usually in October and November ) .

Know Rambutan
Rambutan ( Nephelii lappacei ) is widely grown as a fruit tree , sometimes found as wild plants , especially outside Java . This tropical plant requires a humid climate with an annual rainfall of at least 2000 mm . rambutan is a lowland plant to a height of 300-600 asl .

This plant is usually between 15-25 m high , branches , and leaves are green . Fruit shape is oval , 3-5 cm long with spines temple ( hair ) until stiff limp .

Fruit skin is green , and the yellow or red when ripe . Thick fruit walls . Seeds elliptical , wrapped in transparent white flesh that can be eaten and contains a lot of water . Taste varies from sour to sweet . Woody thin seed coat .

Generally rambutan flowering at the end of the dry season and the rainy season fruit forming , around November to February . Rambutan also has many kinds of them Ropiah , The Tiger , The Mistress , Lebak Bulus and Binjei . Propagation by seed , patch budding , and grafting .

Ingredients and Benefits

This fruit contains carbohydrates , protein , fat , phosphorus , iron , calcium and vitamin C. Fruit skins contain tannins and saponins . Seeds contain fat and polyphenols . The leaves contain tannins and saponins . The bark contains tannin , saponin , flavonida , pectic substance , and iron .

Rambutan fruits stored in the drug efficacy invaluable , according to the study of medicinal plants expert , rambutan fruit contains iron , potassium , vitamin C sapai in every 100 grams ( about 3 rambutan fruit contains 69 calories , 18.1 grams of carbohydrates , and 58 mg vitamin ) . Rambutan fiber content is also quite high , about 2 grams per 100 grams of fruit weight . Character like this fruit is consumed suitable people who are dieting lose or maintain weight .

Parts of this plant can be used as a drug is used to treat skin fruit dysentery and fever , bark used to treat canker sores , the leaves are used to treat diarrhea and black hair , the root used to treat fever , and seeds used to treat diabetes (diabetes mellitus ) .

Method and Example of Usage

For drugs taken , no dosing recommendation . For external use , the leaves are rolled till smooth, then add a little water . Then water the juice can be used for hair care . As an example of its use is as follows :


Rambutan fruit skin ( 10 pieces ) washed , then dippotong pieces as needed . Then add 3 cups of clean drinking water , then boiled until the water remaining half . Once cool, filtered and taken 2 times a day , each three -fourths cup .


Rambutan skin that has been dried ( 15 g ) was washed . Then add 3 cups water , then boiled for 15 minutes . Once cool, filtered and drink 3 times a day , each third section .

Hair Care

Rambutan leaf sufficiently washed , then ground into powder . A little water is added , stirring until a dough like mush . Then , squeezed and didisaring with a piece of cloth . The collected water is used to moisten the scalp . This is done every day until you see the results .


Rambutan seeds ( 5 seeds ) sangran fried ( sangria ) , and then ground to a powder . Then , brewed with one cup of hot water . After the cold water is taken at once . Do it 1-2 times a day .


Bark rambutan ( 3 knuckles ) washed , then boiled with 2 cups water until the remaining one cup . Then used to rinse while warm .

What about rambutan fruit seeds ? Turns rambutan seed can also be utilized . Rambutan seeds are not poisonous and contain carbohydrates , fats , proteins , which can meet the nutritional needs of the body . Rambutan seed polyphenols also quite high in fat . The composition of chemicals in the rambutan seed yield efficacy hypoglycemic ( blood sugar lowering ) so that the rambutan seed lot used for alternative medicine to normalize blood sugar levels of people with diabetes ( diabetes mellitus are likely to be high ) .

Take five trick is ripe rambutan , separate the seeds . Cut rambutan seeds into small parts , then roasted till golden black . Finely milled to a powder . Enter the full powder into a cup , brewed with hot water . Once cool , clear drinking water section at once waste pulp or sediment . Do it before eating as much as 1-3 times a day , depending on how high sugar levels while doing this therapy . Consumption every day if necessary .

Well, that was the benefit of rambutan fruit . It turns out that not only meat rambutan fruit that can be eaten or used , for you who like the rambutan do not be afraid to eat a lot , but should be limited also by how much, too much can also make the stomach feel sakit.Tak unexpectedly , it turns out the red hair has medicinal properties as well . No harm in trying. For those who have a broad perkarangan , why not try to grow it ? In addition to easy and cheap , too quickly bear fruit . One more thing , could be used as a medicinal plant collection .

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Benefits and content of sunflower seeds

Benefits and content of sunflower seeds . Sunflower seeds are a gift to our health . It is seed grayish - green or black which is the result of a sunflower . In Indonesia, sunflower seeds are often processed into snacks like watermelon seeds sunflower seeds .
Sunflower seeds are an excellent food for adequate nutrition value and we often think of as a healthy snack . Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of polyunsaturated oils and are made ​​of sunflower seeds are a good food for heart health . But other than that sunflower seeds are a great source of other valuable nutrients as well .

The content of sunflower seeds Almost 90 % of the fat in sunflower seeds are good fats , unsaturated fats . Sunflower seeds also contain monounsaturated fats that help lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol ( bad cholesterol ) while increasing HDL cholesterol ( good cholesterol ) . In addition , sunflower seeds contains Vitamin E and Vitamin B 1 ( Thiamin ) . Manganese , magnesium , copper , selenium , phosphorus , vitamin B 3 ( niacin ) , vitamin B5 ( Pantothenic ) and folate can also be found in good numbers in the sunflower seeds .

Efficacy of Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are very rich in valuable nutrients , it is not surprising that the seeds have a huge positive impact on our health .

Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E. As we know Vitamin E is an antioxidant . Vitamin E fight free radicals and storing cells , including brain cells from damage . Vitamin E prevents heart disease . Antioxidants in Vitamin E fight free radicals and prevent them from oxidizing cholesterol . This makes a healthy heart condition and reduce the risk of heart attack , stroke and deep vein thrombosis .
 Anti - inflammatory Vitamin E reduces the likelihood of asthma , osteoarthritis , and rheumatoid arthritis . Vitamin E also reduces the risk of any disease or condition associated with inflammation . In addition Vitamin E also helps in reducing the risk of colon cancer .
Sunflower seeds contain large amounts of folate . Folate is an essential nutrient for our health . It is Vitamin B plays an important role in the production of new body cells by helping to form DNA and RNA . Folate and Vitamin B 12 helps to form hemoglobin in red blood cells . Folate also helps in lowering the risk of heart disease . Sunflower seeds also contain zinc which is beneficial to keep our immune system strong .
Sunflower seeds also contain a good amount of magnesium . Magnesium helps prevent asthma , high blood pressure , and prevent migraine headaches . It blocks calcium to enter into nerve cells and blood vessels . By blocking calcium , prevent muscle spasms and contractions suddenly nervous .
Dietary fiber in sunflower seeds controlling cholesterol and blood glucose levels and also promote good digestion . Sunflower seeds contain tryptophan - an amino acid that helps to produce serotonin .
Selenium is a mineral that plays an important role in overall health . It helps to repair DNA , reduce the growth of cancer cells . Selenium works with vitamin E and helps prevent heart disease as well . Sunflower seeds are rich in selenium and this is another reason why the sunflower seeds are very good for our health .
Sunflower seeds are in the middle of sunflower wide . This flower seeds have been consumed since thousands of years ago . Sunflower seeds are added to the many different types of dishes such as porridge , soup , salad , etc. . Sunflower seeds and savory tastes good because it contains fat . Sunflower seeds are considered as one of the super foods because of rich nutrients for health .
Here are some of the health benefits of sunflower seeds .

1 . Maintaining Cardiovascular Health ( Heart and Blood Vessels )
Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, which plays an important role in preventing cardiovascular disease . Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps prevent the oxidation of cholesterol by free radicals . If cholesterol is oxidized by free radicals then cholesterol will stick to blood vessel walls and cause atherosclerosis (clogged arteries by cholesterol plaque ) that can lead to clogged arteries , heart disease and stroke .

2 . helping Growth
Sunflower seeds are a good source of protein . Protein is necessary for the body to build muscle so it is better for the price consumed by children aged growth . 100 grams of sunflower seeds contains about 21 grams of protein ( 37 % recommended daily protein intake ) .

3 . Reducing the Risk of Diabetes
Sunflower seeds contain chlorogenic acid which helps reduce blood glucose levels by limiting the breakdown of glycogen in the liver .

4 . protecting Nerve
Vitamin B1 strengthen the myelin coating of nerve function nerve menlindungi . Vitamin B1 deficiency can cause nerve damage and disrupt the myelin coating of nerve function .

5 . source of Antioxidants
Vitamin E is found in the seeds of the sun relationship is an antioxidant that plays a role of free radicals , preventing cell damage and cell mutations caused by free radicals .

6 . Reducing Risk of Cancer
Sunflower seeds are a good source of the mineral selenium . Selenium exhibits against cell damage and plays a role in DNA repair cells . Selenium demonstrated the ability to reduce the risk of colon cancer , bladder cancer and prostate cancer .

7 . Maintain Healthy Skin
Vitamin E is contained in sunflower seeds is also very beneficial for maintaining healthy skin . Vitamin E is known to prevent skin cell damage due to ultraviolet light .

8 . healthy Brain
Sunflower seeds contain folate which is an essential nutrient for the brain , so the brain and helps maintain healthy brain function .

9 . Maintaining Bone Health
Sunflower seeds are rich in minerals magnesium and phosphorus are needed to build strong bones and healthy .

10 . healthy Hair
Every 100 grams of sunflower seeds contains 5.25 mg of iron ( 63 % of daily needs ) and 5 mg of zinc ( 45 % of daily needs ) . Both of these minerals are essential to maintaining the fertility of hair .

Monday, 16 December 2013

Benefits and content of basil seeds

Benefits and content of basil seeds . You would be familiar with the small black seeds surrounded by translucent white color outside it . Yes ... the seed is the size of a sesame sweet basil . Basil is usually used for cold drinks as a complementary mix .

If you want to own membut basil seeds , can be made from the flowers that have been dried basil leaves .
When dried basil flowers , he will issue the seeds are small black . To get basil , beans are soaked with water and it will appear translucent white membrane dipinggiranya .

Itself derived plant basil seeds Basil Thailand , and was introduced by the Indians . Basilikum or Ocimum is a group of plants that is used leaves , flowers and seeds as a spice as a refresher ( tonic ) .

Content of Seed Basil

Based on research , basil has 3 types of active ingredients that have been known that eugenol which can serve as a fungicide , tymol which can serve as a repellent ( insect blocker ) and eugenol metal that serves as an attractant ( decoy ) fruit fly pests .

Seed Basil Benefits

In the world of health , basil seeds also have many benefits . According to Prof . Hembing experts plants , basil seeds have calming properties ( sedative ) so it can be useful to reduce state anxiety, insomnia or frequent nervousness . It also can be useful to help overcome problems such as constipation indigestion maupunpanas in . There's more , basil also has pharmacological effects stimulate absorption , blood circulation , relieve spasms ( antispasmodic ) , laxative sweat ( diaforetic ) , relieve pain ( analgetic ) , laxative urine ( diuretic ) , reduce fever ( antipirotic ) , cleanse toxins and enhance the immune system .

Other benefits basil seeds :

Addressing Inflammation LambungCaranya : Boil 5 grams of basil seeds with 200cc of water , add 1 tablespoon of honey . While warm drink 2 times a day . Each - each 100cc .
WajahCaranya Smooth Skin : Puree basil seeds into a powder to taste , add enough cold water and apply to the skin and set aside some time . lkukan 1 time a day for maximum results .
Healing the Pain GigiCaranya : Boil 10 g of basil seeds , 4 cloves grains with water . While warm drink the cooking water .
KepalaCaranya cure : Boil 5 g basil seeds , 15 g of ginger and 15 pieces angco ( can be purchased at the grocery store china ) with 400 cc of water until the remaining half . Strain and drink water , and eat together angconya basil seeds .
Often overcome GugupCaranya : Pour 5 g basil seeds with 200 cc of hot water , then drink the water every day . Once drink 2 teaspoons .

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Benefits and content of nutmeg

Benefits and content of nutmeg . Nutmeg ( Myristica fragrans ) tree is a plant form that is derived from the Banda Islands , Maluku . Due to the high value as a spice , fruit and nutmeg has become an important trade commodity since Roman times . Pala is mentioned in the works of Pliny encyclopedia "Old " . Since the time of European exploration nutmeg widespread in tropical regions such as Mauritius and the Caribbean ( Grenada ) .
The term is also used for nutmeg nutmeg traded .

These plants married two ( dioecious ) so well known male trees and female trees . The leaves are elliptical slim . The fruit is oval shaped like a lemon , yellow , fleshy and flavorful distinctive because it contains essential oils in the flesh. When ripe , the skin and flesh of the fruit open and the seeds will be seen draped in red mace . The fruit produces the brown seeds .

Nutmeg has antiemetic properties of a chemical that has benefits for nausea or large muntah.Begitu properties of nutmeg are common in parts of the meat , leather , nutmeg seed to flower which once contained the chemical content in it .

Research conducted to test how much nutrient is contained in the Nutmeg Seeds are not in vain , proved to be a lot of good substances that the body needs .
Ingredients include nutmeg
Content of Nutmeg Fruit Energy = 42 kcal
Protein Content of Fruit Nutmeg = 0.3 g
Fat Content of Fruit Nutmeg = 0.2 g
Carbohydrate Content of Fruit Nutmeg = 10.9 g
Calcium Content of Fruit Nutmeg = 32 mg
Iron Content of Fruit Nutmeg = 2 mg
The content of Vitamin A Fruit Nutmeg = 29 IU
Nutmeg Fruit Content of Vitamin B1 = 0 mg
Vitamin C content of fruit Nutmeg = 22 mg
Nutmeg Seed Benefits :

1 . Suli treating sleep ( insomnia )

It's easy , take 1 piece of nutmeg and grow until smooth and give a little water . place the patient at the temples at night when going to sleep .

2 . Treating Dizziness head

Take 1 piece of nutmeg and mix with 7 pieces of betel leaf , cloves 7 pieces , then all pounded until smooth . Add a little water and apply on the neck and head crown sufferers .

3 . Treating ear pain

Way, take nutmeg and mahogany seeds , then finely crushed . Add 1/2 liter of water , then boil and simmer for 10 minutes . Squirt water on the ear as much as 4 to 5 times .

4 . Abdominal pain relievers

5 . Eliminate acne and blemishes

6 . Cope with nausea

7 . Relieve ulcer disease

8 . Cure hoarseness

Humans much busyness in everyday activities so much that had the name insomnia . Disease will easily come when someone less sleep . Parkinson's disease is one , It can take place due to the degeneration of brain cells that produce dopamine .

Weakness drugs made ​​from chemicals to treat insomnia whose name has side effects when used in a long period of time , and when using a chemical-based drug dependence can arise and can improve the continuous dosing .

Herbal remedies to nature around us and very close to us that nutmeg . The nutmeg is now available in capsule form looks more practical nutmeg .

Nutmeg Seed Research For Diabetes Drugs

Benefits of nutmeg in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus due to activation as antihyperglycemic and antidislipidemik and can lower the risk of complications in pacemaker by inflammation , endothelial dysfunction , and atherosclerosis mealalui its activity as an antioxidant and antiinflimasi .

Before nutmeg used for antidiabetic there are various drugs that can treat diabetes , one of which is Thiazolidinedion ( TZD ) . There are also people who decide nutmeg to research materials because kaunikan of these plants .

There are some researchers who managed to isolate the active compound macelignan of nutmeg and has a potential role as an agonist in the manufacturing process for the development of antidiabetic drugs and antihiperlipidemia .

A researcher Fokos only for the development of the nutmeg seed , and have a full Convictions that whole nutmeg plant has other benefits , a researcher was inspired to explore the research objectives . And the results of his research have been patented and presented at an international seminar .

Nutmeg plants are also so many in Indonesia , the same as in the country of India . This can have many advantages as a material for medicines , and could be the solution to the world 's health and can help the community .
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Friday, 13 December 2013

Benefits and mango seed content

Benefits and mango seed content . Mango or mango is the name of a fruit , so the name of the holt . Mangoes belong to the genus Mangifera , consisting of 35-40 members , and tribal Anacardiaceae . Scientific name is Mangifera indica . Mango trees including higher plants which stem structure ( habitus ) , clusters arboreus ,
ie woody plants that have a high shaft more than 5 m . Mango can reach 10-40 m high .

The name is derived from the Malayalam fruit maanga . The word is matched in a mango Indonesia , and on the other , these words brought to Europe by the Portuguese and absorbed into manga (Portuguese ) , mango ( English) and others. Own scientific name about expressive : " ( tree ) of mango fruit , native to India " .

Mango, a seasonal fruit that is easy enough in get in Indonesia despite the fact it is a native of India . It tastes sweet and fresh and soft pulpy texture make easy mango favored anyone. It joins other mangoes . Not surprisingly, it is easily found in the market , because konsumennya virtually all walks of life. Well for your mango connoisseur , after consuming mango , do not throw away the seeds so . Why ? Because, mangoes benefit was varied .

Mango Seed Content
Because of ignorance and lack of information , many of us who simply want to treat mangoes household waste . But further research to prove the benefits of the members of the mangoes are quite significant if treated correctly. These nutrients would not be disassociated from the content of compounds present in mango seed itself. Substances proven to contain among other carbohydrates total of 19.52 % of the total weight of beans, fat of 3.80 % of the total weight of the mangoes and protein 3.78% of the total weight of the mangoes . This research proves that the mangoes , besides functioning as a mango seed , could also be a good source of carbohydrates . Did you , when famine strikes Indians season , people would take advantage of this mangoes instead of rice and wheat .
Mango Seed Benefits
The benefits of mangoes was varied , not merely a matter of alternative sources of carbohydrates, mangoes are also trolley can cope with outbreaks of disease . This is consistent with research conducted by Christina Engels of the University of Alberta . He found the fact that mangoes can help the handling of the epidemic of disease listeriosis . This has been proven in Canada in 2012 . The benefits associated with pure tannin content in mangoes which can hinder the performance of different types of bacteria , including listeria.
Benefits other mangoes is to treat diarrheal diseases . It is easy that is to dry the mango seed and then discarded shell . Then it turned into the powder and brewed with hot water if to be used as medicine for diarrhea .
Benefits other mangoes are as powder manufacturing materials that can be used as material consumption . It is easy . Only dry the inside of the mangoes and then turned into powder . Follow- packed in airtight containers and ready to use when needed .
 Similarly, the benefits and content of mango seed . Hopefully useful.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Benefits of Grape Seed And Gynecology

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Benefits of Grape Seed and Gynecology . Wine is a fruit plant propagating shrubs belonging to the family Vitaceae . The fruit is usually used to make grape juice , jelly , wine , grape seed oil and raisins , or eaten directly . This fruit also contains many compounds known as polyphenols and resveratrol which is active in the metabolism of the body ,
and be able to prevent the formation of cancer cells and other diseases . This activity is also associated with the presence of secondary metabolites in grapes that act as antioxidants and compounds that can counteract free radicals .

The content of grape seed
Bioflavonoids . Grape seed in the womb , there is a bioflavonoid that helps to strengthen and protect the cell . Thus the skin and all parts of your body will be more resistant to attack the sun and other free radicals .
Vitamins A , C and E. The content of vitamins in fruit and grape seeds have a good ability to repair damaged cells . If you have a wound in the skin that are recovering , eating grapes is a good way to help recover it .
Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins . An antioxidant substance that is able to provide protection and maintain the skin from wrinkles . So that by eating grape extract , your skin stay beautiful and youthful .
Health benefits of grape seed

Grape seed would normally be discarded when we eat grapes . But you know, that grape seeds have many health benefits ?

Many of us have concerns when taking grape seed will cause the appendix as if we consume chili beans . But this would not be a problem because not every grape seeds chilli seeds , so it is still safe to eat especially if you consider the benefits for our body . But it would be nice to eliminate this concern , you should first grape seeds chewed before swallowing .

1 . Free -radical scavengers . Dr.Masquelier , a French researcher , discovered anti-cancer agents such as proanthocyanidins in grape seeds . Efficacy proanthocyanidins can prevent free radicals multiply 20 times the vitamin C and 50 times of vitamin E. Grape seed extract is also considered safer than supplements antioxidant vitamins A and E because it dissolved in water .

2 . Anti cancer . Quoted in The Times of India , extract from grape seeds add rows penghalau cancer cells to proliferate .

Rajesh Agarwal , PhD , a researcher at the University of Colorado Cancer Center and professor at the Skaggs School of Pharmaceutical Sciences , stated that grape seed extract has advantages in killing cancer cells without killing healthy cells .

Another potential generated by grape seed extract is as second-line treatment of head and neck cancer , however Agarwal hoped that these findings be developed in clinical testing .

3 . Preventing stroke . According to the research , grape seed contains minerals , zinc ( Zn ) and manganese ( Mn ) are beneficial to the body . Grape seed contains endungeoned pycnogenol , which is a substance that kologen amplifier can maintain the flexibility of our blood vessels . Flexibility of blood vessels is essential to prevent the symptoms of a stroke .

4 . Moisturize the skin . Grape seed is able to lock in moisture and strengthen the function of the outermost layer of the skin . This function is the same as walnut extract and lupins that have omega 3 , 6 , and 9 . Also contains vitamins which can moisturize , improve blood circulation and nourish the skin from within .

5 . To maintain the health of human body cells , the ageless and more resistant to disease . Based on the research PhD character named Shiuan Chen of the Beckman Research Institute , aggur seeds contain certain compounds that can suppress the activity of estrogen is too excessive and could led to breast cancer . It is related to the content of grape seed proanthocyanidins / GSPs that are known potent inhibiting the action of estrogen .

6 . In addition to the above , the compound grape seed proanthocyanidins / GSPs also proved able to block the adverse effects of UV rays which if left unchecked will lead to substance karsiogenik or trigger cancer . With compound grape seed proanthocyanidins / GSPs , potentials can be reduced .

7 . Role to increase libido in men . Lack of sex drive due to unbalanced nutrition . Grape seed containing a number of minerals proven to improve the quality of the male sex . This is consistent with the research of Dr. . Febri of University of Muhammadiyah Malang . Seialin it , he also states that grape seeds are also very good to help the inflammation of the prostate in men .

8 . Keeping your youthfulness . Why ? Because the content of grape seed proanthocyanidins / GSPs or also called OPCs have anti - oxidant power of 20-fold compared with Vitamins C , E and A. The uniqueness of grape seed proanthocyanidins compounds / GSPs make it more effective against free radicals so he very well against the symptoms of aging .

Benefits of Grape Seed And Gynecology probe is quite unusual , but you are still forbidden to consume too much because it will make you urinate ketch . It 's just a harmless seungguhnya troublesome . Additionally , much better if you smooth the grape seeds and mix with other fruits to make it more nutritious . Choose grapes with dark colors because the quality of the seeds twice as good . If you do not want to be bothered choosing activities grape seed , there is no direct capsule salahnye buy grape seed extract or grape seed oil .